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Fall ride!

A great Sunday ride with two of my best buddies!


  • + 2
 That was killer brother!
Super nice trial ride!

I love the intro and the cool vibe of the steep trial!

What settings do you use on your gopro?
  • + 2
 yeah that is nice killer forest ride.I think he is using r4 because the video is not so wide.just guessing.
  • + 1
 Thankx brothers! As for the GoPro, I was using the R3 mode since I have the 960HD version and not the 1080p! RideOn!
  • + 2
 nice i like r3 95% of my videos are filming with r3 setting.720p @ 60fps.
  • + 2
 Me too I use R3 90% of the time.

It was very clear and looked good!

Thank you brothers!

  • + 1
 Yeah, but in mine the R3 mode means 960p at 30fps, R2 720p at 30fps and then I have a WVGA mode in R1 at 60fps, so I use the R3 mode, all the time! RideOn!
  • + 1
 So your r3 is our r4 then! hahahhahahha Its a funny world, hahahhahahhah
  • + 1
 Yeah! My GoPro was a bit cheaper than the full HD you guys have, and it works for me just fine, hahaha!
  • + 2
 But r5 is the best option 1080p wow dude.clear and pure HD videos.
  • + 2
 I actually have never tried R5 yet, hahahhahhah
  • + 2
 Well,that. Setting r5 1080p is more for big tv screen,better resolution
+ heavier to store ur pc
  • + 2
 I have to keep that in mind! For now the R3 ad R4 seem to do it all!
  • + 2
 Mais um belo filme que nos chega do paraíso! Bom andamento. Um guiador largo aqui não deve ser grande ajuda!!!
  • + 1
 Hahahahaha! Torna as coisas mais complicadas nos sitios mais apertados amigo, mas compensa em estabilidade!
  • + 2
 Man that place is so beautiful.Great riding mate and i loved the start of the vid
  • + 1
 Thank you so much my dear friend! It's not as cool as your videos, but I'm trying to get there, hahahaha!
  • + 2
 brother my vids are crap hahaha...I cant ride like you but i try to disguise it in my videos. Your vids are beautiful and full of excitement...i never get bored watching them
  • + 1
 No they're not my brother...I love them! They have various angles, lots of action and it's you, my farway brother, riding!!! What could be better?
  • + 2
 Thanks for the support mate.You know you are with me on every ride.
  • + 2
 Another cracking vid through the wilderness....love the 4x4 clip, chillin' and driving....cool Mr Clooney lol.
  • + 1
 Hahahahahaha! Thank you buddy! Just to show the cool morning we had this past Sunday!
  • + 2
 Another fantastic day of riding in paradise!
  • + 1
 Oh man! I had a true blast!
  • + 2
 muito bom
grande andamento

  • + 1
 Beer Tavamos inspirados e os trilhos pouco molhados!
  • + 2
 Very cool intro and lots of super sweet autumn riding, brother!
  • + 1
 If only all autumn days where like this brother, hahahaha! RideOn!
  • + 2
 excelente Big Grin ai a dune a acompanhar a prayer
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 E uma pequena maquina, aquela Prayer!
  • + 2
 intressa e o kit de unhas, mas essa dune ajuda e muito Big Grin
  • + 1
 Hahahahahaha! Tens razao!

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