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Mar 10, 2015 at 18:52
Mar 10, 2015
Rumpleforskin sweetprotection's article
Mar 10, 2015 at 17:20
Mar 10, 2015
Rumpleforskin cyclesdevinci's article
Mar 10, 2015 at 0:24
Mar 10, 2015
Video: Kenny Smith Brings the Hane to Cycles Devinci
An analysis of the kinematics of 412 stars at 1-4 kpc from the Galactic mid-plane by Moni Bidin et al. (2012) has claimed to derive a local density of dark matter that is an order of magnitude below standard expectations. We show that this result is incorrect and that it arises from the assumption that the mean azimuthal velocity of the stellar tracers is independent of Galactocentric radius at all heights. We substitute the assumption, supported by data, that the circular speed is independent of radius in the mid-plane. We demonstrate that the assumption of constant mean azimuthal velocity is implausible by showing that it requires the circular velocity to drop more steeply than allowed by any plausible mass model, with or without dark matter, at large heights above the mid-plane. Using the approximation that the circular velocity curve is flat in the mid-plane, we find that the data imply a local dark-matter density of 0.008 +/- 0.003 Msun/pc^3 = 0.3 +/- 0.1 GeV/cm3, fully consistent with standard estimates of this quantity. This is the most robust direct measurement of the local dark-matter density to date.
Mar 9, 2015 at 19:55
Mar 9, 2015
Rumpleforskin cyclesdevinci's article
Mar 9, 2015 at 19:51
Mar 9, 2015
Video: Kenny Smith Brings the Hane to Cycles Devinci
First of all, we still do not know if the 4 fundamentals forces can be unified. The best we have came up to are grand unification theories (GUT), which join three of the fundamental forces except gravity. The fact that gravitational waves have been detected, may point towards GUT since they address energies of the GUT scale. Nonetheless, assuming that String theory, which is a good candidate to unify gravity with the other forces, is correct, there is a theory based on them which is favored with the BICEP2-Data. This is a theory developed by Robert Brandenberger, called String Gas Cosmology (see This theory suggest that the universe started with a gas of strings whose thermodynamic properties avoid the temperature singularity of the big bang. This theory also predicts why we see 3 dimensions of space and one of time. If two strings meet, their edges can form a single, twisted loop. That would release three dimensions of space and one of time, which can then swell to the scales we see in the universe today. Furthermore, the BICEP2 data suggest a blue tilt in the gravitational waves predicted by string gas cosmology and hard to explain by standard inflationary cosmology, which predicts a red tilt. So if the BICEP2 data is confirmed and this blue tilt is favored, then it would be a evidence for string theory and oponents cannot say that string theory does not match with data. So if your question is if the BICEP2 data can help prove string theory, you are answer is yes
Rumpleforskin cyclesdevinci's article
Mar 9, 2015 at 19:49
Mar 9, 2015
Video: Kenny Smith Brings the Hane to Cycles Devinci
First of all, we still do not know if the 4 fundamentals forces can be unified. The best we have came up to are grand unification theories (GUT), which join three of the fundamental forces except gravity. The fact that gravitational waves have been detected, may point towards GUT since they address energies of the GUT scale. Nonetheless, assuming that String theory, which is a good candidate to unify gravity with the other forces, is correct, there is a theory based on them which is favored with the BICEP2-Data. This is a theory developed by Robert Brandenberger, called String Gas Cosmology (see This theory suggest that the universe started with a gas of strings whose thermodynamic properties avoid the temperature singularity of the big bang. This theory also predicts why we see 3 dimensions of space and one of time. If two strings meet, their edges can form a single, twisted loop. That would release three dimensions of space and one of time, which can then swell to the scales we see in the universe today. Furthermore, the BICEP2 data suggest a blue tilt in the gravitational waves predicted by string gas cosmology and hard to explain by standard inflationary cosmology, which predicts a red tilt. So if the BICEP2 data is confirmed and this blue tilt is favored, then it would be a evidence for string theory and oponents cannot say that string theory does not match with data. So if your question is if the BICEP2 data can help prove string theory, you are answer is yes
Rumpleforskin mikekazimer's article
Feb 27, 2015 at 7:36
Feb 27, 2015
Maxxis Shorty Tire - Review
Are you really do say what you think you go to like?
Rumpleforskin yoga15app's article
Feb 27, 2015 at 7:13
Feb 27, 2015
Short Yoga Routine To Help With Lower Back Pain in Bikers
The way Pinkbikers act its as if Women do not exist in your homelands. Boys, not Men.
Rumpleforskin mikekazimer's article
Feb 27, 2015 at 7:08
Feb 27, 2015
Maxxis Shorty Tire - Review
Dont worry WAKI, im sure soon everything will seem clear as day.
Rumpleforskin mikekazimer's article
Feb 27, 2015 at 5:55
Feb 27, 2015
Maxxis Shorty Tire - Review
Your moms a whole new animal.
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