Some dumb bitch I went to high school with...
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Some dumb bitch I went to high school with...
  • 11 3
 By no means am I Obama's biggest fan but really, anyone who votes for Mitt is retarded. Hes a bible thumping cultist MORMAN that wants to destroy our planet for a few more dollars. IMO Mitt Romney is the single most ignorant human on the planet and that fact that one person will vote for him makes me sick. And for the record I'm an Independent
  • 4 10
flag badbadleroybrown (Oct 18, 2012 at 12:11) (Below Threshold)
 Holy shit is that funny... Honestly, anyone who DOESN'T vote for Romney is f*cking retarded... or a socialist who doesn't believe you should profit from your own success.

Clearly you aren't informed on the issues... On the one hand, we have an exceptionally successful businessman who also has a proven track record of bipartisan poltiical accomplishments. On the other, we have a proven marxist (by his own words, not mine) who has never held a non-political position and who had no track record prior to becoming President but who since has failed to accomplish anything of benefit to the American people (even with the super-majoriyt in congree) who has brought the country to the verge of economic collapse based on his policies.

When you increase the national debt by a full 50% and, of the the FIVE TRILLION dollars you spend, you're borrowing $0.40 of every $1.00 from CHINA... You obviously do not have even the slightest clue how to run a country.

Obama's fiscal policy is essentially the equivalent of Apple announcing they're going undertake and expand several new R&D projects but, to fund them, they'll need to go into debt and borrow $0.40 of every $1.00 from Samsung or Microsoft....

What do you think would happen to Apples stock if that were the case?
  • 3 10
flag badbadleroybrown (Oct 18, 2012 at 12:11) (Below Threshold)
 That's stictly financial... now start looking at the supreme court make-up and the 5/4 votes over the last 20 years and you quickly realize that basic American rights such as the first and second ammendments are at stake if Obama is allowed another term and gets to nominate the replacements for the three justices who will be over 80 in the next four years.

Wake up... Obama has done nothing good for this nation and anyone too stupid to see that is honestly too stupid to be allowed to vote. That would really be the best solution... Put a 10 page quiz on the major issues on the first page and if you don't score 8/10 then you don't even get to vote. If that were put into place, Romney would win by the largest margin in the history of elections.
  • 8 2
 The response from a typical brainwashed religious nut. As for Obama doing no good what about all the forward progress in renewable energy? Or should we just dig for more coal?

People vote Romney because the are ass backwards hicks that follow the bible, not logic.
  • 2 5
 You mean the forward progress of a half BILLION dollar grant to failed Solyndra... or maybe the forward progress of the quarter BILLION grant to failed A123 battery systems????

...and, for the record, I am anything but religious. In fact, I'm quite contemptuous of religion to be honest. I don't agree with much of Mitt Romney's beliefs, abortion being just one, but I do recognize the FACT that Obamanomics has on a path to a level of finanical collapse that will leave Americans wishing they were Greek.

Fact, for the first time in US history... the IMF met to discuss alternatives to the dollar as the World's Reserve Currency... and they've now met twice in four years. That goes along with TWO credit downgrades... Clearly the internation financial systems DO NOT support Obama's spending. You can bet if we lose WRC status, you'll be paying $40 a gallon for gas, $20 a gallon for milk... 80-90% of Americans will be on government assistance... and Obama will have his marxist America.

That you think this has ANYTHING to do with religion is based in nothing more than your own ignorance. Romney's a MORMON, that's a minority religion in the US... and, I hate to the one to break it to you, but they don't follow the bible. They follow the book of Mormon.

Get your facts straight before you just keep vomitting up the same old liberal lies... Anyone who still supports Obama falls into one of three catagories.
1. A federal assistance recipient who doesn't want their hand-outs cut off.
2. An apathetic American who hasn't bothered to research the situation enough to know the realities.
3. Devout liberals who simply refuse to ever support anything but the liberal position regardless of facts or consequences.
  • 4 2
 Im not liberal and have stated so every time. I also said "Mitt and his book" implying the book of Morman. Our economy was f*cked long before Obama was elected. Your a typical republican that just likes to point fingers and blame others. Face it, Obama is just your scapegoat and is an easy one because hes black.
  • 4 4
 Actually... what you said was "People vote Romney because the are ass backwards hicks that follow the BIBLE, not logic."

Also, nowhere have I said Obama inherited a good situation... but the FACT is, he's made it worse. More people are out of work today than were out of work when he took office... The average family income is LOWER than when he took office... The cost of healthcare is HIGHER... My taxes, as an average American, are HIGHER than when he took office... The fact is, if we were f*cked when he took office then we're REALLY f*cked now.

Simple question... Please tell me how you justify borrowing $0.40 of every dollar, to the tune of over TWO BILLION dollars, from our largest competitor???

Would it make smart business sense for Ellsworth to pursue ANY course of action that required them to borrow 40% of every dollar they spend from Intense??? That'd be GREAT for Intense but absolute shit for Ellsworth and they'd end up out of business... Can you argue otherwise??? I mean, that's pretty basic economics there... There's no liberal/republican bias... That's just pure basic business economics and if you can't get that it's bad idea, then you are part of the problem.
  • 1 5
flag badbadleroybrown (Oct 18, 2012 at 15:56) (Below Threshold)
 ...and that's TWO BILLION from China... of FIVE BILLION Obama has pissed away after roundly comdemning George Bush for opperating under a Trillion dollar deficit and promising to cut in half by the end of his first year in office.
  • 2 4
 I love how Conservatives are always painted as the hateful part yet... so far in this discussion you've managed to call me retarded, a typical brainwashed religious nut, an ass backwards hick, a "typical" republican, and insinuated that I'm racist...

Yeah... you're so fair minded and looking at the issues through untainted glasses....
  • 5 0
 I never called you anything, I actually like you, you just assumed those titles. And whats even worse is that I never once said I agree with anything Obama, I just hate Mitt and his crazy religion.
  • 1 5
flag badbadleroybrown (Oct 18, 2012 at 16:15) (Below Threshold)
 Well, I'm definitely voting Mitt over Obama so you may not have intended to but, by association, those terms were directed to me. No harm no foul though, no worries. And, like I said, I actually hate all religion... Mitt's included. Spirituality is cool but religion has done nothing but breed conflict and oppress people throughout history.

I'm not saying I love Mitt... there's plenty I disagree with him about but he has the business experience to get this country back on track economically and when you consider the 5/4 votes of the Supreme Court over the last couple decades on topics like the first and second ammendments coupled with the realization that the next president is going to be appointing three justices, there is a huge amount at stake in terms of basic American ideology that Obama has shown he doesn't support which Mitt does. Between that and the financial situation we're in and Obama's out of touch approach and excess spending and we just can't survive like this.. He's got to go. That's all I'm saying... don't mistake me being anti-obama as being pro-Mitt... I really wish there was a better candidate than either but those are the unfortunate pair we have to choose from.
  • 2 4
 @Loaded, where the hell did the black comment come from? You racist?
  • 11 0
 The black comment came from the fact that our president is black. How you viewed my statement racist is way beyond me. I am however prejudice against idiots who make stupid comments so fuck off.
  • 1 3
 If you haven't seen it yet, you should check out 2016: Obama's America. I usually put no faith in political documentaries but this one is extremely well done and really has minimal conservative bias. The creator, D'Souza, does a fantastic job of gathering up the majority of the facts that I've learned about Obama over the last two years or so through Obama's books and countless hours on Google into a single cohesive 90 minute long story. While I'll admit there is definitely a conservative slant present in the film, it's minimal and the subtitle of the film is really accurate for the huge majority of people out there; "Love him or hate him, you don't know him".
  • 2 3
 Bigbad brought up that hes a shitty president, you brought up that hes black. No one before mentioned he was black nor does anyone give a shit. Your using his race to defend him, that in itself is racism.

I see your "about me" in your profile says you live under a bridge. This explains a lot.
  • 1 0
 So now even the liberal media is starting to see the light...
  • 3 0
 Theres a stupid simple way to see if Obama is telling the truth about his desire to help the middle class. Look at your tax return from 2008 and look at your tax return for 2011. Did you pay less or more in income tax? I know who Im voting for.
  • 2 1
 Or you can just look at the BILLIONS Obama has passed out to his cronies... Like Solyndra and A123.

On taxes though.. I paid more... 2.6% more. Also, since you bring it up and the Obama camp loves to harp on it... I also paid 12.7% this year compared to Romney's 14.1%... Not quite the picture Obama paints of the rich not paying their share. Particularly when you consider that 12.7% for me was just a touch over $10k and 14.1% for Romney was a bit over $3,000,000.... Yup, he paid literally 300 times more tax than me and I pay, according to H&R Block, more than roughly 80% of Americans.

But, the Obama campaign doesn't want us looking at numbers or facts... they'd rather talk about Big Bird and Binders Full of Women.

Yeah, I definitely know who I'm voting for.
  • 4 0
 The percentage thing drives me insane. Yeah he paid 14.1%, but thats 14.1% on $20,000,000. Thats an insane ammount of money he paid. Saying he pays less is not only misleading but is just a way to pit people against eachother.
  • 2 1
 Totally agree... and that's actually one of my biggest issues with Obama. For someone that spent his entire first campaign on a message of hope and change and unity, it's absolutley stunning how much effort he puts into dividing people. Whether it's rich vs poor, or men vs women, or white vs black, immigrants vs natural citizens, ANY issue he can use to widen the divide in this nation he's taken the opportunity to do so. In my opinion, that's the exact opposite of what a president should be doing.
  • 8 2
 Everyone. Calm down.
  • 3 7
flag badbadleroybrown (Oct 18, 2012 at 23:47) (Below Threshold)
 Yeah, there's no reason at all to get worked up over the future of your country... Rolleyes
  • 4 3
 I love how you Americans are so quick to jump to the word Socialist.

I want to write a list:

Fire Department
Police Department


I mean honestly, take it from a Canadian, for the amount of "taxes" I pay, I will get my money out of it, 4 times over, EASILY... one of your medical bills is enough to ruin the average mans life financially.
  • 3 9
flag badbadleroybrown (Oct 19, 2012 at 19:54) (Below Threshold)
 I love how you ignorant f*cks from other countries think you have a clue. Neither the fire department nor the police department are socialism. Go back to school and get a clue.

...and it's not me "jumping" to any word. By his own admission, Obama believes in both "a Marxist take-over of the United States" and "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need".

That is as socialist as you can get.

And, here in America, I have healthcare that is so far superior to yours it's not even worth comparing. That's why wealthy Canadians come south to get to see the "real" doctors down in the US. The big difference is I'm educated and employed and pay for it myself.

Please, shove your head back up your own ass and move along now...
  • 4 3
 Here-say, that's a term, you go back to school. Bring back some real facts.
  • 4 8
flag badbadleroybrown (Oct 19, 2012 at 22:30) (Below Threshold)
 Yes... that is a term... A totally inapplicable term, but yes it is a term. Now, as for real facts... If you have trouble with reading comprehension that's your issue. If not, go grab a copy of Obama's two books and read for yourself. If you're not willing to do that... well, then you can eat a fat cock and choke on it. Cheers!
  • 7 3
 Please tell me more, you are so wise.
  • 3 6
 Yes I am... good of you to notice. Suprising that you did actually, given you obvious mental deficiencies I'm surprised you able to notice anything what with all the drooling and trying to bite your own ear. Bravo! Good for you, way to overcome a disability!!!
  • 8 2
 More, oh lordy more.. What would I do without your outrageously educated American opinion.
  • 5 3
 Is this supposed to make a point for supporting Romney? How f*cking idiotic.
  • 3 4
 No... it's supposed to make a case against voting for Obama. What's f*cking idiotic is people stupid enough to re-elect a man who increased our national debt by 50% and took us from borrowing $0.05 of every dollar we spend to borrowing $0.43 of every dollar we spend. Rent-A-Center economics don't work... and only a deadbeat looking for handouts or a legitimate moron can't see that.
  • 5 2
 I love your logic here. Let's just issue an executive order for citizens to march into the ocean so we can get rid of the people too stupid to support themselves so the rich can profit by stealing all of the dead peoples shit.
  • 4 3
 Nope... but we damn sure shouldn't ask responsible & productive citizens to pay more to support this type irresponsibility. If I wanted to pay to raise kids, I'd have kids... That dumb whores like this bitch can't keep their legs closed or find a box of condoms shouldn't be a financial burden to the rest of us who live our lives responsibly.
  • 3 2
 I think you get a medal for bringing the most politics onto pinkbike, as well as disrespecting other people's political views. Congrats!
  • 2 3
 I've never disrespected anyone's political view... I've shown only a lack of respect for the ignorance of others. If someone has a well formed and thought out opinion, then I have no issues with them at all... But when people post the type of trash that has been posted here, then no, I have absolutely no respect for that type of ignorance when there is so much riding on this election.
  • 3 2
 What has this got to do with politics?
  • 5 4
 Who exactly is it that you think supports the government handouts and "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" politics of the Obama administration???

I'll give you a hint... People like this broad, who represent exactly whats wrong with America today, damn sure aren't going to vote in favor of losing their entitlement programs.
  • 5 3
 Fair enough, but to most people this probably just looks like some dil talking about how loose she is....

Well now that i think about it, I thought those entitlement programs were there to help people who cant support themselves financially? Not to support raging sluts. I'm not having a go, i'm actually asking you what you think.

Sure it's unfortunate that the program will end up supporting people like baby cannon here, but with a population of what, 100 million+? You're always going to have minorities, exceptions, retards...

We have a system in Australia called Centrelink that uses tax payer money to support people who are out of work, who are having trouble paying rent, or just trouble financially in general. I don't benefit from this at all, i don't get anything, infact I pay for it with MY tax. But i'm not against it, because it is ethical, it keeps people afloat, and I know that if I were ever in a desperate situation i would hope that other peoples tax and the government looks after me, the same way I have paid to look after them.
  • 4 4
 The point is.... IF I WANTED TO PAY TO RAISE A KID, I'D HAVE KIDS. Fuck Obama for wanting to take more in taxes, from ANYONE, let alone the most successful among us to promote and endorse this type of irresponsibility. And, quite simply, that IS what the Obama campaign is about. How about this... I won't pretend I have a clue about your countries politics and you don't pretend you have a clue about mine.
  • 10 1
 So you really think Mr Mitt is going to change everything?

Doesn't matter who get elected, things won't change..
  • 2 7
flag badbadleroybrown (Oct 18, 2012 at 11:23) (Below Threshold)
 You understand nothing about what you're saying so... do us both a favor and shut the fuck up, I'm not in the mood for trolling morons, let alone trolling morons from another country who have no clue.
  • 7 1
 Sad thing is I'm not trolling.. Governments change all the time and nothing happens. Did anything change going from Bush to Obama? Nope....
  • 3 7
flag badbadleroybrown (Oct 18, 2012 at 12:47) (Below Threshold)
 Are you f*cking retarded? The country is FAR FAR worse off now than we were under Bush... our nation debt has increased by FIFTY PERCENT over what it was when Bush took office. 50% more people are on government assistance.. Like I said, just shut the f*ck up since you clearly have no clue.
  • 10 2
 Not his fault the world markets crashed. Explain to me how 1 man is suppose to prevent that.
  • 4 8
flag badbadleroybrown (Oct 18, 2012 at 13:22) (Below Threshold)
 How about you explain to me what the f*ck the world markets have to do with Obama's out of control spending, corporate limitations, and vast expansion of entitlement programs....

40% more Americans are on workers comp or disability since Obama took office... Are you stupid enough to believe that workplaces suddenly became 40% more dangerous??

Or... better yet... Just explain to me how spending more than you have is a good idea in ANY TIME, regardless of the financial situation. A big reason the poor stay poor is buying things on credit... Obama is buying EVERYTHING on credit, and credit from our biggest competitor.

So, once more... Go f*ck yourself with you limited understanding of American politics. You've either got your head up your ass or you haven't bothered to research anything, in either're f*cking worthless so piss off.
  • 16 3
 Is this what you do? Just splurt out every stat and opinion you have in one big incoherent heap with a few "F*ck's" thrown in?
Stainer, Loaded and Myself were trying to turn this into a level headed discussion, not a bitch fight.

And what are you talking about, saying obama care ENDORSES irresponsibility?... seriously man, like, what? Did you not even read my post? Damn dude, you need to chill and just think about things logically. Stop getting your news from TheOnion.

It looks like you have won the argument by default because no reasonable argument could make a difference on you...
  • 4 3
 First off... Harry is trying to debate. You & Stainer are trying to insert your opinions into something you flat out don't understand. You're not American, you don't live in America, you haven't experienced the effects of ANY President's policies and you clearly haven't researched beyond the fact that you support socialism more than conservancy... so you have absolutely no basis on which to offer your opinion.

Secondly, NOWHERE prior to that post have you even mentioned Obamacare so I don't even know what the f*ck you're talking about.

Third, and most importantly, if you can't recognize the massive flaws in Obama's policies and the impact they've had... Starting with the fact that we've borrowed 40% of the FIVE TRILLION dollars he's spent from our largest competitor, China, then I don't see how it's worth debating anything with you. Entitlement programs are a failure... everyone starts somewhere and hard work is what brings success. Giving someone something for nothing has never brought anyone anything but more asking... The old proverbial "give a man a fish and you feed him for the night, teach a man to fish and you feed him for life".

Bottom line... Giving begets more asking & earning begets more working. Obama want's to reward the American's standing on the corner with their hands out while Romney wants to reward the American's busting their asses 12 hours a day.

Now... since you still haven't managed to post anything of substance or anything based in actual knowledge, I say again... f*ck OFF. I won't pretend to tell you I know the answers to Australias issues and you don't pretend to know the answers to America's.
  • 6 1
 I was never trying to debate, I was trying to HATE Mitt Romney! If he is elected I'm moving out of the country, I refuse to be led by some Morman nut job. Separation of church and state is a must.
  • 2 4
 Where has Romney ever attempted to insert his religion into politics.... give me even one example. He has never, not once in his political or professional career, made any effort to impose Mormon beliefs in any way shape or form. What do you have against Mormons anyhow... Isn't Tony a Mormon?

If you can handle a country led by Obama but would move for a Romney led nation, you're legitimately insane my friend. I disagree with BOTH of their religions but the fact remains that, between the two, Romney is easily more tolerant of differences between his beliefs and the beliefs of the majority of Americans... and unquestionably better for the financial ruin that was once the American economy.
  • 7 3
 Obama has a trust worthy face.

Mitt is like a used car sales man.

Need I say more?
  • 2 7
flag badbadleroybrown (Oct 20, 2012 at 19:50) (Below Threshold)
 Nope... you need not. That was far more than enough to fully drive home the fact that you're a brain dead fucking moron with no clue about anything. So please, stuff your head back into your asshole and move along.
  • 7 1
 Well that's not very nice...
  • 3 2
 "Where has Romney ever attempted to insert his religion into politics.... give me even one example. He has never, not once in his political or professional career, made any effort to impose Mormon beliefs in any way shape or form."

I hope you are joking about this, religion runs this mans life!

And Tony builds bikes for a company I have nothing to do with so I dont follow.

The sad part is these right wing religious loonies inhibit science from forward progress. The nuts want to slow the process of things like curing cancer!
  • 2 2
 Is that a joke?

Where's your "one example"??? You can't come up with one because he never has. Not to mention the fact that MA, the state which Romney governed leads the nation in scientific research... You're talking out of your ass dude. Either bring facts or admit to the fact that you're just biased for some absurdly unrational reason but just saying insane shit like they "want to slow th eprocess of things like curing cancer" is borderline retarded.

Obama is killing the country one bad fiscal decision at a time... Any reasonable person who has actually looked into either candidate knows that Romney is the only choice that makes any sense.
  • 2 1
 Mr badleroy,

Why don't you run for president?

Yours truly,
A hippo.
  • 2 1
 Still showing your ignorance of US politics... Not surprised. 1. I'm not legally old enough... you must be 35 to be president. 2. Beyond the required legal age, the youngest President every elected was Theo Roosevelt at 42 followed by JFK at 43. ...but please, feel free to inject more of your ignorance into the discussion, you're doing such a masterful job of displaying my initial point that you don't have even a basic understanding of US politics. Or, better yet, stop pretending you have a clue about this topic and go troll something else.
  • 2 1
 I was talking the piss clearly...I was hoping you would return the favour and this could end on some sort of mutual agreement that this is all getting out of hand.
But no..

You don't know me and I don't know you, but after reading everything said here I have decided two things. First, I admire your passion to get what you feel is the best result for you. Second, I don’t like the way you are being so passive-aggressive about it. What comes across is that it seems that you have this idea that this politics and the economy is simple, and that you know exactly what barak/romney need to do to make everything perfect and work. I’m not saying you think this but it just comes across that way.
You're not giving people a chance to throw in their 2c. You think we are all wrong, and you're not being constructive with what you say, you're not sparking diccussion, you're just shooting people down and annoying people.

You’re right that I don’t know much about amercian politics, but I am fairly well rounded when it comes to politics in general. Most people can agree that well there is no magical formula, set of policies, theory of behaviour, that will set things straight. Theres always going to be good and bad policies depending on your perspective no matter who is president.
  • 2 0
 There can be good and bad things about, add people can disagree about particular set of policies... But there is simply no way of getting around the fact that borrowing nearly half of every single dollar you spend is a recipe for anything other than financial ruin. Until you guys can recognize that basic fact there really is nothing to be debated. I'm not going to argue specific policy with you when you can't seem to understand that's spending more than you have is a recipe for failure whether is a household level, business level, or even as a national government.
  • 2 0
 Wow, finally got a chance to read all of the comments and if I were to say "well this escalated quickly, would be an understatement" would be an understatement.
  • 1 0
 Ignore - Doublepost
  • 1 1
 So how did the election go? Smile
  • 1 1
 Just as expected... the "47%" proved that Mitt was exactly right, their vote was bought and paid for with tax payer dollars.

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