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  • 3 1
 yeah that's right... you get that dirt, you get a nice big bite of that dirt. Wink
  • 2 0
 So that's what they meant by the brakes are a bit touchy... Oh look a penny.

I have ADD so in my mind he did too. :-D
  • 3 1
 At this point fingers on the brakes aren't help much.........
  • 2 0
 Now that's what I call a scrub!
  • 3 1
 look, something shiny!!!
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 it'd make a good advert for grippy tyres at least
  • 1 0
 faceplant with style. lol
  • 1 0
 the flow of dirt is going towards the wheel instead of away from it.
  • 2 5
 After seeing this thumbnail my first thought was "How the hell did he get into that position!?".
It's nice to see that this is a set-up, purely for the fact that an actual crash like this would be horribly brutal.
  • 4 0
 you can see the dirt flying from his tire...
  • 1 0
 The dirt from the wheel could have been simulated, with all the movement of dirt from the wheel you'd expect some dirt or ground movement from the dragging handlebar or rear end also. However I am not suggesting that this is faked, as why would someone go to such efforts to get themselves covered in crap on purpose?
  • 1 1
 There is lots of photos of people pretending to rail berms at obscene angles, or riders posing for bails in DH. It's not uncommon and they are actually pretty entertaining - it never occurred to me that this photo wasn't simply another case of this.

Am I being downvoted because people think I am wrongfully saying the photo is fake? Wtf, It's not like I was dissing the photo, i thought I made out that I liked the photo; but the fact that people seem to be hating on me because they think its real means I ought to justify myself. FFS try to look at things objectivley.

So to point out the obvious:
-The picture is in the album FUNNY-bike-stuff.
- His fingers are still on the levers! Look how hard he is trying to keep his right hand in position! He would have had to go through one hell of a sketchy crash to even begin to get into a position like this, and if you think that still having your fingers on the levers is reasonable here then you're kidding yourself.

If that isn't enough, let's consider the dirt:
My thought process was: Which direction is the rider going? It would be almost impossible for him to be travelling away from us based on the position he is in, so he must be coming from the back-right, yes?
Well lets look at the dirt. Why is the dirt in front of his Tyre rustled before he would have got to it? Why is the dirt BLURRED when the rest of the image isn't? Clearly the dirt must be travelling at quite a reasonable speed in order for this to happen, but why is it travelling backwards over his body? It is quite obvious that somebody outside the shot has kicked/thrown/pooped that dirt.
  • 1 0
 WOW thats alot of writing
  • 1 0
 Been writing assignments all morning so it felt like nothing, haha
  • 1 0
 Haha so much controversy, and a comprehensive essay from a rather angry Hippo. Just to clear it up, it is fake. I was standing there when it was taken.
  • 1 0
 how did you get the dirt to spray?
  • 1 0
 A person standing to the left of the shot throwing it, the direction of the dirt is coming from the left
  • 1 0
 You guys did a great job!
  • 1 0
 Clean up on aisle 3!

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