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diligence6 artbarn's article
Jun 7, 2015 at 23:13
Jun 7, 2015
Video: What Were You Doing When You Were 10?
all the overworked youth/adults/kids out there reading this page: biking is one hobby. I know that most of you didn't have a chance to choose your own hobbies, and by the time you had freedom---you either weren't interested anymore, or you no longer had the time. don't let these people put you down. look at what you've achieved. list them all out and sure, you might not be able to ride bikes like that 10 year old, or you might not be able to ride a bike at all (like me). But stop and think, what did that boy not accomplish? everyone's good at different stuff. Read my list above. If my parents went out and put up a blog filled with vids of MY talents....that blog would need several different sections :) If your parents went out and put up a blog filled with vids of YOUR talents.... how many sections will it have? Be proud of yourself. Anybody try to put me down, SHAME ON YOU. Congrats to that biker kid though. Nice one talent and nice followers. It's nice that your parents let you embrace your hobbies. I know mine didn't :) What would I have wanted to do? I have no clue.
diligence6 artbarn's article
Jun 7, 2015 at 23:11
Jun 7, 2015
Video: What Were You Doing When You Were 10?
when i was 10... i went to school during the regular school hours mon-fri 8:30-2pm. On top of that, my mom made me do figure skating (3-5pm tue/thu), my dad signed me up for self-defense classes at the community centre (3-5pm mon/wed), and I took the evening tutorial school for math & sci from 6-8pm (mon-fri). On the weekends, I had piano (sat/sun 10am-11am, then free practice in the rental room. my dad also arranged for my play dates with a few daughters of his coworkers. Friday after school, I had band until 4pm, and then my English tutor would come to our house around 6pm (but he was usually late). After dinner, I had to empty the garbage and wash the dishes (only wed-sun). I won some trophies at the competitive figure skating for my age group. I was Level 9 in the aquatic program at Minoru. I was Level 8 with the RCM for classical piano. ---No, I am not Asian... I'm just a caucasian girl born in the wrong city (Vancouver). This continued until Grade 8. By then, a second language tutorial school was added on top of my schedule that I had no control over. My dad also signed me up for VolWeb (volunteering). Grade 10, I had a bit of a break. I'd gotten the certificates for my extracurricular skills, enough to compete with the Asian kids for university, so no more swimming skating or that stuff. Piano was also complete--maxed with RCM. But....I turned 16. That meant I had to start working and contributing every month to the family budget. I was also still in the tutorial schools for math & sci, and my second language. If you guys want pics of my certs and awards, they're available. I've turned 27 this year. I never learned how to ride a bike. I drive a pretty nice car, which I own. I have a mortgage on my own house, and no husband. I do have a Master's degree, and I am in middle management :) The moral of this story is: People who missed out on childhood experiences, don't be ashamed or embarrassed. Society has no right to stereotype us. We just weren't able to make time for the little things.
diligence6 artbarn's article
Jun 7, 2015 at 23:07
Jun 7, 2015
Video: What Were You Doing When You Were 10?
all the overworked youth/adults/kids out there reading this page: biking is one hobby. I know that most of you didn't have a chance to choose your own hobbies, and by the time you had freedom---you either weren't interested anymore, or you no longer had the time. don't let these people put you down. look at what you've achieved. list them all out and sure, you might not be able to ride bikes like that 10 year old, or you might not be able to ride a bike at all (like me). But stop and think, what did that boy not accomplish? everyone's good at different stuff. Read my list above. If my parents went out and put up a blog filled with vids of MY talents....that blog would need several different sections :) If your parents went out and put up a blog filled with vids of YOUR talents.... how many sections will it have? Be proud of yourself. Anybody try to put me down, SHAME ON YOU. Congrats to that biker kid though. Nice one talent and nice followers. It's nice that your parents let you embrace your hobbies. I know mine didn't :) What would I have wanted to do? I have no clue.
diligence6 artbarn's article
Jun 7, 2015 at 22:59
Jun 7, 2015
Video: What Were You Doing When You Were 10?
when i was 10... i went to school during the regular school hours mon-fri 8:30-2pm. On top of that, my mom made me do figure skating (3-5pm tue/thu), my dad signed me up for self-defense classes at the community centre (3-5pm mon/wed), and I took the evening tutorial school for math & sci from 6-8pm (mon-fri). On the weekends, I had piano (sat/sun 10am-11am, then free practice in the rental room. my dad also arranged for my play dates with a few daughters of his coworkers. Friday after school, I had band until 4pm, and then my English tutor would come to our house around 6pm (but he was usually late). After dinner, I had to empty the garbage and wash the dishes (only wed-sun). I won some trophies at the competitive figure skating for my age group. I was Level 9 in the aquatic program at Minoru. I was Level 8 with the RCM for classical piano. ---No, I am not Asian... I'm just a caucasian girl born in the wrong city (Vancouver). This continued until Grade 8. By then, a second language tutorial school was added on top of my schedule that I had no control over. My dad also signed me up for VolWeb (volunteering). Grade 10, I had a bit of a break. I'd gotten the certificates for my extracurricular skills, enough to compete with the Asian kids for university, so no more swimming skating or that stuff. Piano was also complete--maxed with RCM. But....I turned 16. That meant I had to start working and contributing every month to the family budget. I was also still in the tutorial schools for math & sci, and my second language. If you guys want pics of my certs and awards, they're available. I've turned 27 this year. I never learned how to ride a bike. I drive a pretty nice car, which I own. I have a mortgage on my own house, and no husband. I do have a Master's degree, and I am in middle management :) The moral of this story is: People who missed out on childhood experiences, don't be ashamed or embarrassed. Society has no right to stereotype us. We just weren't able to make time for the little things.
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