Posted by
Jul 15, 2022

Results Posted:

After poll is taken

Would you rather see shorter sections of track that cover the full qualifying groups or more track footage per rider in the current format?

Currently, Red Bull TV shows the final race runs of the top 30 men and top 10 women elite qualifiers, but there are respectively, 60 and 15 riders that make it into those finals.


  • + 1
 3rd option… For the mens coverage I’d prefer slightly less riders broadcast and getting to see full or nearly full race runs from the top 25/30. And for the womens coverage it’s be nice to see the full qualifiers but with shorter coverage of each run up to the top 8 or so where you’d get full race run coverage.
Basically the mens feels like the mid pack is congested and really tight on times so would be nicer to see slightly less of that in exchange for fuller runs of the top 10 or so. And the womens seems like some really good riders miss out on vital coverage to showcase themselves to grow the sport because they were “only” the 16th fasted in the world that day. Yet that’s actually a good result. So it would be nice to see short coverage (like a highlights) of the womens top 30 or so and then the top 5/10 you get full race run coverage.
  • + 1
 Every rider should be recorded in full, several times we've had peep's on the podium with no coverage from their runs, and likewise top riders have a 'whoopsie' off the live feed.
With watching replays (due to timezones) and interactive AR tech, we should be able to choose any racer and see their whole run....
  • + 2
 I'd rather see the top 20 men and top 20 women race more of the track. The coverage should be identical for both Elite Men and Elite Women.

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