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Added 1 photo to RockShox-DIY
Aug 31, 2011 at 19:23
Aug 31, 2011
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Mar 30, 2011 at 7:41
Mar 30, 2011
dalewilson kawi008's article
Mar 17, 2011 at 17:55
Mar 17, 2011
POM Point of Me Ultimate POV Camera Update
Despite presenting an intelligent design solution i feel this product is capitalising on a successful brand, but why shouldn't they, this is how many businesses become very successful. I believe the problem is with the actual hardware. The iphone 3gs and the iphone 4 are simply not capable of capturing the quality desired by most people. By the time you have bought this product and smashed your iphone when you bail; you might as well have purchased a more expensive go pro or similar camera, which has been specifically manufactured for the job and are built to withstand extensive stress caused by erratic movement and crashes. I personally wouldn't choose to use my iphone as a recording device, either in the park or on the trails. In fact i only take my phone with me if it is in a backpack when i'm riding, i always have. The whole process of injection moulding is great and all but the iphone 5 is scheduled for summer 11 and the iphone 6 will equally be a year later. This therefore reduces the lifespan of product. This is all just my opinion; its a pretty cool design with the integrated headphone jack, locking system and screen protector but i do feel think the negatives over power these features. What are the comments at the top all about?! This is Pinkbike, not some sort of religious argument. Please don't argue on here it makes it a very unpleasant place.
dalewilson IanHylands's article
Mar 9, 2011 at 8:42
Mar 9, 2011
Women Who Ride - Angie Hohenwarter
Typical Pinkbike argument, i've said it before and ill say it again, it is no longer fun to come to this website. I used to be an avid viewer, checking the posts every day and having a read through the comments. Now i find myself trawling through pointless arguments/disagreements.
dalewilson chrisfindlay's video
Mar 6, 2011 at 18:13
Mar 6, 2011
Wow, this is so strangely satisfying to watch! Fantastic, the only video in a long time to grin, and watch in excitement, So good.

dalewilson ali-chapple's video
Feb 20, 2011 at 9:28
Feb 20, 2011
Nice teeshirt at 2:30 :)

dalewilson Havros's photo
Jan 14, 2011 at 17:45
Jan 14, 2011
Yeah agreed, i doubt it was maliciously done to make a the jump look bigger, but the more you look at it the more it stands out. ah well, never mind.

dalewilson Havros's photo
Jan 14, 2011 at 9:11
Jan 14, 2011
Great trick. but there is some odd photoshopping going on around the edges of the photo. It can be seen at the top right where the gap in the tree has been duplicated. Also to the left where the same big tree has also been painted in. There are also some nice solid lines where the photo has been extended at the bottom left along the bottom, about a third of the way in and at the same place along the top where a branch is miss matched. Im not criticising the trick, but it looks that the image has been shopped to make a portrait photo wider... but it does look like this has resulted in making the landing look bigger/different that it actually is.

dalewilson JulianCoffey's article
Nov 29, 2010 at 3:23
Nov 29, 2010
Pinkbike Sick Threads T-shirt Contest - The Winners!
to be honest guys i dont really think pinkbike are that bothered. at the end of the day the pictures came from pinkbikes users. if they were from a professional advert then it would be a bit different. they could have quite easily used stock images to make their artwork! but lets face it, its expensive and it was a small competition. on another note i do hate it when people squash and stretch text. like in the winning design.
dalewilson brule's article
Nov 13, 2010 at 5:57
Nov 13, 2010
Dan Barham Photography - Prints!
Another typical pinkbike argument... every time i look at this site there are always people bickering about trivial things. It makes it a very unenjoyable place. if you dont wana pay $80 for a print... dont, there is no need to tell the world about it. quality prints come at a price.
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