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just plain gnar

neat edit that i made


  • + 5
 what a waste of my time you dumb fuck, i want 94.8 seconds back of my life.
  • - 8
flag motoxracer189 (Feb 13, 2009 at 18:18) (Below Threshold)
 if u liked it you would have sstill said that. so shut ur fucking mouth cause all his vids are like thiss so if u want ur 94 seconds back of like pull it outa ur ass so gtfo.
  • + 0
 wow terry com down. editing wasn't bad but where is the 180 jeeze.
  • - 2
 i couldn't 180 down it because i tried but then i hit the railing when i was at like 90 degrees and got owned so yeah.
  • + 2
 you do go to a special school dont you?
  • - 2
 yeah i do why?
  • + 2
 knew it
  • - 1
 i am pretty shure that i told you that before anyways back when we were talking about why exactly i didnt use a drill press when i was putting holes is the crossbar of my lumberjacks
  • + 1
 ya they don't let the special ed kids into are shops
  • - 2
 i meant special school as in private not retarded lol
  • + 1
 i didn't
  • + 2
 yea gabe that was a nice bunny hop. but jumping down them was gay. plus why did u bunny hop the camera cause when evan did in coburge u freaked out
  • - 1
 WTF??? your bitching at me, and you still say something similar? your a idiot but w.e
  • - 1
 know not at all. i stated somthing. then complmented. your just being a hater cause you dont really know him...
  • - 1
 ok i've seen people mix up "know" and "now" but never have i seen somebody mix up "know" and "no"
  • - 1
 rofl yeah terry seems to be a bit grammatically challenged and the only reason that i freaked out when evan hopped over the camera was because his shadow got in the shot.
  • + 0
 hey chate life stfu u fucking retard. Go get a life
  • + 0
 hey im grammatically challenged to Smile , but i know the difference between the two Razz
  • + 0
 motoxracer189, is your name motoxracer 189 because your 189 years old? HAHA YOUR AN OLD OLD MAN HAHAHAHHAHA
  • - 1
 no thats his number plate
  • + 0
 lol i was joking hahah
  • + 3
 fuckin gnar
  • + 3
 wow he actually rode his bike... or rather pushed his bike.
  • + 1
 Oh fuck ya just owning that 3...
  • + 1
 Woah, you suck, quit makin useless videos and get a drivetrain
  • + 1
 cased taht 3 set hopping up Smile
  • + 0
 godamn gabe sick shit come shovel out my park and we shall ridee
  • - 1
 you guys always have way more snow then us. see if you could maybe get a ride down to the courtice park because i am pretty shure that it is already clear.
  • + 0
 why do we want to see you roll down stairs?
  • + 1
  • - 2
 pretty cool,nice hop up that set btw

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