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backcountry ski touring near Valemount BC - photos and video

Four day back country ski trip I did in February 2010 with a buddy of mine. This video / slide-show is a trip summary that we made for ourselves. So, it's a bit longer than a typical bombardment of in-your-face ski porn for the internet audience. But it cool in it's own right.


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 All images and video were taken with one Canon G10 camera. The video was a bonus really. I tucked my camera between my chest and the chest strap on my pack and turned on the video mode, just as a trial one day. The results were decent so we kept doing it. It's no go-pro or anything and it does have quite a bit of camera shake going on, but considering the effort we put in, I'm quite happy with the results. One benefit over a modern helmet cam (in my opinion) is the lens. I find a lot of helmet cams use very wide angle lenses and you miss out on the background, but usually that's fine since the purpose of the movie is not to show the background. In our case, I think the background added to the video.

Neither of us are videographers or anything. Our day jobs have nothing to do with video production or any type of media. Considering that, I think we did okay. Dustin did all the editing, and I chose the soundtrack.

Anyway, the movie is like 20 minutes long, so you should probably go get a beer before you press play.

1) intro: clips from the Dead Man Soundtrack my Neil Young

2) Black Mountain - Plastic Man You're the Devil

3) Omar Rodriguez-Lopez - Coma Pony

4) Black Mountain - Angels

5) Pink Mountain Tops - I (f*ck) Mountains
  • + 1
 Was the salmon really from Antarctica?
  • + 1
 No, it was from pacific (Bamfield, to be exact).

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