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RIP Back Seat Driver Mount Dec. 2012-Dec. 2012

Just an old man on a fire sauce.


  • + 3
 You should try a backpack alternative. I can't remember who it was, but some guy from Kamloops (on pinkbike) made a really solid gopro backpack mount.
but I had a feeling this was going to happen Razz
I tried something similar a while ago.
  • + 1
 l think l may have seen the same video --- back pack mounted rig might be the most stable outta the bunch.
  • + 1
 Epavich why didn't you warn me, hahaa. Just kidding, it was fun to see who it was going to turn out. We'll see what I can come up with next......
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 So it was a little less shaky than I thought it would be and personally I liked the view. That is until the mount suffered a catastrophic failure when I had a bad square edge hit on a large rock. I thought for sure it was going to be a flat tire but instead the mount broke midway on one side at a screw hole. The ensuing harassment to the GoPro caused the SD card to eject which was right before the second side broke to the point where the rear half of the mount was only attached by a short support bar. Thus leaving the rear half of the mount flailing around with the camera bouncing off the ground and being flung over my head and such according to eyewitness accounts. Then the camera mounting bracket on the case broke off causing me to play Find-A-Hero2 afterwards. Wish it would have kept recording til the bitter end to show it getting whipped around but at least the GoPro is fine. Kinda sucks cause I was already taking it slow and easy since it was slick as hell up there after so much rain. Oh well, the brain be storming once again, hahaa. But it was a very fun ride non-the-less getting all muddy…..even if it was so cold up there that I couldn’t feel the tips of my fingers at the end.
  • + 0
 Hahaa, someone neg props my description.....I love PinkBike.
  • + 1
 There is a way to get the camera to stabilize better. I'll hit my cousin up, he's always messing with that POV camera stuff. He keeps sending me tips on them, but I never pay attention as I am to busy building bike and training Dobermans.
  • + 1
 Well, we'll see what I can figure out in the future. I ain't giving up on a view of this type. For now I have to move on to other half complete projects.....
  • + 1
 in all seriousness, l don't think anything alloy (unless it's really strong shit) can sustain that type of load forces. some sorta fiberglass pole would be much stronger but, l bet it would also be super twangy. gladja didn't try doing that on the front wheel --- who knows what would have happened if you did. just go out and buy yourself a NICE remote control helicopter, rig the GoPro to that.
  • + 1
 Yeah, I'm thinking it would have to be metal tubing....... Seriously, if it was in the front it might have turn into a pole vault of Olympic proportions, hahaa.
  • + 1
 well there's an ideal ----- instead of pole vaulting --- let's bring back jousting like they did during "mid-evil" days---- instead of wood poles and horseback, big ass carbon poles with riders all suited up in down hill gear, riding their bikes ......... first guy to knock the other guy off his bike wins.
  • + 1
 Hahaa, lets not and say we did..........
  • + 1
 ok ok --- instead of carbon poles ---- PVC pipes..... carbon would cost a fortune
  • + 1
 I'm sorry but I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the letter RIP... nice try tho buddy - well done!...

You've produced a mount that recreates the old skool film flicker / stutter when the reel comes to an end perfectly...

Nice idea on the view - but would be great with the boom out of view and somehow stabilised!... an alternative is to find a fast 3 year old, mount the GoPro on their helmet and have them follow you?... creating a similar view probably...
  • + 1
 alternative is to find a fast 3 year old, ----- ha ha ha --- that's funny
  • + 1
 Adhocdirt maybe a well trained dog, monkey on a BMX, GoPro on a Falcon?....hahaa.
  • + 1
 here's some zip line testing with the new rig l made small changes to---

gotta tweak it just a tad but, it's really easy to set up.

there's a quick wobble each time you release the unit but the wobble goes away within about 6 feet of rolling.
  • + 1
 Looks pretty good to me.
  • + 1
 I really think this idea is worth further development,
May i suggest using the Draggon calendar girls as test pilots for the next proto?
(preferably on long slow uphill climbs... Smile
  • + 1
 Yeah, I'm not abandoning the idea cause I really want to see it work from this angle and I want to get it off to the side like I originally wanted but couldn't with this material.

Hahaa, the calendar there's the type of idea I expect from you, you are the thinker Salute
  • + 1
 Smile i am so looking forward to this... perhaps i can send you some loctite ? lol
  • + 1
 Maybe the bad idea had been attach the structure on the rear triangle, there's a lot of vibration due to the rear shock. Maybe if you attach to the seatpost, or something more stable could result.
Don't give up dude Smile
  • + 1
 Thanks man, no I'm not giving up! I think I need to use metal tubing for the next try and you are right, the force of me hitting the rock was pretty damn harsh.
  • + 1
 Has potential. If you try it again, you should position it so the mount itself isn't visible. Kinda like a video games perspective. Haha, a la PS2 Downhill Domination..
  • + 1
 Thanks man. I did try to get it where you couldn't see the mount but it wobbled too much with the extensions off of the main mount and I didn't have enough AL bar to stabilize it that way. I will try again in the near future......I think I need to use metal tubing instead.
  • + 2
 just watched it again ---

holy crap, major flash back ---
  • + 1
 I agree...nice try. You never know till you try cold, eh? Try minus 26 without any wind right now.
  • + 1
 Yeah you know, it's like what the hell, let's give it a shot.......what's the worst that can happen lol

If it makes you feel better.......first day back at work and the 5 mile bike ride in was a brisk 28*, but it was sunny and pretty cool looking with the winter frost and shadows, hahaa.
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 The Contour flex strap mounts seem to work well.
  • + 1
 That is an awesome idea. Hoping you find a way to get it to work.
  • + 1
 Thanks man. I'm gonna try again in the near future, thinking next attempt will be with smaller diameter metal tubing.
  • + 1
 nice ass...
  • + 1
 But hey ---sometimes you just gotta say "what the f*ck". good try.
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 Seriously, no sweat off my back and now I have a starting point.
  • + 1
 so sick
  • + 1
 Thanks man. Just need to work the bugs out, hahaa.
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 You know why........
  • + 1
 ........because fuck you, that's why!
  • + 1
 it would be "fuk me right " Wink

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