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Feb 16, 2013 at 3:05
Feb 16, 2013
Feb 16, 2013 at 3:02
Feb 16, 2013
Jan 20, 2013 at 20:43
Jan 20, 2013
Slava-biker mattwragg's article
Jan 16, 2013 at 1:23
Jan 16, 2013
Opinion: 26 vs 27.5 vs 29-inch Wheels
Niner was complete fake and a real marketing trick! Guys, never buy bikes on wheels over the 26-inch. They did not roll and, of even more are not suitable for long-range cycling with cargo. Torment once more, and then selling this pacifier. And it is typical, not wheels niner precisely perfectly flat highway. On rocky roads, steep mountain passes new Merida showed good. But again, it's because in such places had to go slowly. But the speed of 29-inch bike you will never get anywhere. What I want to evaluate his new bike and a few pieces of advice fellow cyclists. As already stated in the beginning of this review, niner was completely unsuitable for high-speed long-distance movements of the asphalt. But do not think that a hybrid or a sloping Roadies better, not at all. Best bike for long-distance cycling right for most 26-inch MTV. Roadies do not ride on the broken asphalt and country roads, the hybrid is the same niner with big wheels, you want to overclock too much effort. Biking world created from a pile lies. Many cyclists ride "three chain" and believe that it saves them money. Many fools with perseverance continue to wash their bike chains, two or three times while reducing their resource. Most cyclists believe roadies and hybrids fast bikes, but in the Russian context is quite different. I too severely pinned to the purchase niner - thought that I would be faster, and was twice as slow. Now I have to collect myself again in the winter 26 inch, freshly bought a 29 inch MTB sell at a loss. Remember friends, niner - is a big hoax, never buy these stillborn miscarriages MTV. There is not nothing more universal than the classic 26-inch mountain bike. Take advice grandfather Slava as the ultimate truth, and do not do anything stupid. Here are all the photos of my unsuccessful trip:
Slava-biker mattwragg's article
Jan 16, 2013 at 1:23
Jan 16, 2013
Opinion: 26 vs 27.5 vs 29-inch Wheels
I want to tell you why bikes on big wheels go very badly. Before going to the big summer 1700-km journey from Moscow to the Crimea was possible to pass on the new bike just eight miles outside his home. Already during the first visit noticed how much heavier accelerates niner than conventional 26-inch mountain biking, but the joy of owning a new thing overshadowed all sorts of fears. As an assembly, I was sure, the bike was collecting for himself and he is a long journey I never failed. However, it is considerably larger wheels slowed my movement across the expanses of Ukraine. If the old 26ยป bike Atom I easily overcame 210-220 km per day, the average mileage niner was only 90-100 km. New bike simply refuses to go fast! Maximum speed rested against the 22 km / h, and for no longer had the strength - wind resistance is not felt, it is not enough leg power to spin the wheel with great arm drag. While at the same time I can easily for a long time could keep the speed at 28 km / h on a level highway and full calm.
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