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sirronaldskarin mattdennison's article
Feb 6, 2014 at 16:58
Feb 6, 2014
Video: How To Be a Road Biker
A few significant "roady" additions: 1. Some mention of the value and proper technique for drafting. 2. Need to mention that the added benefit of shaving your legs makes you look (and feel) more buff and sexy! ie; psychological advantage! 3. Obsession with aerodynamics from skin suits, to bars, tubes spokes, wheels, and position. 4. Roadies NEVER wave to MTBikers, or Freds. 5. Mirrors or Reflectors of any kind are strictly prohibited. 6. The real Roady Snob has a vintage Road bike with Reynolds 531, Columbus or Titainium tubing, Toe Clips, Brooks leather saddle, old style Campy Groupo and a wool cycling kit. 7. In addition to being able to balance a red lights, you also must perfect the technique of clearing your sinus's without a kleenex or fingers, and do it without sliming the rider behind you! 8. You must also have the significant dialogue from the movie Breaking Away memorized. 9. Roady's only ride in streets like "real" vehicles. Never use crosswalks, Bike paths, or park in "bicycle parking" spaces. 10.Real Roady's have ridden up every peak in their city, and would rather keel over and die, than be caught walking up a hill!
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