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CRC ever wondered how it all goes down .?

Heres the CRC postage crew i never moan or Diss them like loads of people do on STW when you kits takes more than 24hrs to come tut tut Just imagine how many sales they get a day,or even a hr.. Good 5mins of your Life. Watch it


  • + 2
 I'm always happy to order online, there's only one bike shop within 20 miles of where I live that's worth visiting. The rest either sell crappy "family" orientated bikes, have a small stock selection, are completely over priced, or have appalling customer service (usually a combination of those).

I bought a brand new bike about a year ago from a LBS (the tri store in Eastbourne) and the staff member who sold it to me actually seemed annoyed that I'd interrupted him, to hand over several hundred pounds... Didn't bother to mention that a complimentary service was included, or to make any effort to answer my questions about some of the components.

CRC ran out of stock on something I ordered, they e-mailed me within 24hrs, apologised, and gave me a £5 voucher for my inconvenience, can't argue with service like that Smile
  • + 3
 Agree 100%.I run a LBS and it should always be about the best service and price to the customer. Even if it means ordering on line.
  • + 1
 Even though LBS might not be able to give the lowest price, I believe LBS compensates for it immensely by first hand customer support and actual physical information of having everything on hand...if a LBS can't provide good service, they lost their main advantage. And CRC is awesome. Even though I don't live near the UK, I ordered a part a while ago and they upgraded me to Express for free which was very nice. Thank you. Goddamn...they have a hugeeeeee warehouse.
  • + 2
 Respect to CRC for getting us the goods at an awsome price.
  • + 2
 Loads of people moan as they are a great service at prob best price 85% of the time only some times others do beat them.
Always impressed with them and i know your suppose to support LBS but come on...Money is money ..
And a saving is a saving in my eyes..and pocket lol
  • + 2
 i was always a little concerned with these guys and also wanted to support my local guy but when a mess up of mega proportions happened i started to look into it.That was 1 year ago and have had 2 orders sent to me no issue what so ever and have 2 orders there now 8 days apart.From the order being placed here from my PC to getting the knock on the door from the Postman Pat is around 10-11 working days...not bad considering getting a order from Sydney takes 6+ working days.Thank you CRC
  • + 1
 I love you CRC xxxxxxxx

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