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seths funny crash part 2

same fat kid, same crash, 5 minutes later. hahahah


  • + 55
 was this still from the same crash ?
and wat a pussy!!
  • + 35
 nie ass
  • + 64
 What a fucking pussy. I think we should all pitch in and buy him a set of nuts.
  • + 4
 he sounds like my brother when i get pissed off at him Razz
  • + 3
 the fat kid is a pussy but i bet the kid with the camera wouldnt even try that pathetic little gap
  • + 27
 lookin like a fool with your pants on the ground
  • + 3
 hahahaha i love that song Smile
  • + 11
 and i dont like his buttcrack
  • + 13
 what a disgrace to all mountain bikers, we are ashamed lol walk it off, dont cry
  • + 3
 yeah i dont get how someone could screw up that bad tho like you would have to be retarded and missing an eye to do that
  • + 4
  • + 5
 say no to "crack"
  • + 7
 he should be playing soccer not biking
  • + 4
 hey jackpike were also gonna need to save up to remove his vagina first..
  • + 21
 BAHAHAHAHA WHAT A FUCKING BABY IVE CRASHED WAY WORSE AND I GOT UP AND LAUGHED If you cant handle a bruise like that your in the wrong sport
  • + 12
 Yea lol Mine was the best one but, i was riding and i smacked a tree at full speed and wounded my self and when you wound yourself your like cant not try to breath so your pushing breath in and out with all your might and when i finally got my breath back so after like 10 seconds of the fall this guy was helping me and i kinda... uhm farted in his face when he was picking my helmet up lol
  • + 1
 Ooh and it turned out i broke 2 ribs lol
  • + 1
 no dude that was a really gnarly crash, he nosed a 6 foot gap, and fell over! haha what a pussy!!!
  • + 14
 I wish i could take pain that well.
  • + 8
 hahahahahahahahahaha wat a fuking weak pussy.... i broke my arm [look at the pics on my profile] and the first thing i asked was where is my picthe docs and ambos had to tell my parents to lock up my bikes b4 i ot home lol....
the fat kid fell like i metre with a full face ive fallen like 3 metres on to my head and i got up and walked away... i pulled all the mucles and tendons in my arm and shoulder but u no shit happens
  • + 1
 see id love to go on about how i was doing some sick tricks, cracked my head open and didnt even notice, but if im honest i just ran into a skip, a big yellow skip. it still haunts my nightmares!
  • + 6
 next time you're in a sports store, thing to get:
Elbow pads
Knee pads
Spine armor
Kidney belt
Balls, lots of balls....

walk it off, don't cry... otherwise you're friend will post this on youtube as "fat kid bike fail" for millions to enjoy. actually nevermind that last bit, tell him to keep 'em coming.
  • + 8
 what did he do? crash and break his cookies?
  • + 6
 wow. i can understand some people cant take pain but really? this should be laughter. he sacked himself and scraped himself a bit. hes goota learn to love the pain
  • + 4
 well, i wouldnt say learn the love the pain, then things get abit weird. id say more like learn to take the pain...
  • + 2
 but some people r into that kinky shit
  • + 7
 this is why condoms were invented
  • + 3
 hey everyone dont be so mean just enjoy all the laughter we got from this hahaha what a pussy maybe mom and dad took his training wheels off way to soon p.s and dont take up knitting you would probably still get hurt try ........ collecting rocks
  • + 4
  • + 1
 im sorry i can relate to this kid when i was erm 5-6 i tried to pull a wheely and fell of the back of my bike onto a mother fucking brick i cracked 2 vertebra i cried for while seeing as i was uber young! my back still hurts till this day so i would say it was fair enough!
  • + 1
 GROW SOME BALLS my firend broke his arm and collarbone in a crash...HE WAS 12 he didnt cry, just got up and was like, i think we should o back to canada (cus were canadian and were in the us and we didnt have health insurance in the US) and he waited 7 HOURS at the border with his broken body
  • + 1
 oh my god people fall off of huge drops in red bull rampage and get up and try it again but this kid like has a tiny little fall and hes crys for like 5 minuts and then wants to quit biking! I'm Guessing this isnt the sport for you
  • + 4
 hahaha i dont think i have enough tears to cr that long
  • + 1
 Wtf.. that kid is the biggest pussy.. i know people who have been concussed.. and been up on five mins and walking around.. little frickin kids..
  • + 1
 i have done like that exact same crash and got up and laughed my as off about and i had a way worst cut then this kid, and pp.s pull up ur pants.
  • + 1
 hahahahaha what thats a long time to cry for that lil scratch hahaha i feel bad for laughing but its just so funny. hope he didnt give up after that though
  • + 1
 Yea its kinda horrible wat were all saying but GEEZUS! That big a reaction for a crash that small?!? Somebody needs to make the transition from crying to swearing and/or laughing and/or just sucking it up. cuz that reaction wont get u anywhere. ur rite though, i hope that didnt make him give up
  • + 2
 This is darwinism, natures way of telling him he souldn't pass on the front-flip-off-a-bike gene
  • + 3
 I suggest you try another sport......Like knitting
  • + 2
 MAN SPEED KNITTING IS THE SHIT!!!!!!!! f*ck YEA \m/>.\m/
  • + 1
 at least6 there will be no bears around they'll be like what the hell is that
  • + 1
 i broke my collar bone and 3 ribs at the same time and didn't cry that much
  • + 1
 hahahahahhahahahahhah he was squeeling like a pig hahahah aahhhhhhhoooooooooo hahahahay oink oink
  • + 1
 hey suplafli, your f'ing retarded, my profile pis is me sailing it you dumb fuck
  • + 1
 lol 5 mins later his mate say" only little red and blue2 other word shut it..
  • + 2
 wow how do you cry for that long over a little crash lol
  • + 1
 sometimes i wish i could cry like that after a crash... bet it felt nice to spill a few tears! lol
  • + 2
  • + 2
 Yeah he's still a pussy!!!!!!!!
  • + 2
  • + 2
 lol it wasnt even that bad of a crash...
  • + 1
 Like Cartman from SouthPark
  • + 1
 LOL! ACT LIKE A MAN BI*CH!.... well at least he wear a helmet....
  • + 1
 hhahahahaha what a pussy
  • + 1
 lol, this kid will never live this down!
  • + 1
 what a pussy you have 2 little scaches and nice ass
  • + 1
 what a wip i think we all had worst crashes thhan that
  • + 1
 does your vag hurt Pimp
  • + 1
 when i broke my thumb i did i not cry
  • + 1
 omfg wat a FUCKING PUSSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
  • + 1
 like i said the last vid, put the bike down
  • + 1
 I think he's doing it wrong.
  • + 1
 props for shaun9 not for you baby bitches
  • + 1
 lolol what a wiener lol dude get that crack outta here!
  • + 1
 is he still crying today?
  • + 1
 hmmm, it was probably his first crash.
  • + 1
 watch my other vid and youll see
  • + 1
 fuck buddy if u cry that much whats the point of biking PUSSSSSSSY
  • + 1
 pull your panties up mate
  • + 1
 hahaha he has major love handles!
  • + 1
 hahah that was the funnyest shit i've ever seen, lol
  • + 1
 that kid is fat as shit and still wat a pussy
  • + 1
 i feel bad for that kid and stop calling him a pussy you guys are idiots
  • + 1
 ass crack, up the back, fag you need a brand new sack
  • + 1
 his ass was unpleasnt
  • + 2
 damn ! he's good
  • + 1
 pull up your pants
  • + 1
 nice ass crack
  • + 1
  • + 1
 crack kills
  • + 1
  • + 1
 whatta pussy
  • + 1
 what a little bitch..
  • + 1
 nice ass crack.
  • + 1
 grow some
  • + 1
 Nice ass Wink
  • + 1
 hehehhhhee part 2
  • + 1
 what a pusssy!
  • + 1
 i have a norco
  • + 1
 cool story bro
  • + 1
 lol what a tit
  • + 1
 Grow some balls pussy!
  • + 1
  • + 1
 nice shorts
  • + 1
 just wow
  • + 0
 wow, double fail.
  • - 1
 yea, like 5 minutes later

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