Whipping the dirt jumps back into shape for summer!
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Whipping the dirt jumps back into shape for summer!
  • 2 0
 nice red dirt
  • 1 0
 It's not as awesome as it looks. It's bitch to shape and when it's wet it's basically mud.
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 I know exactly what your talking about . My new jumps have all kinds of dirt , and the hill side next to them has the same red dirt . I tried packing some of into my jump yesterday and it would barely mix with the other dirt , its was like playdoh mud . but at least it holds it shape unlike my old sandy river jumps that would just fall apart when it got dry
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 Sucks doesn't it. My dad built a sorta table top there with a excavator when I first started riding and he used the bucket to pack in tight. So when I progressed with my skill and everything I started chopping at witha pick axe and trying to get it to look like the jumps that I saw in videos on here. Eventually I became a pretty good and committed builder...check out my profile!
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 o nice your the one with the pump track next to the train ....
  • 2 0
 Looks pretty sick
  • 1 0
 It is on my buddies dirt jump bike, but on my fully it feels all sluggish. I'm planning to add another jump in between the roll in and that jump though. Hopefully I'll pick up some more speed!

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