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  • 2 2
 Hahaha..thought you didnt have a car lol..a bikes a bike..and yeah i gotta a good few dh bikes xc bikes bmx motor bike n quad..sooo shuv ya petty girly childish;; my bikes better than yours routine...
Ohhh and by the way..you ride like a bitch hahahahahahahaaaaaa lmao
  • 2 1
 Typical, a 36 year old who cannot use correct spelling or grammar at all. 'Ride like a bitch' haha that's brilliant. Insert 'Grammar Nazi' comment below...
  • 2 1

Not the best but we're working on a proper one
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 Sorry and i know this is going to get thumbs downed however BMX ARE GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry just had to do it.
  • 2 2
 a bikes a bike mate..its not wot ya ride;its how ya ride lol
  • 4 1
 ^^What a gay comment?
  • 3 1
 wot comment
  • 3 1
 Not your comment the one above
  • 3 1
 orrr right ha he just avin a dig cause he hasnt got coin for a nice rig lol
  • 2 1
 lol hahahahahaha i was just joking. BMX aren't really my thing so thats why i posted that and for you sir chris i can afford a nice rig its just that my parents dont want to buy it for me so i dont get spoiled and i have acquired enough money to get a great dh rig so i am on the hunt now for a new Bike. Sorry for the comment and i am straight as there can be (you can as you wife/girlfriend Wink ) also have you got any good suggestions on what bike i should get because i have a very large amount of budget.
  • 2 1
 LOL aren't you the guy (James66) who i sold my old phone to. How's it working out for you dude.
  • 2 1
 Also a addition i was also joking about the part of (you can as you wife/girlfriend Wink ) Because from seeing your history you like to create civil wars on pinkbike and i just dont want to get into that mess really.
  • 2 1
 You could type for England... The phones absolute f*cked pal... And what the hell did half of that stuff that you just commented mean?
  • 2 1
 As i have said i will not be getting into a civil war with you however the stuff i wrote earlier makes perfect sense and it's formal ENGLISH!! and not "England".
  • 2 1
 I think you'll find it is `England" as I was implying you could type for them not type in English...
  • 2 1
 Ok dude i ReRead it and your right and why is the phone absolute f*cked?
  • 2 1
 Hahaa dude just havin a crack on young sir lol..hows the wrist now.. Id go for a v10 carbon..giant glory...nukeproof scalp or a new scot gambler
  • 2 1
 Yea my hand is going well. It should be back to normal in about 3 weeks and i have considered my options and i think i like the scott gambler 20 and the v10 carbon. If you have any friends who owns one ask them if they would consider selling them for about £3000 for the v10 and for the gambler £2700. One more thing is i would love a gambler 10 but as you probably know there a bit costly and i can reach to the max of my budget which is £3400 for one and if thats not asking too much it will mean a lot to me if you could hook me up. BRO!!!!!
  • 2 1
 Should buy my knolly bro, better than any bike on this site hands down
  • 2 2
 LOL. whatever you say... Facepalm
  • 2 2
 What? It actually is though pal
  • 2 2
 LOL... Trek/special/santa/scott/giant/gt... Facepalm
  • 2 2
 Mate there very good, trust me i have ridden them however trust me again i have also ridden a session 9.9 and a knolly is years behind. Sorry for the disappointment and i also think you should lower the price if you want it to sell and what's up with you sanctions being way too high up the dual crowns? Why less travel to make it look more stylish?
  • 3 2
 Oh dear... Seeing as you are thirteen I highly doubt you have much, if any experience with downhill bikes, If you did then you would clearly know that the Podium is not 'years behind' as it is built specifically for the latest and most demanding riding types, a session 9.9 is just an average session but made from carbon and the Knolly out performs the session in every aspect. I could maybe understand your point if you were an experienced downhill rider who has owned a few bikes but as you are 13-14 with no previous downhill bikes than your point isnt really valid. And the crowns are higher than they should be its just the angle of the photo, I know how to set my own forks up. I dont need to lower the price either as I have a fair amount of interest and the price of all the parts second hand equals more than that anyway. James
  • 2 1
 OMG I really dont want to write a long paragraph writing to you about how much i know about bikes and to be honest i probably have more time on better dh bikes then you do (my opinion) however i am very experienced on a dh bike and i am pretty sure i can do a few more tricks than you and i am extremely sure i can get down a track faster than you however saying all that maybe one day we could meet up and i can show you that i am not some average 13 year old boy who on the 29TH is 14. May i also say my older brother had a session 9.9 so i got to ride it whenever i wanted and i rent out some of the best dh bike when i go on trips to canada and france so i have had previous dh bike but they just were not mine.Another thing is i have a budget of £3400 to buy a dh bike for my birthday so i do have a pretty large amount of money.Lastly thanks for informing me about the knolly but it still does not change my mind as i have rode both and the session 9.9 for me outperforms it. (my opinion) in addition i didn't imply that you can't set up your suspension i implied that it looks in the picture to be too high and i asked if that was the way you liked it because it looks cooler. ps ever want me to prove to you i am better at riding then you just inbox me and we could meet up as i know your address.
  • 2 1
 You know how to make someone laugh! Upload a video of you riding and I'll be the judge of whos faster, I can send you links to me riding. And seeing as im nearly 18 I doubt you will have had more time on bikes than me. I have friends and family who all live in Enfield, London so Im sure I'll visit them all one day and I'd be happy to smoke you then and there. But yeah Id like to see a video of you, not your brother doing some 'tricks' and riding fast
  • 1 2
 ok mate i will get to work on the video as soon as i get my new bike and trust me it will not be a shitty edit.
  • 2 1
 Probs wont even be you. But cheers for giving me and my mates a laugh
  • 2 1
 So i have watched your shitty edit and you can't even pull out a whip... For f*ck sake dude. Also it appears to be that you can't control your head and that you are not positioning your body right for turns and jumps. You get a 4/10 dude
  • 2 1
 Wrong video mate that was ages ago, Ill link you the new one
  • 2 1
 Your welcome dude glad to make you laugh.Until the next time peace.
  • 2 1
 link me up then
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Not the best but we're working on a proper one
  • 2 1
 LOL Double Crash. Not bad. Much better than before. I would say that you could just be slightly better the me however that will all change when i get my new bike and i will be up and on the field everyday so give me about a year and i will round face kick your ass down till you cant even ride a bike.
  • 2 1
 I ride my bike every chance possible so its not like I wont get even better, I dont think you can be as good as me riding a carrera fury also...
  • 2 1
 Now that is why you shouldn't lie, Im fast as fuck
  • 2 1
 Not a lie and i am fast as fuck also i'm not going to stick around any longer as i really dont want to see you and your friends start to finger yourselves.
  • 2 0
 Haha kids these days
  • 1 1
 Cool story bro.
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 Hope you have a safe ride...
  • 2 0
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 Indeed dude.
  • 3 2
 Shit, Team Animal regular podium rider has entered the discussion
  • 3 1
 Ya stantions are way to far through.ya must av 6 inch ov travel on that knolly
  • 2 2
 No theyre fucking not you sac
  • 2 1
 Six inch trail bike lmao
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 Sorry for not having my bike how everyone else wants it. You obviously have no idea that you can adjust the stanchions in the crowns whilst still having 8inch
  • 2 1
 Just dont want ya hurting ya self..last thing ya need is the tops ov ya stantions hittin ya on the chin..it also ruins the head angles on ya knolly..lol Looks silly as well lmao
  • 2 2
 Seeing as theyre not even above the stem I highly doubt that could happen. Head angles fine and how I like it, looks better than any bike you have.
  • 2 1
 Are you for real...LMAO so why ya sellin it if its sooo good..how meany bikes have you got again???..my KTM kicks its ass full stop
  • 2 2
 Because I need a car, and only this one. Thats like saying my car is better than your ktm, two different things pal
  • 1 3
 JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP JAMES AND GO ELSE WHERE YOU PUSSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 3 1
 LMAO..hahaha..upgraded to a gopro 3 yesterday..been tryin out over local trak tday..ill get sum vids uploaded.
  • 2 2
 Says the 13 year old
  • 2 0
 Just to sort of clear things up, why, Rokan do you have adverts asking to swap your buy and sell for a dh bike and a comment saying you are looking for a lower end dh bike when you said you have £3400?
  • 1 1
 lol lets just say that i have £3400 that i can spend because of my birth day which has on the 29th however i want to spend a very minimal amount as i would like to put that money else where also good job with getting on the fails for your Friday with your double crash. Made my day.
  • 2 0
 You got £3400 for a birthday??
  • 2 2
 lol something like that... i basically get that much for doing a check list of things i have to achieve and do within the year. if i complete or do more things i get paid more however most of that is how much i have saved up from doing things like cleaning the pool, doing gardening and mowing the grass. I am kind of lucky that we have a big back garden so i could do a lot more things and get paid more for a larger land mass of area.
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 You still owe james a riding video pal...

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