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Scoping lines, digging trails and learning more about the world in the progress!


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 I hope so too but, in reality we both know the truth. Humans have been absorbed in the natural world for thousands of years and in that time have made huge strides to better develop society. Now, in 2015 we are more away from nature than ever before. Only those who get outside and play know the truth and beauty of our world and how everything is coexisting trying to acclimate to current development but at times its too much. Here in Japan its sad to say most people have never really experienced nature, they rather run from it! hahahahha I dream of a balance! However daily I see too many signs of inconsistency. My neighbour still burns plastic everyday with black plumes billowing out of his backyard's fire pit. Beautiful video, it makes me happy and sad at the same time. You have made a powerful message with some very scenic shots, footage I could never get, hahah Top notch work mate! Now, Im waiting to see that lip get some air time! RideOn!
  • + 1
 Thanks Niko.

True, we are far from where we need to be but recently I have tried to be an optimist with places like Costa Rica recently switching to a 100% renewable energies and people like Elon Musk in the world there is still some hope!

At least for us the world always seems better when on a bike.. I need to go send it!
  • + 1
 Very true! There is still hope and its being seen here in Japan as well. Solar panels are going up all over the place. Small little steps one at a time will hopeful regain some respect to mother earth. Im just sad when everyday I still see 90% of the population uncaring and ignorant to simple problems defacing our planet.
However, videos like this and people stepping out to educate people to better our world is necessary.

I just watched a little and read a little on Elon Musk, very interesting.

Im off to go for a ride!
  • + 1
 Haha.. ignorance is rampant here in Australia too where its known as 'Boganizm'. I think a lot of people feel trapped in the system here where their only way to escape is to shut out the world and all its challenges and just stick their head in the sand. It is really hard to free your mind when you feel that you are owned by the bank and insurance companies.
  • + 1
 Very much so! I have never let myself feel trapped so Im usually in a super chill mood, ahhahhah Boganizim, thats a wicked name! hahahahha In reality nothing has changed as for how people think and feel in thousands of years. Its our job to educate our young ones with the knowledge we know to better suit them for their future. RideOn bro!
  • + 1
 Every thing is Nature. Difficult concept to grasp. Thanks to the literature of man saying we are superior. We are part of Nature sharing with ALL other living beings. So when you said a balance between Nature and the Engineering of Man I thought. Right On! Some one who gets it. I was profoundly moved by your message. I strive to embrace progress and keep in mind that I share my planet with every thing and every one else.
  • + 1
 Thanks Sshredder. I think its true.. no point in rejecting progress, as you say, embrace it and look at the bigger picture of how we can all fit in. Massive challenge but the stakes are even bigger!
  • + 1
 I really hope your right. Its disheartening to loose more and more of our natural environment. The balance is more towards economic gain rather than maintaining and preserving our parks and recreation areas within the urban jungle. Awesome video! Cheers
  • + 1
 Thanks Orcello. Simply scanning the surface of the planet via google earth tells that story well. We are no longer passengers on this planet, hopefully we stop driving it like we stole it!
  • + 1
 Damn! Some really interesting thoughts and ideas being expressed here. Striking that balance between is key. Riding bikes has given us perspectives and experiences the vast majority of people have no concept of.
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 Is true.. I like to think so. Mountain biking has come to mean more to me than I ever thought it would. Is hard to not view the world thru this lense now.. always striving for flow and balance!
  • + 1
 Cool video very hard work bro, but big satisfaction to see you ride on ! waiting to see big jumps right !
  • + 1
 Thanks bro. Yes, trail building is hard work! Look forward to sending it.
  • + 1
 what is progress? to what? what is the end game?
  • + 1
 Good questions man.

I asked the Indian guys I worked with in Malaysia the same question..
they were manual labouring on a farm for a few dollars a day, no machinery, very basic living quarters.. their answer was telling:
To provide my children with a decent start to life, with education and health a priority.

I guess we are already ticking those boxes here in the 'developed' world.
We have other challenges now.

Maybe progress is about overcoming whatever challenge we are presented with in order to make a 'perceived' improvement.

As for the end game..
I dont know, maybe to spread life indefinitely throughout the universe, either that or sit here drinking beer and watching the internet? Which is what I'm doing right now!
  • + 1
 nice. I struggle with this question and wonder if what we call progress is for something or if we feel the need to always move. pursuit of happiness, pursuit of perfection. I dunno. progress is infinite but the earth is finite. feel like 'progress' leads us to take steps backwards at times. Funny but when I can get rid of something that's in my life that I don't need and make it simpler and less impactful, less material, that feels like progress. it's too easy to say that new things we make are progress but that's not what it means to me. on the other hand progress can be growth and growth can be learning that can lead to wisdom. sorry to be so deep but this is my latest puzzle to think about. I want the world to be better and I want to be a part of the solution. In the meantime, life is amazing and I try to savour each moment. this precious thing that we all participate in. it is awesome. and beer is also awesome.
  • + 1
 I hear what your saying about minimalism. Also 'detachment' is an interesting philosophy that helps us accept that all things are transient and that nothing last forever..not even civilizations.Like you I just try to enjoy every moment and make the best of every situation. This may sound far fetched and all bromantic but I think trail riding has really shaped me as a person and helped me to form a personal philosophy based on maintaining flow in all areas of life.
  • + 1
 nothing wrong with bromantic. I went for a ride this morning and felt a euphoria that only riding seems to give me. I'm ready for the day, my friend. without riding I wouldn't be the man I am. the great lesson of some eastern philosophies is that life is impermanent, imperfect and incomplete. acceptance of those leads to wisdom and peace. it's more difficult than it sounds but I like to think about it. and attending to the moment without attachment to the past or future is another big challenge for me. all good though. life gives us the opportunity to contemplate such things and for that reason I'm grateful.
  • + 1
 Cheers to that.
  • + 1
 It's a visual discourse, you're a video philosopher, props!
  • + 1
 Cheers brother. I had such random elements filmed..wasn't sure how to edit that together! The theme seemed to just appear after a few beers!

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