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Oldwrench connormacleodvideo's video
Feb 20, 2015 at 22:38
Feb 20, 2015
World class riding and great videography and that is your only comment? Your page says you study photography and video? I',m a photography noob and even I know good work? The downhill riding is Mt Prevost and surrounding locations 9/10 difficulty and way beyond most riders (I have seen riders break their back and sternum on one crash). The are lots of spots too steep to stand, mud covered most months and roots everywhere, yet I have never seen Mark go down...mad skills! By comparison the cross country stuff is easy groomed trails 2/10 difficulty, but 7/10 climbs to get to the riding...Hot work and a great workout, but the downhill part is literally nothing for him. He wears protection when he needs it.

Oldwrench Oldwrench's photo
Feb 20, 2015 at 22:10
Feb 20, 2015
Bright sunny day, riders are in the shade, f8 1/250, flash is at full power. F2 in the bright sun doesn't work with an off camera flash...Especially with an f4 lens. Yeah, I over did the saturation and this is a shit image. Most of this set is garbage actually. These are as they came off the camera (other than a bulk contrast and stupid saturation adjustment) and are in sequence. The images are here for the riders...not to show off my photography skills..Which suck here

Oldwrench connormacleodvideo's video
Feb 20, 2015 at 2:14
Feb 20, 2015
Holy shite! Absolutely amazing Mark! Wishing you the best of success at the WC this year!

Feb 20, 2015 at 2:11
Feb 20, 2015
Why are you riding a downhill bike on sidewalk of a cross country trail?
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Oldwrench connormacleodvideo's video
Feb 20, 2015 at 2:09
Feb 20, 2015
An amazing video and this is your only stupid comment? If you followed the World Cup Riders you would know how good Mark is and why he doesn't need knee pads on his uphill bike. Hint: He's best buds with Steve Smith. In other words so far above your skill level you couldn't begin to understand.

Oldwrench gee-milner's article
Feb 26, 2014 at 5:20
Feb 26, 2014
Video: Mark Wallace Tearing Apart Mt. Prevost
There are new trails and features every year. Mother nature adds a few sick additions herself!
Oldwrench gee-milner's article
Feb 26, 2014 at 5:18
Feb 26, 2014
Video: Mark Wallace Tearing Apart Mt. Prevost
Mark is so smooth he makes it look easy. Best of luck at the World Cup races this year Mark!
Oldwrench mattwragg's article
Dec 22, 2013 at 3:25
Dec 22, 2013
Video: Cédric Gracia's Bloody Crash
I read every comment, but nobody mentioned that Cedric calmly directing his friend to push one knee then the other into his broken pelvis is the ONLY thing that saved Cedric. Clear minds, common sense, and a clear direction for what needed done saved his life. The grim reality is if it can happen to Cedric it can happen to you! Will you know what to do as your friend bleeds out? The grim answer is unless you studied a little bit of first aid...you wont have a clue. The next few minutes are all up to you and the next 60 minutes decide if your buddy is going to live or die. What about a neck injury where your buddy can't breath..what do you do? What if he is impaled on a stick? What about a separated shoulder? Should you re set it? These is simple first aid and common problems in mountain biking with some very wrong answers. This stuff is too simple not to have a basic field understanding...It can be done online and you can learn the basics in an afternoon or less. Look after it just like you would part of your bike!
Added 1 photo to Mt-Washington-2013
Aug 29, 2013 at 11:46
Aug 29, 2013
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Oldwrench Oldwrench's photo
Aug 26, 2013 at 19:14
Aug 26, 2013
Sorry Greg...Its a bit out of focus...Maybe next time!

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