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Sam Troons Chilled Edit

Not mine uploaded for a mate :) .Sam Troons chilled edit at Ballarat skatepark on a saturday afternoon. Sam and I will be producing another edit in the near future, but for now, enjoy this. :) Song: Voo - For Sake Of Space


  • + 14
 i love this guys style
  • + 5
 SAME HERE. sooo chill. vod!
  • + 3
 i was waiting for a day and a half to watch this cause it was being" converted"
  • + 9
 Your hair's not gonna protect your head dude!
  • + 10
 thats ironic our names are very similar.
  • + 4
 ha theres this guy named mtbrider123 that i met Smile
  • + 1
 real original guys!
  • + 5
 wheres your helmet pussy?
  • + 8
 lindenbach, hes just stubborn, like most riders who think they dont need a helmet. he'll find out sooner or later
  • + 5
 ya man totally agree
  • + 1
 how old is he?
  • + 1
 or because he feels more comfortable without a helmet.. some people are liek that.. as am i.. i cant ride with a helmet..
  • - 7
flag cadillacking (Sep 21, 2011 at 21:40) (Below Threshold)
 f*ck helmet yo who needs one when ya can ride like that lol i had one collected dust so gave it away didn't use it once waste of $ what doesn't kill you make you stronger
  • + 1
 shit happens ya know fuck it if i have to hurt my self that bad ill make it good lol
  • + 1
 watever bro its ur choice, if u wanna live in a chair the rest of ur life with ur mom feeding u with a spoon, thats fine with me!!
  • + 1
 So true haha ^^^
  • + 3
 Gotta say Cadillacking - you're a fucking idiot.
  • - 1
 why cause I'm not cool enough to where helmet on bike that goes less then 60Km/H. it's not like it's my sled where it saved my life wear i crashed 130Mph. ya i wear one when i use some thing that can go fast. plus I've never hit my head wile biking i try not to fall on my head like retard. there was one time where my freewheel blew and i went over and i landed on my face and ripped my ear half off but don't thing bucket lid would have helped there. shit happens and there was nothing i could do about it it's life get over it but if you care about eating with spoon well don't for get your guys knee pads your going to need em lol
  • + 6
 You can be going at 5 km/hr and fall awkwardly on the wrong part of your head and end up with brain damage. It's not about choosing to land on your head or not - I know loads of people that have landed on their heads on jumps or drops, but I'm sure none of them, in mid air, decided that turning upside down and not sticking their arms out sounded like a bit of craic. In reality, you just don't want to wear a helmet cos you want to look cool. Sitting in a bed or wheelchair all day long as a result seems even less cool to me.
  • + 1
 can we please get some peace, not saying its your fault but everybody love everybody please Smile
  • + 1
 ya dude i was riding in my school parking lot goin about 7 mph (like 13 km/h) and i fell and slammed my head, but i was wearin my lid... and another time my full-face saved my jaw from falling off
  • + 5
 @Cadilacking not because your not cool enough,Just stubborn.

You probably wont wear a helmet because you think it makes you look uncool,well you wont look cool in a coffin.You will look dead.
  • + 2
 and besides, have u noticed that on x games and all the world championships for bmx all the pros wear helmets?? shouldnt that motivate u to wear one as well?
  • + 2
 they wear them because they have to, almost any street video has no helments, i dont need someone else to motivate me, i motivate myself
  • + 1
 ^since when were u in this conversation?
  • + 1
 did i ever say i like to be cool and not where one. how would that make me any more cooler? i don't where one cause i JUST DON'T it's that simple. if some one told me it was the coolest thing in to would to where helmet i would still not where one wile biking. why i don't need to its wast of my time and i gave my nice one away cause it sat hear and i never used it. plus if i get hit by a car it's going to hurt any ways even if i where a one or not. i don't hit jumps that oftin i live out of town to so when i ride its more cross country to street then i hit it up streets where ever but if i had to where one sweating my ass of riding 2 miles out town it would piss me off so much i would leave it laying on the side road sorry guys but your argument is invalided and your douche bag comments are all you have. it's just my chose like it or not ill be riding with all my friends that don't care ether. they wipe out too but never thought hey my head will stop me better then my 2 arms that could possibly cover me head ?
  • + 1
 ^You have no idea how stubborn you sound,Especially about getting hit by a car.

Im not going to argue anymore,Your not my responseability.

I just advise that you wear one.
  • + 1
 well thanks anyways ill note it and put on the fridge to do list ok but for now this hole argument is pointless i made joke and turned it in to pissing contest and i don't care any more but thanks for caring about my health
  • + 2
 You are literally too stupid to insult. As my friend once said about someone, "It looks like Bill and Ben the brain cell men had a bit of a fall out".
  • + 1
 cool story bro are you dune being a complete douche bag fuck hole. cause i didn't post on this wall to get in to endless fight with some one half way around to world for some thing that will never end. just shut the fuck up and go home please stop life to short to care about you being right or wrong about shit that wont change
  • + 3
 Unfortunatley as I do not wear a Helment and understand where your coming from Im beginning to leaning towards the other guys as you are being totally not cool about it if you don't wear one you don't but remember the possibilitys and let's end this on a good note Cheers, keep on riding no matter what type of bike
  • + 2
 Cadillacking, maybe you fell riding without a helmet, do not remember it, and the subsequent brain damage has led to you being this stupid!
  • - 2
 no i'm dune E-thug ok you can say what ever you want fuck face. i don't were one cause i don't i have to never hit my head and i don't fall down like retard. so there it is i don't know why you keep trying to piss me off like do you get off on making some one mad sitting behind your PC screen jerking to your fagot ass response just shut the fuck up mumkay fuck nut
  • + 1
 You have a full keyboard in front of you for a reason. Please use it.

I gotta say, yes, it does amuse me somewhat when I get a response like that, but for the most part I'm just trying to dismantle your "cool dude" image, and make you see that wearing a helmet is just that liiitle cooler than being in a vegatative state (look it up) the rest of your life.

No, I don't jerk off to my "f*ggot ass response". Also, it's not about "falling like a retard", it's about not being able to get your arms out, or them doing a shitty job and still hitting your head. Shit happens, and you'll regret it (if you can even a muster a thought when you're in a vegatative state) if it does happen.

Kai thankx bai.
  • + 1
 OK since were talking like adults now and not using insults. well that cool guy image i don't give a flying fook if I'm cool or not riding with or with out. i just don't like where one. there is not I'm cooler with out it i just don't have the time to put it on and off. this vegetative state you talk off your going to have to hit your head real hard to do this like neck breaking stunts kind of like what this kid dose in the vid we talking about. i don't even come close what he dose. i don't do half the tricks i could i just ride most the time. i use my bike as transportation with exercise. i could care less if i make it pro like some kids think they need to go all out. if your hitting some crazy shit well go right ahead and use one. all I'm saying is your can tell me to where one all you want it's my choice and i would like you to respect that and just do your own thing.
  • + 1
 Talking like adults? You never rose to that level in this discussion.

You can be riding along the road, fall and land on your head or into a gatepost (doing walking pace) and end up in a vegatitive state. How hard do we need to try to get that into your head?!
  • + 1
 Oh My god, i saw this vid 3 years ago for the first time and now 3 years later i still watch it and im still so amazed of this guys riding style.. What happened to him?! I wanna see more vids! I hope he havent quit riding!
  • + 2
 This kid reminds me of Tom Dugan same style and flow
  • + 3
 yea except this kid wheres pants...
  • + 2
 No helmet no riding dude!
  • + 1
 And he throws down bigger tricks but not bigger air than tom dugan
  • + 2
 Dammmn thats good riding, loved the Blue Jays hat at the end! REPRESENT
  • + 1
 take those pegs off... you're too stylish for them!
  • + 1
 i freeride with those same shoes
  • + 1
 it be way sicker if he was wearing a helmet...
  • + 1
 this guy is fooooking immense at riding!
  • + 1
 Troony shreds!!
  • + 1
 Awesome riding!
  • + 0
 greasy hair bud lmfaoo

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