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Bob-B mattwragg's article
Aug 11, 2018 at 23:57
Aug 11, 2018
From the Top: BMC's Head of Mountain Bike Development Stefan Christ
My name is Bob. I founded BMC back in the eighties, sold it to Andy in the late nineties and actually never looked back since. That is, until today (a website called pinkbike, really???). After reading the interview, I have to admit, I admire the ambitions this young Christ displays and I hope they will lead him to success. Nonetheless, one cannot overlook the big picture. When I started BMC, we built mountain bikes because mountain bikes were what everybody wanted. When I say everybody, I don't mean the market, I mean "everybody"! It was a real mountain bike boom. There were no constraints dictating the goes and no-goes regarding design either, that was pretty cool and led to a lot of crazy, but also good stuff. Geez, you guys today sure waste a lot of time with 26/27/29 etc... What I would like to point out is, that high-end sports bicycles have once again become a niche product, hence, all this pseudo necessity for high-tech BS is really out of place. Dear Reader, I know that only the best is good enough for you and I am sure you see yourself as a hard core cyclist, but dude, you ain't. So just go ride your bike and have some fun doin' it. In the near future, we certainly will see changes at BMC. Andy was an enthusiast, but more importantly for BMC, he was their golden goose. Believe me, it's pretty difficult to make money with the kind of products BMC is trickling into the market today. For BMC, Andy's absence is certainly more important than wheel size, so it will be interesting to see how they deal with the challenge of everyday business and the burden of turning a profit. Well, so much for the good ol' days, I'm gonna go walk the dogs now.
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