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Redbull Joyride Crankworx 2013

The big show for 2013 at Crankworx Whistler was the Redbull Joyride.


  • + 48
 Best trick at joyride was Mccaul's back flip superman seat grab bail to front flip.
  • + 41
 eheh... to tell the true was the clean triple tailwhip soderstorm. respect.
  • + 1
 flip to oppo flip was dope
  • + 8
 so sad that martin was to hurt to stand on the podium
  • + 1
 *front flip head bonk
  • + 4
 his right leg at 06:40 :X GET WELL Martin, you are my winner !
  • + 28
 Sucks to see Martin go down when he might of had a winning run. Congrats to Semenuk though. He put down an insane run!
  • - 1
 The real shitty part is after the event we talked to the judges... he still would have been in second even if he pulled off the 3 double whip....
  • + 47
 That's garbage. I hate to admit it, but Soderstrom's run made Semenuk's look like a little baby's run. Well not a little baby's run, but it was much better IMO. Too many points for Oppo tricks. I don't wanna see the same trick twice in a row, even if it's oppo. Just do the opposite trick for extra points and something else instead of doubling up.
  • + 18
 While he did have some gnarly as hell tricks up his sleeve, the awesome ones where all linked to whips, and he was very loose in his overall run, whereas Semenuk pulled a slightly greater variation of tricks, and seemed to be very clean in execution, making his run look almost basic. As with opposite tricks, I can't even get 45 degrees going opposite, let alone pulling of a an oppo double whip. They are underrated as a trick, particularly with the amount of control that Semenuk appeared to have over them.
  • + 15
 If you watch a little closer you can see Martins landings were sometimes not so good plus Semenuk flipped the cabin drop where Martin three'd it. Yes he did some pretty sick stuff but I still believe semenuks run deserved the win
  • + 13
 @natalot Definatly agree with you! In my eyes Martin Soderstrom is still the best
  • + 14
 Martin barspinned the wallride and flipped the long and low, plus no-one is doing 3 double whips off drops so if he had landed it and came second I'd have been baffled.
  • + 2
 semenuks variation would have won it for me, even if soderstrom hadnt crashed
  • - 4
flag elias15 (Aug 19, 2013 at 4:41) (Below Threshold)
 Semenuk getting points for being Semenuk and being Canadian...
  • + 15
 What's with all the hate on Semenuk? Blame the judges not him. He did what he had to do. There are no what ifs. Brandon clearly won. He pulled of a clean good run. Martin also did a good job but too bad he crashed. I still wish for him fast recovery. There's always another year to prove what he can do. Just saying.
  • + 2
 @DemoB. I think you're right in saying that Soderstrom used too many tailwhip variations. It would have been nice to see him upside down a little more. I purely just think two tricks in a row, even if done one way oppo and one way regular, should be marked down. It was like Rheeder doing the two flip whips in a row earlier this season. I'm not knocking the extreme difficulty of opposite tricks. I would just rather see the oppo double whip, and then something else instead of a regular double whip right after. And at some point, there has to be some leniency on landings when you're doing tricks mid run that nobody else can do. If it's to pedals, it should count the same, because I'd like to see tricks like triple tailwhips and three-double-whips encouraged, not discouraged by trying to land so smoothly. Really though, I'd just like to see the exact break down of how the judges score these events. Why don't they publish that? And if they do, somebody please enlighten me. Semenuk rode like a king and threw down when it mattered. No hate on him, just sometimes confused with the finer points of judging.
  • + 11
 What about if Semenuk is ambidextrous, and his run was just a little paper work? Haha just kidding... I think the real winner isn't who has the gold, the real winner is the one that push the limits and try to beat himself... So for me all the riders that maked an effort in this contest are winners... Brayden, Söderström, McCaul, Montgomery, Zejda, etc... Riders like them! They are bringing our sport to the clouds, and making us proud! And just let it go with the judges Smile Don't let the spirit of this sport burn by a difference of numbers...
  • + 3
 I just read an abundant amount of absurd shit... Thank you Pinkbike, you never cease to amaze and baffle.
  • - 1
 The decline in average intelligence here amazes me...
  • + 1
 Might of had a winning run no he was going to win for sure
  • + 14
 For all you hating on semenuk I don't think that you understand oppo tricks, a truck off a drop is crazy nevermind doing it oppo , yeah soderstroms run looked like bigger tricks, but the difficulty of Brandon's run was insane. They both pulled off crazy ass runs but at the end of the day semenuks was better.
  • + 10
 "Hey Bro, what it be?" WTF does that even mean. Awful. Sack them
  • + 7
 Most epic video ever! I had goosebumps the whole way through. Great work PB. You cant go wrong with Metallica!
  • + 4
 great to see a few of my favorite riders battle it out in front of thousand of people and throwing down some of the sickest lines and tricks iv ever seen on pinkbike. just amazing. greatest joyride ever!!!!!!!!!
  • + 4
 "holy mother trucker. shut the front door" bro...
  • + 0
 martin should have won i think yes opposite is hard still martin risked a lot to tripple whip and like one of the one the good tricks on the long jump brandon no handered it but martin back fliped it and the thre double whip cmon judges fcking homer crowd
  • + 4
 norbs hasnt got shit on soderstrom....
  • + 3
 Hope Martin get well soon...
  • + 4
  • + 2
 Did anybody else notice that Martin threw oppo up onto the cabin?
  • + 2
 yeah left hand throw oppo bar
  • + 2
 so did brandon...
  • + 3
  • + 3
  • + 1
 I can still watch this and be in suspense the wbole time even tho I have the whole thing memorized!
  • + 1
 We all know that MARTIN kicks a$$
  • + 1
 That is a realy sick resume of the joy ride !!
  • + 1
 Solder storm would have gotten 1st!!!!)!!!!!! XD [Smile
  • + 1
 Wher can I see the vid of this???
  • + 1
 holy craaapp im sooo gutted for soderstrom
  • + 2
 metallica \m/
  • + 2
 Is Martin ok ?
  • + 1
 Broken tib/fib
  • + 1
F*** YA!!
  • + 1
 Fade to black
  • + 1
 goosebumps at the end
  • + 1
  • - 1
 What was the VOD before this?
  • + 0
 this is just so sick...
  • + 0
  • + 0
 Metallica! \m/
  • - 2
 which song by metalica
  • + 2
 fade to black
  • + 0
 The Whistler yocal.
  • - 1

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