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Bender is history

Sick drops.


  • + 148
 thats nuts. doubt many people would try that stuff on fullys let alone ht's!
  • + 94
 Invest in a leatt brace
  • + 39
 VOD. on the HT too.
  • + 59
 Fucking sick russian people. And he's using a hardtail! HUCK 4 LIFE
  • + 15
 what frame is that?????? iwant one!!! and sell my DH frame!!
  • + 18
 ooh...and props(many) for Ben de Roni!!
  • + 30
 bender impacted mtbing so much andim pretty shure we all thank him
  • + 11
 balls of steel
  • + 11
 Norco125forlife - he doesnt get much respect neither
  • + 4
 i know.... i dont understand why. Everyone has the right to think what they want but i just ask one thing THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK....
  • + 40
 mountainbiking, because most other sports only require 1 ball
  • + 9
 Now heres someone who's not afraid to hit massive stuff! We should all use him as an example to "GO BIG"!
  • + 8
 Was that first dude a chick?
  • + 10
 This is one of the best VODs for a while, amazing skill to handle those drops on a hardtail, ive done some bigish stuff on my hardtail, but after watching that i want to go try some HUGE stuff like that guy! massive respect to the rider.
  • + 22
 so how much inspiration did you smoke before doing that lol jokes thats sick
  • + 5
 how do your ankles feel after making that VOD
  • + 1
 that kid is a ripper!!
  • + 2
 hahaha next bender right here
  • + 7
 to all the douches ripping on bender below: he hucks huge shit, no matter if it has a smooth landing or not. the jah drop has a shitty landing, so even if someone goes out and does a 55 foot drop, it isn't that comparable still...
  • + 7
 sick hucking and vid but is it my pc or is the image real bad quality???
  • + 0
 Nice bikes man, those Imperials are just too sick

hows your neck?Big Grin
  • - 6
flag duck-slap (Aug 9, 2008 at 17:12) (Below Threshold)
 VOD???? bad quality
  • + 5
 hardtail pride!
  • + 1
 f*ck ya!:P
  • - 11
flag rippin-norco (Nov 7, 2008 at 7:25) (Below Threshold)
 but to tell the truth Bender was allready history
  • - 1
 I really like this rider because he brings a FMX style into biking.
  • + 2
 holy f*ck, Bender is history!
  • - 8
flag dmrchris (Apr 11, 2009 at 6:25) (Below Threshold)
 i bet he cant even manual
  • + 6
 Those we're fucking huge. A parachute would be a worthy piece of safety equipment for some of those drops!
  • - 1
 That was a sick a** vid that you maid and by the way that was a full suspention bike right.
  • + 1
 That was a hardtail....
  • - 12
flag tonyradcliffe (Oct 8, 2009 at 10:02) (Below Threshold)
 What a fuckin loser. the only thing he has done that i can't do is the jah drop. and he didnt land that either. stop worshipping this guy
  • + 3
 dude, hes on a hard tail and no u can not do all of that
  • + 3
 prime vid but u forgot the jaw drop
  • + 2
 land the jaw drop, then ill be impressed
  • + 2
 you would break your ankles if you did the jah drop on a hardtail. don't even bother arguing.
  • + 3
 too bad you stole this video from achtung 3. its posted here www.pinkbike.com/video/110486

its mishanya's video. get out. stolen vid. and its right here on pinkbike.
  • + 1
  • + 1
 i'm not sure if this is the same guy but it's a HUUUGE drop! www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIigHvvO1Ug&feature=related
  • + 1
 when in russia... hahah
  • + 1
 Lol I've got that exact frame
  • + 19
 yh nice one for doing those drops. but the whole huck side of mountainbiking went with josh bender.
  • + 31
 Too bad it did mate... that was freeriding not this whole slopestyle stuff... it looks cool but it's just BMXing with bigger bikes
  • - 145
flag djing123 (Mar 29, 2008 at 21:29) (Below Threshold)
 uh slopestyle is more then that theres drops in slopestyle and peopel are doign 3's off them to give it some STYLE theres no style in that or skill anybody can huck a bike off a cliff but not every body can spin off cliffs
  • + 35
 BMXers do 3's of drops too, ever see the dew action sports tour? like hoshi said, i also think slopestyle is just BMXing with big bikes, if there's no skill i would like to see you dropping those cliffs on your bike!
  • + 37
 i don't think a bmx could handle the jumbotron in crankworx very well...
  • - 81
flag nouser (Aug 3, 2008 at 0:27) (Below Threshold)
 a Bmx could handle that like nothing....
  • - 75
flag cdaigle (Aug 3, 2008 at 0:40) (Below Threshold)
 i agree that there is no place for hucking anymore. its just not fun to watch or do, and really doesnt take much skill
  • + 29
 djing123 you tool your right anyone can huck a cliff but not everyone has the balls or tits to huck anything near what bender has accomplished...he may break bones and look like an idiot somtimes but its all for the good of the life of BIKING not just mtbing meaning bmxing aswell josh bender gives so much insperation out to all kinds of riders.. i think he basically sets an example of "go out and do your best"
  • + 39
 All i say is that aslong as you go ou and enjoy riding your bike, who cares what type of riding you do.
  • + 6
 totaly agree with easy rider (y)
and sick ridin'
  • + 5
 ..as Easy-RiderRJ say Wink
  • - 38
flag dray (Aug 3, 2008 at 14:02) (Below Threshold)
 Hucking stuff is gay, specially when your doing it on a hardtail, djing123 is so right. this is not a vod worthy video.
  • + 90
 personally I think 'freeriding' is getting over saturated with generic slopestyle comps which are just glorified dj/bmx comps. Fair play the tricks are impressive and the riders are super talented but lets see some style off 40+ foot step downs etc! I read they made the drop at Crankworks this year smaller because riders didnt want to do it!! Whats happening!?! I remember seeing Kyle Straight busting a suicide no-hander of the 70ft Bender Sender a couple of years ago, now Im watching some kid in tight jeans pull 28 bar spins out of a wooden bowl and it just aint the same somehow. Freeride is gradually becoming more about fashion and image and popularity rather actually pushing the sport, with Big companies dropping big mountain riders and replacing them with new guys who only seem to dirt jump, I personally cant wait for event like the Rampage to come back and bring MTBing back to its roots.

Rant over...here come the -props!
  • + 13
 rumer is that josh bender is designing the red bull rampag for next year : ) cant wait
  • + 6
 thats gonna be insane ... literally
  • - 16
flag djing123 (Aug 3, 2008 at 17:09) (Below Threshold)
 warrendh : dude the made the drops/jumps smaller becuause they want to see bigger tricks
the bigger the drop the smaller the trick cuase it takes more balls to do a trick
thats why everthing is small this year cause they dont want to see guys jsut jumping off stuff they wnat tricks and its call slopestyle cause there i supposed to be style not throwing yourself off a cliff
  • + 18
 warren dh has got it fuckin right. and seriously people..just go ride and do what you want. if huckin is what floats your boat do it, if it's slopestyle, have fun with that. jeez, fuckin everyone's just bitchin about what everyone else likes. just do your own thing.
  • + 6
 djing123, I respect what your saying but from my perspective, hucking a dead sailor is ugly, so I agree with you there but Pro riders who get paid to ride their bike should have the skill to make these bigger drops and jumps look stylish and really show us what is possible on a big wheeled bike. Whether its a trick or just pulling a stylish tabletop or something. I just don't want to see "slopestyle" becoming all that freeriding is because we may as well be on bmx's.

A tthe end of the day tho, the likes of McCaul, Bas, Semenuk they still do have loads of talent and I have great respect for them riding their bikes. I just dont want MTBing to become more about the publicity and fashion than actually getting out in the mountains and riding your bike.

Im off to ride my bike now haha!
  • - 8
flag djing123 (Aug 6, 2008 at 21:41) (Below Threshold)
 im not saying i want all slopestyle im saying this era of the sport has died and i still repsect downhilling and freeriding but the hucking part is over
  • + 4
 warren dh has got it right but as long as you are pushing your own limits.... its all good!!! go ride a bike and stop complaining about riding styles.... style is style and every body has there own.
  • + 4
 i totally agree with wren dh,too much fshion is coming into freeride
  • + 14
 I dont know whether to call you guys down right stupid or crazy! mega props to you!
  • + 12
 you sir are a fucking idiot. Nice video.
  • + 12
 hardtail... nice
  • + 9
 WOW props man, thats huge for a HT
  • + 3
 huge for ne bike especially HT
  • + 4
 People have been hucking on hardtails for years. Look at Russel Morrel. He was hucking his balfa minuteman larger than anyone. The best hardtail hucker ever. He competed in the redbull rampage. He busted out harder than lots of people. And he did gaps and calculated hits. And he was also quite the fast rider. This guy does not compare to Russel Morrel at all. As for Bender he is one of the toughest men alive, he dominated hucking and helped make freeriding known to many. I agree he wasnt the most "skilled" mountain biker but he is crazy and the best at what he does. This guy has some guts, not many people huck on hardtails or anything anymore so i will give him props for that. Thats my 2 cents
  • + 0
 AGREED MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 3
 cant see why everyone slates hucking,99% of you wouldnt even think of doing some of the stuff this guy does,full suss or not.

at the end of the day it takes skill and some big balls to huck big stuff and as long as you enjoy thats all that matters.

and you cant say it doesnt look cool Smile
  • + 3
 bender is history??? ummmmm no. everyone will remeber jaw drop wich i didnt see u do in this vid so no bender is not history(not that i wanna see anyone do jaw drop on a hardtail) but still bender would probably do all the shit u did in this vid. good job tho ur f*cking nuts to do all that shit, props. but still dont say shit like that. bender is a legend, has anyone heard of this guy before this vid no.
  • + 0
 If he's such a legend why the fuck do you call it the Jaw drop. It's Jah. JAH ffs.
  • + 2
 ummmm cauze i dont really give a shit
  • + 1
 anybody who has nothing better to do than try to put someone down by saying that they didnt spell somthing right on PINKBIKE please get a fucking life... -aik
  • + 7
 Bender is better and don't try compera you to him...
  • + 2
 i'd just like to point out that 95% of drops dont take skill unless they go a booter infront of them. if your a biker you would agree, they do how ever take balls and give you tremendous adrenaline. this has been your daily news, thank you for reading
  • + 2
 ok when these people grow balls and hit a 50 foot drop talk shit wow you have to give him something for that and when i meet bender hes a hella tight guy and hella smooth rider so all you have seen is his drop jaws and when u land a 50 foot drop show us cuz i dont see any of you trying shit by the way sick no hander lander shit is dialed
  • + 3
 You know the funny fact is when the vid was shot the guy was 15 years old!!!

Now he does by far mor crazy shit!))) He also rides a DC Cock, not that shitty Stark Shooter in the vid))
  • + 4
 OMGF!! Huge things with hardtrial!What will happened if he buy a fully?I will sell my dh frame and I will buy a hardtrianl like that!
Sorry my english is SHIT
  • + 3
 hucking is the shit. so is bender, not so much history though. hes riding again after he broke his back, fully recouped. expect to see some new drops from him on an insane bike sooner or later
  • + 3
 how the rims didn't bend, i dont know. but the thing i do know is that this is a pretty sick vid. props for hittin it with a ht.
  • + 3
 Cool Beans...Bender is the deal....ryan-irvine...dont hope that Josh bender breaks his neck....go ride a scooter and get cancer you baby back bitch
  • + 3
 there some pretty good hucks like but you have to work on not dead sailoring them. you seem to be good on dirt jumps, transfer your skills over
  • + 5
 that no handed landing was sick
  • + 0
 people are still entitled to an opinion even if they don't send it as large as this dude. huge props for hitting massive stuff on a hardtail, but there's a reason the popularity of this style of riding has dropped off in the last few years. in my mind smooth style wins over massive insanity anyday. but thats just my opinion props to this guy for going big, but not the best VOD choice
  • + 0
 the drops are fucking sick and major props for having the balls to hit them but why so much sand thits like the last thing i would want to drop my bike into granted i live in ny and dont run into sand much but its got to be like landing with both brakes pulled
  • + 3
 amazing!I never thought to thus see a thing in my life !it´s "freeride extreme"
  • + 2
 thats hucking on a hard tail at its best like look on the video when he hucks off those cliffs look at the angle of the landings
  • + 1
 if you watch djing vids of the dmr team and stuff they barely do tricks, all they really do is whip,x-up,tables and turndowns, nobody is really that bothered about tricks anymore
  • + 0
 This guy is quiet a talent if you see this way, he dont got the monstewr bike bender was useing so it looks like he has 180mm of travel in the front and like 225mm travel in the rear and bender uses alot more in both. And i dont think bender´s that good caus he didnt make the landing in jaw drop. give this dude like 3-4 years and he will make that drop ;D. Nice video, VOD acording to me. Kepp it up.
  • + 2
 i dont think anyone could land the jaw drop with the landing it has.
  • + 4
 Bender is untouchable.....
  • + 2
 totally agree
  • + 2
 YES TOTALLYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 3
 that guy has some balls and i sure as hell wouldn't do those jumps, but bender is history for a reason
  • + 0
 thats f*cking ridiculuas man i wish i lived in that area i would love to see thoes crazy hucks in real life and maybe try a few
but man your crazy mega props for showing that peoplw stoll ove to huck
and that its not all about the slopestyle
props man
  • + 2
 so.... do they call the person bender or his bike after those drops bender... cause i can see why the bike would be called that after th impact... :p pprops
  • + 5
 what a great song!!!
  • + 0
 whats the title of it?
  • + 0
 oh no needs to tell me i already know.
  • + 1
 how could you ever not know this...?
  • + 1
 Fair play to this, looks like he is doing well on his hardtail get him one of them huckers bike what freeriders ride and he would be the new josh bender keep up the good work dude Salute
  • + 5
 props yo got big kohonas
  • + 2
 thats what she shaid.
  • + 1
 i like the hardtail huckin goin on. i've got 1 of the frames there usin. its a STARK SHOOTER, its a good frame quite vertasile i think light aswell, obviously strong aswell. but good vid.
  • - 11
flag guancho-libre (Apr 22, 2008 at 9:18) (Below Threshold)
 uhh dude that pics no bender,but it is one sick drop
  • + 1
 nice ridin but dont say stupid crap like bender is history. hes the freeride inovator of big drops as much as Shley and Simmons are of flowy north shore
  • + 1
 im sorry bender is so much better. that guy is a frickin legend man, he helped shape the big mountain scene in utah and the art of the huck.
  • + 0
 to all the ppl who jut sit there and barag about slopestyle your retarded ! it takes way more balls to huck off a huge cliff than to fall of a small jump props to the riders u guys hav skill
  • + 2
 aha, i love all this fighting Smile , ne who i think huckin stuff that huge on a hardtail is just amazingg, props man (Y)
  • + 1
 im not going to lie but i hate josh bender. 90 percent of his vids he is crashing. none the less, he is a pioneer and i respect that
  • + 3
 Oldschool riding ! No style but Hardcore !
  • + 2
 Bender is not so good, he is just crazy and the bike do all the job... But He still Do the biggest drops:p
  • + 2
 try a back flip with a 60 lb bike then your better then bender but till then sorry mate !!!!
  • + 0

id do most them drops (:

the biggest i've done on a hardtail so far is 23ft Big Grin

& i did a 17ft drop last year to almost flat when i was 15y.o

i wanna learn no handers & stuff now tho

  • - 1
 brag a little? anyways... drops r retarted
  • + 1
 Are those stuff jr's? i love those bikes! my friend had one and we beat the shit out of it every chance we got, untill the frame cracked, but nothing as big as this.
  • + 2
 i feel sorry for the guy to ever buy a used frame off this guy.. but i mean that in a good way, props for being nuts.
  • + 1
 until you try the Jaw drop bender is not history :L anyway, I'd prefer to see something stylish rather than some stuntman sending himself off massive drops
  • + 2
 omfg that was the sickest shit i have ever seen on a ht he was going pretty big on a ht haha i give you props mann
  • + 2
 u guys rock, some of those gaps were massive and you were riding hardtails, big thumbs up
  • + 1
 major props, crazy ruskie.... shame some of the vidoes are poor quality, also you should really wear a helmet on those djs, even if they are quite small...
  • + 2
 jak to ruscy glupota w glowie fajne ale brdzo niebiespieczne aj kna sztywniaka... video ok........
  • + 1
 props , i would not wanna keep trying that if i wiped out , mad props. and i ride bmx and the defiantly would NOT handle drops like that
  • + 2
 awesome drops and riding, just goes to show that you don't need the latest and greatest gear to go big and have fun!
  • + 3
 Sick video dude!!I can't do this with 10" full suspension bike..
  • + 1
 bender is ridicoulous all he dous is get paid to bail and look hardcord, he has no style and he just loves riding the banshee scream!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 1
 Bender gets paid out to much. Not only can he huck, he can also jump 20 feet high off his bike when he lands. As for this guy.. well he's just awesome.
  • + 1
 also, the last drop was like 10 ft! Bender had enough courage to do the jaw drop 50 ft to almost flat.
  • + 1
 unfortunately this guy doesn't jump stuff like this any more, he rides bmx now
  • + 1
 He's fu**ing crazy!! But in the good way Big Grin Btw, is that an Evil Imperial frame ??
  • + 0
 dude your really givenr out there nice, but i wouldn't bender is history because he still went a lot bigger then that, props thou man
  • + 2
 meeean....you are crazy and stupid....
  • + 1
 I love it!And you know ??This is the sickest drops i ever seen in my life.Props to you !VOD!
  • + 1
 Cool riding , but sorry this guy will NEVER make bender history unless he hits bigger and better things than the jaw .
  • + 0
 bender is back lol just buy a fully i have hit alot bigger then that stuff and looked way better doing it it dose not make it any funer on a hard tail
  • + 2
 bender did way bigger drops
  • + 1
 Man you are LEGEND!! I signed up on PB so i could post this, May your knees be strog
  • + 1
 Pretty sick video, although it makes me wonder what kind of moron would attempt a no-handed landing helmetless (72sec)
  • + 1
 Sweet, was wondering when this would make VOD. Truly deserved, big props guys Big Grin
  • + 0
 The drop at 88.9 is f**king off the hook, you mess that up and 1 word "DEATH" - props enough. let along doing it on a hardtail - sick!
  • + 2
 in russia, bike rides you...sickness
  • + 0
 omg, you redefine whats possible on a HT i was a bitch about 6-8 foot drops before I got a fully and u huck like 30 foot drops!
  • + 1
 yer makin the rest of us hardtail guys look bad!! hah. seriously though man that was sick.
  • + 1
 He is a legend...and all on a hardtail lol...and...i have that same helmet lol six six one pro bravo if im not mistaken.
  • + 2
 hahaha. whats history is hucking.
  • + 3
 i know, hail the hucker haha
  • + 1
 that was when he first started now he has got a home made frame with motorbike forks if this is the right bender
  • + 2
 he landed one no handed ! Eek
  • + 2
 Bender is not history ! Bender is legend! Big Grin
This is vid is very nice.Smile
  • - 2
 bender has more balls than skill
  • + 1
 lookin foward 2 c'in this dude in the redbull rampage lol, u hav got balls m8
  • + 1
 This is by far the best vid I have seen on Pinkbike. This dude's skill on a hardtail is unmatched.
  • + 0
 I read the comments before the video and expected way bigger drops, ever heard of crankworx?
and if you don't know the name of the song your a dumbass
  • + 2
 props to the rider that was huge
  • + 1
 Oh ma bad, srry didnt see that. Hardtail, omg this guy is realy sick hahaha !
  • + 1
 wish i had drops like them here coz i would do them. very good though! i've done a 20ft drop on a hardtail before
  • - 1
  • + 2
 The 3 H's; Harcore Hucking Hartails!!!
  • + 1
  • + 0
 ahahhahah f*cking nuts on a HT! I can only conclude that people from "motherland!" doesnt care about having children!!! awesome riding, but shity production. cheers
  • + 2
 one of the funniest vids on pb!!!
  • + 0
 how is it funny?
personaly i think its good,i wonder if he is still pushing his limits!
  • + 1
 all done on single crown forks! that sh*t would have gone so well 15 yrs ago
  • + 2
 nice video.... but bender is for sure not history!
  • + 1
 sharp as sickle, tough as a hammer, fucking nice vid, stylish, obviously you dont need fullsys, you just need balls
  • + 2
 holly shit! just realized its a hard tail
  • + 2
 but bender did some crazy crazy shit
  • + 0
 dude that no hander to landind it like that was sooooooo sick omg it was insane that ws really sick video but shitty camera:P
  • + 1
 i appreciate at 110 seconds how he puts his bikes wellbeing before his sick song sicker vid
  • + 3
  • + 2
 Love the bit where he does a suicide and lands with his arms still out!
  • + 3
 that is fuckin INSANE!!
  • + 1
 big respect for you man !! i've never seem one person jump things of this size with a hardtail ... keep riding...
  • + 1
 thats from achtung 3, isnt it? just different music.
props to you for hucking that on a ht!
  • + 2
 but bender is way better(good job though)
  • + 2
 bender was always history
  • + 1
 it's good but it doesn't beat bender.
  • + 0
 watever u guys are just aking fun of him cause u cant hit anything he just did and hes probly younger then u props man
  • + 0
 lol along with the rest of the vid. also that one jump is sickkkkkk too you just booost off it
  • + 1
With hardtail frame...
  • + 1
 Watch his head as he lands. He is going to have the worse back pain ever
  • + 1
 this guy is just like bender, all balls and no style.
  • + 3
 in response to the comment below\/ in one of the drop in series the 'crew' meet up with bender and are ecstatic about doing so, romaniuk included. He's now pro, and thinks highly of bender. go suck dick.
  • + 1
 this was already vod like 2 weeks ago
  • + 1
 Brao we! Big Grin VOD hha!!! Big Grin
  • + 1
 This should be named: "In the Shadow of Chernobyl"
  • + 1
 hucker !!! man that need vod
  • + 0
 Bender is'nt history. On the cover of Decline in junes isue it says Bender lives!
  • + 2
 freeriding at its best
  • - 1
 sepi.pinkbike.com/channel/Sepis-Video-Link look at this guys road gap botem left of his page the gap is in lethbrig ab canada
  • + 1
 Go Bender! anyone remember his line at the red bull rampage? suicide.
  • + 0
 hardtails for life!!mad probs to the rider!!! what's the song???pleeeaase Smile
  • - 1
 crazy train by ozzy
  • + 0
 Bender was jumping on shit bike... but this riders ride on cool monster machine Big Grin
  • + 0
  • + 1
 is he riding a hard tail??? imagine wat he woud do with a fully
  • + 0
 absolutely sick!!! now thats some true freeride. good music choice by the way!
  • + 1
 DAMN DUDE you know how to send it!!! props to you!!!
  • + 1
 freeride HT at its finest.
  • + 1
 the drop at the begining is huge i wouldnt even think of hitting that
  • + 1
 feel bad for his future kids
  • + 1
 nice vid ... I love big drops Big Grin
  • + 1
 AIN't the best vid i saw in my life but like it very well
  • + 1
 y are crazy!! keep it up!!
  • + 1
 those drops were incredible
  • + 1
 HA youll never Replace bender pal but fucken nice riding props !!!!!!!
  • + 0
 now that is COOL, huge props 'n' drops! Wink and on a hardtail, you relally made my day!
  • + 1
 that drop at 1:30 is apsalutely huge, you are so crazy
  • + 0
 Just Goes To Show You That You Don't Need 14 Inches Of Travel To Do Big Ass Drops ! Just Some Balls !
  • + 1
 o kurwa thats awesome! i like it Big Grin
  • + 1
 Nice bro you are the winter Hucker professional.. nice dj gaps to
  • + 1
  • + 1
 cdaigle it takes balls which you don't have!! All hail Bender!!!
  • + 0
 i was going to say that huckers have no skill just balls but with this guy i would clearly be wrong.... you nuts ....
  • + 1
 bender goes through at least 3 trail dogs per ride
  • - 3
 motomysz....your dumb...read the post, I did not say I was not impressed with his riding, just the fact that several people are amazed its on a hardtail. And sorry when I was riding like that BITD we did not care to take cameras, we went to just ride and have fun, now in the digital age it might be different, but no I dont get out and ride like that anymore. I happen to be quite older than you and have responsibilities such as children and a mortgage, I would love to get out and ride like I used to, but some things are more important. Oh and have you ever seen the x-games or ony of the bmx post on this site...... some of the bmx guys on this site have posted stuff just as big.... by the way....HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!
  • + 1
 yeeeeeha, russia showing the world how it's done =)

nice work!
  • + 0
 not really but it is nicley done !!!
  • + 2
 props Man you rule!
  • + 1
 I think like Lopzag. Drop for once is nice, but only drops is boring!
  • + 1
 dude, on a f*cking hard tail/single crowns!? VOD!
  • + 1
 jake can do better than that
  • + 1
 if u get a fully youd be drop god.lol
  • + 1
 sickest shit ive ever seen done on a ht mad props
  • + 1
 DH vod's always gay.... --------BUT----------- this one is pretty cool
  • + 1
 imagine if this guy had a full suspension to play with ??
  • + 1
 how do you find so many drops?
  • + 1
 Hard tail kicks ass on freeride!!!
  • + 2
 goo big or go home
  • + 1
 Szkoda, że nagrywane kalkulatorem xD
  • + 1
 dude rampage on a hardtail?
  • + 1
 a tru freerider!!!! shame about the quality
  • + 1
 Bender will never be History
  • + 1
 HUGE! Nice drops dude.. Wink
  • + 1
 Жуковский фрирайд - это ЖОПА
  • + 1
 i love tails and what kind of forks are those and how much travel
  • + 1
 Those are like Marzocchi Mister dirt
  • + 1
 big love for the HARDTAIL!!!
  • + 1
 How many back wheels used up in the process
  • + 0
 Do the jaw drop (on that hard tail) then and only then is bender history. Bender lives on.
  • + 1
  • + 2
 Caps lock is not needed, mmmmmmmkay.


Just for you buddy...
  • + 1
 the dude in the vid is crazy ,the frame is a 08 bich?
  • + 1
 thats still pretty damn impressive
  • + 0
 You are SICK man. You freakin rip and on a hard tail thats the way to go. Keep it up!
  • + 0
 at least this guy can style, bender straigt aired everything, props bud ur insane!
  • + 1
 Who is this kid!?!?!?! Awesome.
  • + 0
 I give you mad props for dropping big on a hardtail But, When you can land Benders Jaw dropper then maybe he'll be history.
  • + 0
 that was insane stuff on a hardtail i probly wouldn't do that on a fully thats nuts
  • + 0
 .........so then he can afford a fully frame, possibly and triple crown too
  • + 0
 omg now i have some competition...gotta kick it up a notch with my new demo 9:P
  • + 0
 that caused a lot of comments lol took ages to get to the bottom but thats sick
  • + 1
 fuck yeah! sick drops and black sabbath rocks
  • + 1
 well i think u have earned your right to a fully
  • + 1
 jeese get this guy a full sus and a sponsor!!
  • + 1
 one of the best and most spectacular riders!
  • + 0
 Song:Black sabbath-paranoid
  • + 0
 sweet hucks, on a hardtail too!
  • + 0
 wow thats sweet. nice no hander lander!
  • + 0
 Gotta love the huge flowy ones
  • + 0
 Holy kak that guy is insane!
  • + 0
 this vid is fuckin awesome
  • + 0
 huge props- makes me feel like a crappy rider
  • + 0
 you proved it, you dont need style to go big, haha
  • + 0
 nice...imaging you at new world disorder 15 haha
  • - 1
 seriously man your fucking an amazing rider ill deff be showing my buds your vid keep up the work
  • + 0
 Sick Vid How does that guy ride bikes with the size of balls he has!
  • + 1
 wow you huck huge! props
  • + 1
  • + 1
 Respect from POLAND Smile
  • + 1
  • + 1
 song ???
  • + 1
 H T P
  • + 1
 Head bangers! Big Grin
  • + 1
 Russian machine! Big Grin
  • + 1
 what a bad camera
  • + 1
 crazy russian mofo! Smile
  • + 1
  • + 0
 youll prob go twice as bigger with a fully, good shit
  • + 0
 ha bender got showed up by a girl (i think)
  • + 1
 shatack god!
  • + 1
 he's got balls
  • + 1
 Crazy russians!
  • + 1
 CAM IS #$%%
  • + 1
 he head bangs ALOT
  • + 1
 that was impresive
  • + 1
 sweet no hander lander
  • + 1
 Loved it! VOD for sure!
  • + 0
 that is crazy on a hardtail!!!!
  • + 1
 go big or go home
  • + 0
 that opening drop was sickkkkkk
  • + 1
 what a shitty video
  • + 0
 props to you for doing that on a hardtail, some of that stuff is huge
  • + 1
 u own the hardtail
  • + 0
 good ridin' but almost every shot is from Achtung 3;D btw. awsome movie
  • + 1
 yeah. i just downloaded the video of Achtung 3. this video was from the first like 4 min of that video. drop for drop. all in sequence....
  • + 0
 dude, your really brave !
  • + 0
 dude the part where he land no handed is sick
  • + 0
 WTF ....... that is soo f***ing sick
  • + 0
 thats real good. some sweet jumps and drops
  • + 1
  • + 0
 Road gap case thats a drop
  • + 0
 lol sick vid ! maybe baby bender!!!!
  • + 1
 THE dropp king
  • + 0
 wow fuking complete inspitration there boys vod for sure worthy!
  • - 1
 this guy would destroy josh bender if he was on a fully.in fact he pretty much already does on a hard tail.
  • - 3
 lol and bender jsut falls he dosnt land his jumps off cliffs and any one can do it ppl just arnt that stupiedbender is like a lemming u no the lil rat things that run off clifs and die pretty much what bender does
  • + 0
 dude if u got a better camra u could make a fucking sick vid
  • + 0
 omg sick hardtail riding!
  • + 0
 your no josh bender, but the words balls of steel comes to mind
  • + 0
 Josh Bender Jnr right there
  • + 0
  • + 0
 very nice stuff,be 1 million times better if the quality was better tho,
  • + 0
 Cheap bike, great rider all prop´s !!!!!!!!!!
  • + 0
 but this guy have a future
  • + 0
 yeah!!!!!the frist video that really surprise me since many time ago
  • - 2
 Russian Stark Shooter + Russian Vodochka = Hucking.
Benderoni- Respect, dude!
Our country have many heros on MTB and BMX.
Await us, we are came to U !!!
  • + 0
 Man you are sick Big Grin nice vid awesome jumps
  • + 0
 whats with russains and being so kick assSmile
  • + 1
 so tite man. huge
  • + 0
 u guys like to go big, fairplay
  • + 0
 strait huckin omg video of the day wtg!!!
  • + 0
 This is the defintion of an adrenaline junkie
  • + 0
 great riding !!!!!!!!!!!!!!Smile Smile Smile Smile
  • + 0
 bad quality but nice jump & skill
  • + 0
 hey thats crazy whats the name of that song?
  • + 0
 Finnaly some real hardtail riding
  • + 0
 avsome video.VOD

can you say on PW what frame do u use ?

thanks man
  • + 0
 good , pretty insane stuff
  • + 0
 guy kills it also good choice in song it went well with the vid.
  • + 0
 u wiil by history!!!!!!
  • + 0
 Bender is history wtf?Blank Stare
  • + 0
 What Frame...?
  • + 0
 Dude likes to huck...
  • + 0
  • - 1
 VIDEOSHOPPED! Just kidding!!! awesome vid!.
  • + 0
 relly good ridin
  • + 0
 I love to se people huck
  • - 1
 Boys. We got our selves a new Josh Bender
  • + 0
 props to you
  • - 2
 no skill in that hucking shit is you ask me, all just about having big balls...
  • + 0
 no one asked you mad props for hitting that on a hardtail. Definitely don't see that everyday.
  • + 0
 HUGE ! ....
  • + 0
 no fear
  • + 0
 ur insane man
  • - 1
 respect for russian riders !
  • + 0
 FUCKING impressive oO
  • + 0
  • - 1
 i wonder what this guy cud do on a fullie
  • + 0
 That is NUTS
  • + 0
 man thats awsome
  • + 0
 wow>! respekt;]
  • - 1
 bender was also a fuckin idiot
  • + 0
 crazy man Wink
  • - 1
 hey meeen you is f*cking crazy men Big Grin
  • + 0
 SICK !!!VOD !!
  • - 1
 i dont even find him good no style,all he does is drops.
  • + 0
 this guy is a maniac Blank Stare
  • + 0
 awsome vid by the way Wink
  • - 1
 absolutley f*ck*ng RADICAL!!!!!!!!!!
  • - 1
 somebody give this kid a fully!
  • - 1
 ooooo myy gooood:O He's Crazy VOD
  • + 0
 big nuts !!
  • + 0
 your a chuffing nutcase
  • + 0
 great. another idiot
  • + 1
  • + 0
 He's Crazy
  • + 0
 ÄŒo ti jebeeee !!
  • + 0
 how my god thats sick
  • + 0
 horrible grapichs
  • - 1
 holy shit............this kid should be sponsored..sick dog
  • + 0
 very nice Wink
  • - 1
 good video but the quality sucked
  • - 1
 Awesome! makes me wanna ride so bad
  • - 3
 not material for VOD :X
  • - 3
 What is the name of the song ?
  • + 9
 this is black sabbath - paranoid this movie is worth vod. respect for big drops dude !
  • - 2
 are you running 24's?
  • - 2
 you neeed Psycho Therapy
  • - 3
 hucking is gay!!!!! hucking on a hardtail, now thats cool
  • + 0
 I have to say, I am not a fan of hucking, but seeing it to this extreme on a hardtail... well, I am now a believer. Hardtail for life!!!
  • - 2
  • - 3
 REALY-BIG-JUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Smile RESPEKT!!!-GUD-JUMP!!!!!
  • - 1
 91.2 100.t nice vid
  • - 3
 bender is history if you can do the jaw drop you little fagget and get a job and buy a real bike
  • - 2
 put a helmet on when your dirt jumping you idiot
  • - 1
  • - 1
 HOO yea Bender style!!!
  • + 1
 Black Sabbath - Paranoid
  • - 1
 new BENDER ?!? Smile
  • - 2
 nice really nice !!! Putin RulezzzzZZZZZZzzzzzz!!!
  • - 1
  • + 0
 its bender if the can do the jaw drop. this kid is just a dump ass
  • - 1
 Nice! Razz
  • - 1
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