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Andrew Crimmins and Jack McCosker

Andrew and Jack riding together at a local track. Riders are 12 and 13 years old and have a very bright future ahead of them with a tonne of natural talent on a bike. Song is "All Stars" by Grafton Primary


  • + 18
 Awesome as usual nick!
is andrew really only 12?
  • + 18
 12 years old? thats just ridiculous..
  • + 26
 omg seriously??? only 12 and 13 lol . that is awesome, wish i had gotten into the sport earlier Frown

bitchin video tho!
  • + 44
 I'm 12 and what is this.
  • + 13
 Loved it. They looked really comfortable on the bikes. Usually young kids look a bit sketch
  • + 9
 they have a very fun future ahead of them..
  • + 11
 Yep 12. Andrew beats most people at all the races, even in the elite category. which kinda sucks for us older folk.
  • + 8
 if both of them went to whistler or some other big event like that for some of the races they would get scouted for sure tup

these two are iminse Big Grin
  • + 26
 also these two must have the coolest paarents ever Big Grin
  • + 9
  • + 9
 i wish i had the money when i was 12 and 13. riding BOS at 12?! but i can't deny they definitely have the skills, nice vid! Smile
  • + 15
 these guys definately have skills no doubt about that! it just makes me wonder if their sponsored or not cos if they aren't they seem a bit spoilt to be riding bos stuff and troy lee helmets with neck braces and full race kits =/ probaly just the jealousy speaking though
  • + 5
 thats what i thought, thats why i posted about having awesome parents, but yeah my jealousy is there for there talent and race kit and bikes
  • + 5
 Amazing video, also that must be a first - a video getting VOD well under 24 hours of it being posted? Razz Nice work, young pinners Big Grin
  • + 1
 Crimmins is sponsored... I think...
  • + 3
 If you'd said 17 and 18 I wouldnt have thought twice, but 12 and 13! What do you feed kids over there!?
  • + 12
 Kangaroos and didgeridoo's.
  • + 6
  • + 0
 Can't forget emu's, boomerangs and crocodiles!
  • + 0
 Last time i went to jacks, good quality borritos
  • + 1
 As mentioned before Andrew (the guy in the blue and orange kit) is sponsored by Rouler imports (who import BOS and Morewood along with many other brands) and also the Sacred Ride which is a bike shop in Jindabyne who help him out with basically everything else. His brother, Thomas, is also an incredible rider who is sponsored by the same companies.
I'm sure it won't be long until Jack picks up some sponsors as well.

Thanks for the positive comments about the video.
  • + 13
 ANYTHING is possible....... when your parents have money to buy their kids downhill bikes. Seriously though. The best snowboarders as kids had season passes to the best mountains because their parents could afford it. The best bikers are in the same boat. Wealth doesn't buy skill and talent but it sure helps.
  • + 1
 Whatever. Its possible to ride pretty much anything fast.
  • + 0
 Lando, sorry but, your a twat that is extremely jealous!!!!!!!!!!
  • - 1
 that does not make a single bit of sense, Lando is clearly supporting the fact that it is just that they have good gear.
  • + 1
 No he's not. He's saying that they're good because their parents bought them nice bikes and they wouldnt be that fast without their parents money. Which is quite clearly bollocks.
  • + 2
 as i put above i agree with this comment, plus you tell me how they get about to these races and stuff, walk! no realy, there parents take them, look at what me and my mates have to do, ride everywhere. and no we aint a poor family but you see they wont do everything for me i have to do things myself, these lads clearly cant do anything there self but ride there bikes there mum and dad bought them. you take there mum and dads money of them, and there bikes and give them a hardtail such as mine, see how well they would do against me at doing what i do, i would be able to ride there faster, ride watevers there better and get back way before them..
  • + 1
 hay willsoffe... respect!
  • + 0
 and rlepecha you have no idea what they do for "them selfes" btw!
  • + 1
 @ rlepecha; What do you want them to do? Apologise for having rich parents? Ride an Apollo?

So their parents help them out. Well??? I think its great that their Mum and Dad are taking time and money to help their boys with a sport they clearly love.

Put up and shut up. We can't all have a leg up in life but don't hate on people who do.
  • + 1
As I said before I do not see any problem whatsoever with parents supporting their kids (and if it makes any difference at 12/13 you are below the legal age limit to work anyway in Australia). Their parents are opening up all sorts of opportunities for their kids by supporting them. I could write a whole page about this subject and I will if you want although in this situation I'd just be wasting my time. Please keep your negative opinions to yourself.

Now back to the videeo...
  • + 1
 rlepecha, stop trying to get sympathy for your lack of parental love! there is a biggggg difference between people helping you and being spoilt. You should stop trying to make yourself look so independant, why is that your parents dont help you?
  • + 2
 that might be because i am independant, always have been since i was about 9. these kids are clearly never going to learn that. you lot dont know what your talking about, and MauganXylon you can spell well, them selfes? haha, its them selves! retard, you lot realy need to look back and think about what your talking about cos you don't actualy understand these kids are spoilt and will never learn about how to handle money in there later life unless there mum and dad give up buying them all there kit.
  • + 1
 Hay idiot I touch type!! This means i miss a leter here and there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 3
 that wasnt a miss letter it was the wrong letter all together. i touch type too ya know.
  • + 1
 i can't believe your insulting for his spelling, you spell like a 6 yr old. How do you know this? how do you know that they arn't completely independant but are restricted because of their age and therefore need some help from their parents in order to progress. That does not in any way make them spoilt. and you don't learn how to hand handle money properly in childhood anyway buddy, its an ongoing thing, throughout your entire life.
  • + 1
 Im pretty sure they would still kick ur asses on hardtails, take this vid for example. www.pinkbike.com/video/115539
Vid of jack on his hardtail.
  • - 1
 rlepecha you are one of the biggest hypocrites I have ever come across. Just to prove my point I will now go over your most recent rubbish. I have highlighted all of your spelling/grammar errors.

Quote: "you lot dont know what your talking about, and MauganXylon you can spell well, them selfes? haha, its them selves (Note to readers, it's actually themselves you imbecile)! retard, you lot realy need to look back and think about what your talking about cos you don't actualy understand these kids are spoilt and will never learn about how to handle money in there later life unless there mum and dad give up buying them all there kit." End quote.

You are an utter fool and hopefully one day you will wake up to yourself. Please don’t bother to post again, you have stated your opinion and to be frank no one values it anymore. You are a hypocrite in many, many ways which I will elaborate on if you wish although I hope I don’t hear from you again until you have grown up and matured as a person.
  • + 1
 you are so sad!
  • + 1
 how are your sisters?
  • - 1
 you seriously wouldnt say that to her. my sister would actualy bray you. haha, theres things you shoudlnt say to me and her.
  • + 11
 nice but how does a 12 year old afford thier own bike?
  • + 9
  • + 3
 Andrew is sponsored by the Sacred Ride (a bike shop in Jindabyne) and Rouler Imports and I know Jack works hard as well but seeing as they are under the legal age to work for an employer their parents obviously have to help out.
  • + 2
 I think 70% of kids on pinkbike have parental involvement in purchasing their bikes, gear etc tbh. Most of the fastest guys around here who race are spoilt rich kids lol
  • + 2
 Well "around here" for you is different to "around here" for us in Wollongong. Razz
  • + 7
 okay right there brilliant riders, i agree, but there spoilt, there 12 and 13. they have no way of gettign the money to get a bike like theirs. so therefore there mum and dad have bought them, them. yeah if most kids were spoilt on bikes like that at 13. i could have rode like that. but i wasnt, and ive had appollos till the past 2 years where ive now got my hardtail which has to suffice me 'cos i pay for everything myself! bring on the bad props. you cant say it isnt true.
  • + 3
 yo man. you dont that good cause of a bike. it helps with stability but it aint some sort of magic device that makes you good. theese kids probaly do alot of racing and comps and with skills like those they probaly have sponsers so therefore they have good bikes.
  • + 1
 If you read above comments they are both sponsered by multiple companies and have won many, many races so of course they have amazing skill!
  • + 1
 Maybe their parents realise they have a talent, so Helped them out by buying them the proper stuff. I'm good at football and my parents pay for my boots. Admittedly they are no-where near as expensive as those bikes....but you get the point.
  • + 4
 I still want to know what the problem is with Parent being able to provide their kids with cool sh.t?

I sure as hell am planning to be able to provide the best I can for my upcoming kid. Saying their parents bought their expensive gear is no insult and as long as they know they are priveledged and are thankful for their oppertunities, who gives a sh!t what you think rlepecha ?
  • + 1
 Sounds like class envy. Instead of being mad at these boys for having sweet rides maybe you should go yell at your parents for not working harder.
  • + 0
  • + 4
 To the original poster do you really think that as soon as they got nice bikes they instantly started to win races by 20 seeconds or so in their age division and with a time good enough to qualify for Elite?

Seriously I know there's always going to be people with attitudes such as yourself but at least think before you post utter shit. I really don't see why people have such a problem with parents supporting their kids in what they love doing. End of story.
  • + 2
 rlepecha you have no idea, calling kids spoiled under the assumption that their parents just bought them bikes, no srtings attached is a joke. I'd say that a kid could be bought anything, and under the right circumstances, still not be spoilt. These guys obviously rip it up, and in order to support them and give them the proper opportunity they get the proper gear from not only their parents, but sponsours. I can tell you now they arn't spoilt, and that you have no idea.
  • + 1
 yeah well u dont get sponsors without actualy joining races do you, and realy you cant join a proper dh race on a hardtail, u havent a chance of being anywhere near as fast as a kid on a dh bike. so therefore they had good bikes to start with. and yeah but u see these kids therefore dont have a clue about later life cos they wont know how to save up cos there parents will have bought them all the expensivse stuff. and there alouances would have to be huge to save up what. 3 grand. man that would take ages unless u got like 200 quid a month, now there you go, spoilt.
  • + 0
 oh and sentinel13 yeah u sure have the right to say that dont you, fucking wanker. my parents do work. you have no right to judge me in that way. i judged these kids on there parents buying them everything, not that there parents get loads of money, both my parents work, and theres a good chance these kids parents get simmilar pay as the adverage. but my mum and dad leave me to buy my own stuff so later in life i dont get in debt and shit 'cos my parents bought me everything.
  • + 1
 Class envy, enjoy your Halfords bike mate
  • + 0
 How ironic rlepecha, you say sentinel13 has no right to judge you in that way, well what do you think you are doing to the two kids in the video and their parents? JUDGING them! I would much prefer my kids to grow up well adjusted, have a focus in life, many friends and not a huge chip on their shoulder as obviously you have with your "Whoa is me" attitude. Get on with your life and don't worry yourself about what other people have. Life will be so much happier for you then.
  • + 1
 Yewwww CRIK!!!
Anyways people, lets stop arguing about thing and lets go ride instead.
  • - 2
 rlepecha, maybe your points should spoil you with a proper education. you are as dumb as dog shit. You have no idea what your saying and you are judging them on some mystical fact that you have made up. How can you possibly think that they just started off with good bikes? i can assure you they started with normal bikes and as they proggressed, so did their bikes. It amuses me that you are saying that because you buy your own things, you will be set up for later life. that because you have the ability to buy things on your own you wont fall into debt. im gonna have to say that you you later life is gonna be humerous, you have spelt words like allowances like "alouances", haha your a joke! enjoy having the ability to buy things in the future with the money you earn form working at macca's.
  • - 2
 i have proper education mate, you see education is free over in england. and the facts ive pointed out are true, not mystical you retard. and "I would much prefer my kids to grow up well adjusted, have a focus in life, many friends and not a huge chip on their shoulder as obviously you have with your "Whoa is me" attitude. " comment, they wont be well adjusted cos the wont know how to handle money when the cash is short. and plus its woe's me. so learn the slang before u type it nobhead.
  • + 3
 yeah they clearly can afford 4 grand bikes. jeez he made his point and you critisize him and make things up. yes buying things yourself also teaches the value of money and how to use it, not get your parents to buy you everything, you berk.
  • - 1
 rlepecha FTW
  • + 1
 i didn't even say whoa? i havn't made anything up actually, i sid your assuming that their parents just bought them the bikes. Which is incorrect, therefore you lose. And supporting your kids in the sport that they are pretty much gonna dedicate their lives to is not spoiling your kid in any way. How did you manage to get to the conclusion that kids with supportive parents arn't gonna have a focus in life and end up with a chip on their shoulder? Yea he made his point rhodez, and im just saying that it was fairly off the mark and doesn't aplly to these kids. Just to make it clear, im saying these guys arn't spoilt, not that every kid who got a new glory for their birthday isn't.
  • + 1
 fair point but you cant say i'm incorrect when we have no evidence on wo bouht them. yes, i did jut assume they were bought the bikes simplybecause its more likely.
  • + 0
 how does it not apply to these kids, the being spoilt "thought" or watever you want to call it could apply to any one. and its very likely it does apply to these two lads, but niether of us have proof so u cant fight your point, i cant fight mine, end of mate. get out and ride.
  • + 2
 You were the one that started the "fight", so when you say "you can't fight your point, I can't fight mine" why the f**k did you start the fight in the first place by posting a negative comment. You actually said "they are spoilt" when you can't back it up which is what you just said in your last post. You have been the person dragging this "fight" along, to me your last post means that you have just realised you are completely incorrect and you are now going defensive. You have also missed the point that some of the people that have posted know the riders and their families (more than you would expect in one case :p) so they do have "proof" whereas you live on the other side of the planet...

I'm happy you have figured it out now but in the future think things through before you post.
  • + 1
 no i havent backed down, i cant be arsed with it, i didnt say what i said was true, i stated a point which was very likely, and mate, u ever known of something called bullshit? people make stuff up so they can win arguments your retard.
  • + 0
 I'm going to leave this here. You're doing a better job at proving my point than I am.
  • + 1
 im sick of kids posting shit vids i agree with rlepecha
  • + 1
 i actually know the kids and know that they didnt get their bikes just bought for them. you loose.
  • + 1
 i call bs. u give me proof and if so how did they get there first good bikes? knick em, i call pikeys then.
  • + 0
 lol If your parents were rich and could provide you with everything would you turn it down i highly doubt it,so your gonna flame on people just because they happen to have a better chance in life than you,um jealous me thinks fella.
  • + 0
 man your the worst person hear, your a mod and to be honest, how the f*ck did you get that position? am I f*ck jealous, like i put i wouldnt want a bike like theres. and if my parents said that to me yes i would turn it down.
  • + 0
 If you don't want a bike like theirs then why all the hate man,you can't go through life hating on people just because some are more fortunate than others.
  • + 0
 there was no hate, the point is that its clear there spoilt
  • + 1
 The word you are looking for is privileged,yeah there can be spoilt people but you can't knock people because they are good riders,or because they have parents who are in a position to provide more for their children than the average house hold.
  • + 0
 no but you dont see the point im trying to make, they wont know shit abbout how to handle money in later life. yeah they might be good riders and be in a privileged position, but that wont help them when there 27 ish.
  • + 0
 I totally understand the point and to be honest i couldn't care less how their life pans out later on in life,i live for the here and now. I have had to save for all of my bikes,and my first proper bike was like in 1996,but do i hate other riders because their more privileged than me do i heckers like,i get on with what i do and let others be. Does this also mean that my daughter who has just acquired my bike mean she will be a spoilt bitch,does it nowt my parenting skills will help her to understand and appreciate things in life.
  • + 2
 only she will know shes acquired your bike so she knows she loves you, there parents have bought the bikes specificly for them just to spoil them
  • + 0
 It's time for me to give up as you clearly have a point of view that will not shift to accept all variables in life,peace man.Salute
  • + 11
 what song is that?
  • + 8
 Song is "All Stars" by Grafton Primary, read the description next time.
  • + 9
 watch out for catholic priests
  • + 3
  • + 8
 WARNING! Bright future ahead!! Good job.
  • + 3
 they clearly are spoilt because im 14 i have a regular income of around £100 a month and i couldnt afford a bike like that and keep my own 3 at the same time , thing is the chance of a 12 year old been able to afford to but a bike like that is very slim to they have had them bought and i no im no parent but buying your kid a 4.5 k bike and kit is spoiling them
  • + 0
 Wow another clearly jealous person. I'm not going to bother explaining this with you, read the rest of the thread so I will avoid having to post everything again. Everything is in relation anyway and everyone has a different life. In relation to kids in some parts of Africa, you are spoilt for not having to walk 15km to get water. Get over it and live your life.
  • + 3
 Andrew Crimmons and his older brother Thomas (14 going on 15) absolutely dominate over here in the junior divisions, Thomas races up a division from 17's to 19's, and still get's podiums nearly every race, if not winning.
Enough of the riders, a well deserved VOD!
  • + 2
 yeah Thomas Crimmons, that kid is going places in the DH world. he beat Ben Corey's time at Awaba!! and that track is rough, REALLY rough!
  • + 2
 he did, but mr cory crashed in his run.
  • + 2
 ahhh, i wonder where he cashed. do you have any idear where?
  • + 2
 Thomas also crashed in race run. I think there were a few offs in race run.
  • + 1
 there were a few crashes indeed...i crashed in quali and race run!
  • + 2
 ok i'm going to be for real i was about to turn this vid off when i seen they were only 12 and 13 but i started to watch it and they are pretty good i was thinking they would be like all the other younger kid that people say are good and ride like shit and are riding bike that are to big for them but these kids are damn good and can work there bikes nice for there age and size. GREAT RIDING!!!!!!!!!
  • + 3
 Now it might just be my computer playing the video funnily but I don't think so, they didn't really look that quick. Sure they can ride bikes well but the track looked pretty easy and it didn't make me go "wow" at all.
  • + 0
 why don't you take a trip over here and check out the track, actually no we don't want imbeciles like you over here anyway
  • + 1
 i lold
  • + 2
 Yay I got vod! I will most likely be making a longer and more professional video of Andrew and his brother Thomas who is also an incredible rider on some of their local tracks in the next couple of months. By the way Jack is in the white and blue kit and Andrew is in the blue and orange kit.
  • + 1
 To help all understand, the Crimmins are very well grounded boys with working class parents, they are natural athletes and have chosen bikes as prefered sport, luckly both boys have been able to have Extraordinary support from there parents and the family has made the decision to pursue championship titles in Downhill. Clearly these boys have talent and as a result they have been able to secure minor sponsorship to help reduce the financial pressure, the whole family has worked hard to get where they are and only as a team i think they will succeed, I look forward to following their dream.Good luck Team Crimmins I hope you all stand proud on all your podiums.
  • + 1
 rlepecha, don't judge ppl dood. how do you know their situation? maybe they saved up their allowances for years. how do you know they didn't ride cheap ass bikes for years till they got good and their parents realized they did not have the proper equipment? how do you know the parents did not make them save up every penny til they could afford a good bike? i won't neg prop you but i'm just saying dood, don't judge. this world has enough ppl out there judging everyone while they sit in their high and mighty chairs, we don't need more ppl like that here.

if my kid was good at doing something, i too would buy him the "proper" equipment to progress. would you not do the same? or would you hold them back because you don't want to spoil him/her?
  • + 1
 I'm blown away, had you not told me they were 12 and 13 i never would have guessed from watching that video! also really nice editing, i really liked how you kept the shots interesting by using a slow pan, really adds to the video! awesome work.
  • + 1
 thats a piss take they are NOT 12 and 13 they look about 6ft tall, i am 12 and i am a bit over 5ft and i am the tallest in my year! People like me who ride hardtails when they are younger, turn out better riders when they are older!
  • + 1
 man im 13 and im nowwhere near as fast yet again where i ride its practically flat and i ride a hardtail soooo yeah but there are still really fast
  • + 2
 Remember these names, it isnt the last time your gonna see them. Great vid guys, keep it up!
  • + 3
 the vods are just getting worse and worse
  • + 2
 As I said before. Want to elaborate as to what you didn't like about it? That comment isn't helping anyone and at least if you made your comment constructive we could work on things for the future videos.
  • + 1
 i fell asleep in frist 10 secs thats why v.o.d is for pros not kids
  • + 3
 Aw damn it - more fast Aussies!
  • + 2
  • + 2
 dudes! rippin it up! super stoked to see some young guys really riding exceptionally
  • + 2
 fun looking trail too
  • + 2
 sponsorship as well, helps out a fair bit.
  • + 0
 Andrew has a partial sponsorship with Rouler Imports, a local importer for Morewood Bike and BOS Suspension. Jack and Andrew both have a good future ahead of them in the sport!
  • + 1
 Andrew is also sponsored by The Sacred Ride in Jindabyne.
  • + 0
 Indeed he is, my apologies!
  • + 2
 wow. a vod in 13 hours. Eek thats a sweet video dooooood
  • + 1
 nice work nick defiantly VOD worthy always like how you work with the beat of the song.
  • + 1
 these guys are pretty tank for they age. they are gonna be so quick when they are older
  • + 2
 Sick vid bro. Wheres the track?
  • + 2
 they make me feel sh*t!!!
  • + 1
 o ma gash.

next spectacular great movie of static visual prod Big Grin !

  • + 2
 Yeop both of them are 12. I think Andrew turns 13 in August.
  • + 4
 i wish i lived in australia, being able to ride properly all year round must be awesome
  • + 2
 you know it awesome we ride all year long
  • + 1
 where is a BMX VOD? Have not seen one in a long time..... enough with the DH.. no offense since I ride a DH bike aswell
  • + 2
 Track is in Wollongong. Good stuff guys, good filming too!
  • + 1
  • + 2
 if thats the only track in Wollongong your riding.. you need to take a time out and find the good ones Wink
  • + 1
 i know the other ones! kembla, bulli, tharoule (not sure how its spelt), and posums. Big Grin
  • + 1
 its thirroul
  • + 2
 amazing riding and filming, good job!
  • + 1
 Just back from the UK, got a check them trails. Support your local Freerider?
  • + 1
 solid skills, but there should be an age limit on BOS stuff. ha ha
  • - 1
 i like cross contry but why they using dh bikes and i agreen with snook 1 or 2 table tops and a wip but not going to fast hahaha i must be going pro if there good
  • + 1
 look over the jumps again they are not tabletops i know for a fact their is a 20 foot gap in there in one shit and in the same shit andrew is doing a 13 foot drop
  • + 1
 They weren't in a race. They were having fun and doing what looks good on the camera. If you think there slow go and have a look at there race results and see what you think.
  • + 0
 They are soooooo quick.
  • + 0
 look ur self dick head there small
  • + 2
 nice work! great video
  • + 1
 Sick, Always filming at wilongong haha!
  • + 2
 Crimmins is good.
  • + 1
 Rich bitches but still very nice riding!
  • + 1
 Ahahah 12 and 13 years old, Bullshit, I can't believe that!!
  • + 0
 believe it
  • + 2
 Great vid........~!!!!
  • + 2
 yeh nick got vod
  • + 1
 seriously excellent riding cant wait to see how these guys progress.
  • + 1
 Very catchy and powerfull, I like it!
  • + 2
 very very good edit
  • + 1
 fair play!! il have to look out for these in the future
  • + 1
 love it are those guys really that age cause they pin
  • + 1
 Yeah nick, congrats on VOD Smile
  • + 1
 Simply wow! keep on going!
  • + 1
 congrats nick...great vid. sick riding too boys!
  • + 1
 So good editing riding everything
  • + 1
 I like their style. Good to see some young talent using the leatt brace.
  • + 1
 Im 13 and these 2 are so good it makes me feel depressed haha
  • + 1
 whit you ages you guys ride pretty whell
  • + 2
  • + 1
 there so good for there age!!
  • + 1
 thats great kids .stay on this way
  • + 2
 how did that make vod?!
  • + 2
 Want to elaborate as to what you didn't like about it? That comment isn't helping anyone to be honest. At least if you made it constructive we could work on things for the future videos.
  • + 1
 It's a sweet vod!
  • + 0
 nice riding and all, but it just doesn't the vod feel to it.
  • + 1
 fair enough dude your preference.
  • + 1
 They are quite big 12 and 13 year olds. Blumin good on a bike though
  • + 1
 amazing video !!
  • + 1
 whoo nice vid!
  • + 1
 Fuck yes Nick, VOD!!!!
  • + 1
 soooo sick
  • + 1
 Jarrod, where is this trail, i want to ride it.
  • + 1
 It's Mt Keira, i'll take you up when u come out to the gong
  • + 1
 good job, nick!
  • + 1
 thats a really good vid
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 0
 Nice video Nick, I love the song and smooth editing.... VOD worthy
  • + 0
 sick vod
  • + 0

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