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I broke my fcuking leg.

Warning: Vulgar language and awesome broken leg swinging. This is not my video. I just had to share it with pinkbike after I watched this. Original video by "thafcuk"on youtube with the same title.


  • + 101
 I like how they don't call an ambulance, they just shove him in the back of a van!
  • + 36
 Only in America you decide not to call an ambulance after breaking your leg. Go healthcare
  • + 26
  • + 5
 you have to pay 40 buck for a bloody ambulance, if its nothing really bad then just drive him
  • + 1
 All I done was laugh haha funny as fuck
  • + 1
 shit fuck shit, ohhhhhh shiiiittt!
  • + 9
 Ha, $40, funny... try nearly $1000. Im actually not kidding. 'MERICA.
  • + 6
 Much more than $1000 if you don't have insurance.
  • + 1
 A complicated leg fracture such as this one can easily cost upwards of $30,000 USD without insurance. He is so screwed if he's not insured. 'Mericuh
  • + 58
 Is that even normal? To completely break you leg and to not care much at all...this guy's a hero!
  • + 15
 It's called shock. You don't instantly feel it, the pain comes in later.
  • - 50
flag Rattsl (May 31, 2011 at 10:25) (Below Threshold)
 Bestbikerboy and Motocrosser, both of you are stupid as f*ck.

Taken from a Healthcare center site.-- "Breaking a bone is a big shock to your whole body. It's normal for you to receive strong messages from parts of your body that aren't anywhere close to the fracture. You may feel dizzy, woozy, or chilly from the shock. Some people pass out until their bodies have time to adjust to all the signals they're getting. And others don't feel any pain right away because of the shock of the injury"

You guys have never broken a bone if you never knew this. I have had broken wrists, fingers, leg, ankle, shoulder, torn acl, and miniscus. Good job on being idiots.
  • + 32
 Umm, actually I've broken my Collar bone, Arm, Ankle, cracked my ribs and broken 2 Vertebrates in my neck...and i haven't acted like this because of shock? Explain that? Get your facts right... :L...
  • - 50
flag Rattsl (May 31, 2011 at 14:57) (Below Threshold)
 Shock means you don't feel anything at a point. I never remember feeling pain after breaking a bone, I was just like. "Hmm, shit, I broke my arm/leg/acl/etc.."

You provided no facts, whether as I did, go find me your facts, dipshit.
  • + 26
 Okay...I don't care.

Nahh I'm fine thanks...you need to calm down a bit yeah?
  • - 44
flag Rattsl (Jun 1, 2011 at 5:23) (Below Threshold)
 Think what you want.
  • + 25
 Rattsl I agree with you, that can happen for serious injuries but your responses are way over the top. Calm down man.
  • + 13
 rattsl finds it hard to calm down when he thinks hes always right. because he is committing verbal murder of the major third degree
  • + 5
 Ahh yeah good pointWink ...I noticed that on his pinkbike profile a while back, he's messed up in the head Confused ..
  • + 7
 Rattsl shock is something completely different. the reason you dont feel the pain straight away is from a release of adrenalin.
  • + 3
 thats true^^^
  • - 22
flag Rattsl (Jun 8, 2011 at 19:32) (Below Threshold)
 Adrenaline yes...I agree....still, kinda dumb when people ask why doesn't he feel pain and why is he so chill. We both had our finger on it but couldn't quite point it out.
  • + 6
 actually i beleive it was just you who couldnt point it out. moto kind of pointed it out for you...
  • + 1
 im cool... im cool as fuck right now
  • + 4
 not really
  • - 2
 Probably didn't feel the pain because he's not a pussy!
  • + 4
 Lol rattsl's going mental, rattsl's going mental, la la la la Razz , what an idiot.
  • + 3
 Agreed. I don't see why he was getting in such a tit over that one comment i put...what a gimp.
  • + 14
 best fucken reaction i give u props lmao
  • + 8
 hooooooooooly shit! i broke my fkn leg!
best video ever?
  • + 6
 "Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooly sh#t. I'm cool as f#ck right now."
  • + 2
 "MY LEGS BROKE!" best quote ever. and props to the douche bag friends for just jaming him in the back of the van with the bikes. put him up front hes a hero for bailing on that gap
  • + 3
 haha. The expression in his face when he looks in to the camera saying: I broke my f*ck*ng leg!
  • + 10
 Hahahaha that's the second best part. The best part is where he says "This shit uhh-... It's not that bad!... I just feel like sleeping yo"
  • + 4
 prop mr or say like if you put this on facebook!!
  • + 3
 Dude f*ck scarred, I hate scarred.... wise words that show just demotivates me from riding
  • + 3
 dude i once tried bunny hop of a high stairs and i f*****n hurt my head badly i was lucky i was wearing a bloody helmet
  • + 3
 Its not that bad man i shouldda just hit a rail..... i feel like sleeping XDXDXD XDXDXD
  • + 4
 Shit Fuck..
  • + 5
 shit fuck face fucker lol.
  • + 3
 Wear a helmet before doing those retarded stuff
  • + 2
 that is savage! so many people jump without thinking about the landing - mental!
  • + 1
 haha come on man.... lets go put some ice on it and just walk it off. lol. thats funny how they just put him back in the truck
  • + 3
 could of been worse with him not wearing a helmet :/
  • - 1
 There's nothing funny about it. Total f@cking dicks for not just calling 911. With a compound fracture like that he could get complications VERY quickly, high probability of loosing the lower part of his leg or worse. If my riding buddies did that to me (but then I wouldn't [and haven't] acted like that after a trauma) I would be pissed.

It will mean a massive amount of time till he's up to hitting gaps like that again (if ever).
  • + 0
 shut up
  • + 3
 @ yetiboyjay- Do you honestly know how much an ambulance ride costs in America? It can be upwards of $70,000, I shit you not. It would be different if he was writhing in pain.
  • + 1
 Really?! WTF. that's crazy! Don't you have insurance or something that would cover all that? I'm so lucky I live where there is a national health service. My last trip to the emergency room cost me nothing!
  • + 2
 Yea, It's bullshit. even with insurance it's still like $10,000
  • + 3
 Thats just not right! :s even 10,000 is ALOT:S
  • - 10
flag bigeasyren (Nov 29, 2011 at 8:15) (Below Threshold)
 I think is a perfect example of why America does not need national healthcare....Why should I have to pay for some idiot who breaks his leg riding a bmx bike?
  • + 7
 Remember this next time you go down hard and are wishing you had free health care. I hope just for that ignorant comment you get fucked up royaly and end up in huge debt as a nice little wake up call to how ignorant you are. Just because you don't like one form of riding does not give you the right to say shit like this.
  • - 4
flag bigeasyren (Dec 2, 2011 at 8:54) (Below Threshold)
 I don't remember saying I do not like a certain type of riding. Your comprehension skills are astounding, along with your amazing grammar. My point was that the system is flawed. There is no reason that I as a tax payer should have to pay for someone elses stupidity. Diseases, illnesses, etc are one thing, but someone doing this is a different story. Oh and I would not be in debt from medical bills. I have this thing called a job, and I have coverage under them. But you really deserve a medal for showing how classy you are, especially with your threats of hoping I get injured. Stay Classy Brett!
  • + 3
 So you would be cool if someone pushing crosscountry riding was in the hospital and your taxes payed for them? Because i feel like you would be. This guy was pushing bmx and went down hard. I just assumed when you say an idiot who breaks his leg riding a bmx bike that your hating on bmx. It's not like that sounds like your hating on bmx or anything.
  • - 1
 Well he was riding a BMX bike, unless we were watching a different video? So not really sure what kinda point you are making with that. I was just putting together a sentence describing the video. I do not think you can compare someone riding cross country to someone riding his bike off a ramp and then dropping about 7 feet+. That is actually an extremely poor comparison. That is like comparing someone who is walking down the stairs normally, to someone who decides to jump down the staircase. One action is normal, one is not.

I was calling him an idiot because he rode he bike off a ramp, getting a large amount of air, only to crash land on concrete. Not to mention he has no helmet...but I will ignore that stupidity because that in itself proves my point. I, a responsible citizen, should not have to pay for someone else to act stupid.
  • + 3
 Dude, shut the f*ck UP! That is the point of bmx. Are you f*cking stupid? If I was going to ride a bmx bike how you would describe as normal, then i would ride a road bike.... that's why they have them... And I could go on about XC but I'm not going to do that because I really don't care about your personal preference. All I'm trying to get at is, Don't talk shit. to each their own. except for you because you're an a*shole and you suck...
  • - 2
 Wow your reading comprehension skills are as good as Brett's. Where did I say XC was my personal preference? I am not going to argue with you though, because you clearly do not know what you are talking about. Ambulance rides being 70K.....YEAHHHHHH. The average ambulance ride is just around 1-2K. Just a tad under 70K. Maybe 70K for the actual hospital visit....which is ridiculous also.

Props though for showing even better grammar than Brett! They just get classier and classier.
  • + 2
 BTW I by no means hate BMX, I loved to photograph it during college .I do not have the skill to do it, nor the desire to try those stunts because I would die. Plus, after working in a bike shop for years I have seen some bad things happen to bmx riders who do not wear helmets.
  • + 1
 Ok.. What are you trying to accomplish here? What is your goal in doing this? I am implying that you ride XC based on your pics and that fact that you're saying riding off ramps is stupid and how you are calling the rider "an idiot who breaks his leg riding a bmx."
  • + 1
 For 70k I can buy an ambulance hahaha
  • + 3
 should of warn a helmet Wink
  • + 3
 hes so chilled about it at the begening
  • + 2
 does that not hurt him, and even if he did land that it would probs blow him off the bars its a massive drop to do on a bmx
  • - 1
 welcome to 2011, i think you have missed the last 2 years where drops that size are becoming common on bmx. look at some of the shit colt fake or sean burns do
  • + 1
 This video actually made me laugh. This guy was funny even though he had his leg broken
  • + 2
 Where did he plan on landing?
  • + 1
 shit that would hurt i just fractured my spine in 2 spots and my pelvic bone in one i wouldnt want to do the leg
  • + 2
 Damn i feel so bad for him. Having an injury like that truly must suck.
  • + 1
 hahaha best reaction ever man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha fucking tough guy bro
  • + 2
 I watched the crash like 20 times..
  • + 2
 shit fuck face fucker fuuuck
  • + 2
 Hahahahahah 'oooooooohhhhhh shiiiittttt' as he wiggles his leg.
  • + 2
 i think he broke his f*ckin leg! Razz
  • + 2
 pretty sure he was fine...
  • + 1
 You take some fuck...then some shit, then some fuck, and you have a fuck shit stack.
  • + 2
 'Dude I'm cool, I'm cool as fuck right now....' funny as fuck.
  • + 0
 i did not write the comment with all the f words. someone hacked my account. Sorry for this mistake.
  • + 1
 Is it normal that my leg was completely numb after watching this?
  • + 1
 Doesn't every one act that way when the hurt themselves pretty bad?
  • + 1
 Get the VAN p.s. this will solve everything
  • + 1
 that was the most stupid jump ive ever seen what was the point?
  • + 1
 hahahahahahaahahahahahaahahhaa thats sooo funny
  • + 1
 Ahahahahahahahaha. Never seen something so funny.
  • + 1
 i have respect for this guy
  • + 1
 This is a new version of huck to flat..
  • + 1
 Yo nigga! I brokevmy leg madaffacaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
  • + 1
 Is that a Australian accent on a black guy Smile
  • + 1
 1:43 - that moment is epic Big Grin
  • + 1
 now THAT is what u call a string of profanities!!!!:P
  • + 1
 no shit sherlock i hope he is ok and healed
  • + 1
 "Shit f*ck face f*cker shit!"
  • + 1
 y wouldnt u want to be on scared
  • + 1
 hahahahah i love the dude that said "who's papa roach?"
  • + 2
 Ouch Blank Stare
  • + 1
 haha 18 seconds. look at the wobblle ;D
  • + 1
 I shouldnt be laughing but his reaction is just great
  • + 1
 i like when they put him in the van they hit his snapped leg on the door
  • + 1
 im cool as fuck right now, i feel like sleepin
  • + 1
 *Turns to camera does a little foot wag*
  • + 1
  • + 1
 That escalated quickly.
  • + 0
 black guys tryin to go big. lol! leave it to the man. lol.
  • + 1
 Briiiiiing the vaaaaan!
  • + 1
  • + 1
 Just WOW
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 1
 "Bring the van"
  • + 1
 holy shit thats intense
  • + 1
 hahahaa fuck scarred!
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