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Tripod video of me crashing.

Old video of me crashing then spending a few minutes on the ground in pain. I was going too far left and locked the brakes and the bike slid out from under me. I fell about 6-7 feet on my side on the log framing for the lander. I permanently f-ed up my ankle and broke 4 ribs. Thought someone might find it amusing. The last half of the video is just me in pain. I was by myself.


  • + 4
 Grab yer sac! That location is so backwoods they'd never find you if you really hurt yourself and couldn't get out. The Georgia rednecks'd have you cooked up and eaten before anyone knew you were missing!
  • + 0
 Haha. Yep. That's the spot and the line. It's not like that though. You might catch a stray bullet but no one would intentionally mess with you. Cool guys IMO.
  • + 1
 I had another REALLY bad crash about 4 months later on a REALLY sketchy double drop. It was about 8 and 8 with a little kink to the right in the middle. If you didn't come in perfect you'd end up too far left on the lander. I realized I was too far left and tried to compensate. Well I pretty much didn't even land on the bike at all. I Fell flat on my left upper chest with all the momentum from both drops. I broke 3 more ribs, dislocated my arm, and broke my wrist. Then I broke 2 more ribs 5 months later in another crash. That was a rough year.
  • + 7
 your life sucks...
  • + 1
 Ah yes, the crash reel. I have one, too. You can actually see where my leg is broken in mine if you look closely...
  • + 0
 Yea you should always be extra careful when you are riding by yourself incase something like this happens and you are unable to walk away. Glad you were ok, just be careful next time.
  • + 0
 Were you more pissed about having the camera catch it or were you happy the camera got it?
  • + 1
 Are you kidding? I just wish it had a better angle. Someone might as well get some pleasure from my pain.
  • + 0
 Ouch damn, almost looks like you were setting up for a killer whip off of it
  • + 0
 i think that we should never ride alone like if we get f**ked over and can't walk who know when another rider well be coming
  • + 0
 that was one hell of a bail!! you even had the guts to walk your bike back to get the tripod man!Salute
  • - 5
flag lilwalters (Mar 23, 2008 at 17:04) (Below Threshold)
  • + 0
 Damn. That is exactly why I don't go anywhere near my limit when I'm riding alone.
  • + 0
 I did something similar to that once, which is why I only like step-up ladders with a really wide landing.
  • + 0
 Shit man. You were flying.
  • + 0
 haha, oh man, rough fall... you might enjoy one of my crashes too
  • + 0
 Dude, where is that trail??? in bama?
  • + 1
 yea where is it?
  • - 1
 you are a fuc k ing retarded
  • - 1
 how bad is your ankle?
  • + 1
 This was two years ago and it still hurts pretty much all the time. It doesn't affect the function but it does hurt pretty bad. I broke a chunk out of one of my left tarsals and it never healed. I can move it around by hand. Eventually it's going to require a surgery. I also have some tendon damage in the other ankle so I'm going to get both of them done at the same time when they start getting really bad.
  • - 1
 the sound's off...
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