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  • 74 9
 Who else thinks this looks shopped?
  • 25 2
 The colors? Yes they have been changed in photoshop.
  • 23 20
 I think it is that white line around the rider that makes it look shopped...

but here is the original www.pinkbike.com/photo/7390944
  • 20 1
 That isn't the same picture. Look at his front hub they are in different spots. Eitherway this convo is dumb. However the bermslider in this picture is steezy as hell
  • 5 13
flag payton4specialized (Nov 27, 2011 at 2:24) (Below Threshold)
 if you look at some of the other pictures in the album he is obviously using photoshop!
  • 38 1
 who cares about photoshop. girls put makeup on and we still think they look good. let a photog edit his pic abit. killer onefooteuro. style points for sure.
  • 7 4
 HOLY F*CKING SH*THOLE that's epic. Sorry just got a little too over excited.
  • 2 1
 If you look at the album he shopped a new sky in, the new sky is heaps more interesting and probably worked better when turned to B&W. The riding and everything else are original. Cool beans I say.
  • 1 0
 holy chromoly this is just nuts!
  • 7 1
 does anyone else prefer the original colours ?
  • 6 15
flag Fothergilla (Nov 27, 2011 at 7:16) (Below Threshold)
 He's moved the rider as well as shopping in a new sky, not worthy of POD in my opinion.
  • 9 2
 Nope, sky is original, that's what happens when you enhance details in photoshop. If you look closely you'll find a lot of similarities with the sky on "original" picture provided above (which is btw, not the one used for this edit, as it was taken from a slightly different spot)/
  • 1 0
 the sky's the orignial. the blue channel has been darkened in the black and white conversion to give them sky more contrast in black and white, however this causes the outline (along with keen sharpening) and makes things like the mountains in the background merge into the sky due to the blue UV haze.
  • 15 1
 Completely different shots guys
I had been shooting in JPG, one shot is in the "vivid" color mode with Auto WB (A+1, G-1)
This shot on the other hand was shot in Monotone with a red filter-in camera, I set the WB to 2200K so the red filter would have a more pronounced and unrealistic effect than if the WB was at 5400K as it would be for normal daylight.

With the exception of dodging the highlights on the landing and the midtones on his face, as well as minor levels adjustments, this shot saw no "photoshopping" in the sense that it's fake.
  • 7 2
 Why do you all use photoshop as a dirty word? If you do digital photography at any level, you use photoshop on a daily basis. So many blind accusations of a shot being fake from people who know little about photography or photoshop. /end rant. Cheetaprowlerdh, awesome shot! I am not usually a big fan of the dj PODs but this one is amazing!!!
  • 2 0
 or look at the bar you can see his face in this one and the other one you cant!
  • 10 0
 i actually have a life, and im not gonna take the time to figure out if its fake or not.. its sick! its dope! its POD! thats enough for me.
  • 1 4
  • 2 0
 Not saying I have a problem with editing a photo, but this shot just looks like the rider was placed there. I believe it is real, and it is sick as hell nonetheless. Nice shot man.
  • 10 2
 So sick!
  • 7 11
flag ramprider17 (Nov 27, 2011 at 0:02) (Below Threshold)
 It a sweet trick and everything but I don't think the black and white works to well.
  • 2 5
 This is pure awesomeness condensed into a photo!
  • 2 10
flag KyleIsaman (Nov 27, 2011 at 0:07) (Below Threshold)
 hai 2 u
  • 7 2
 i think the black and white make it looks better, mostly because of the clouds in the backround. plus, such a nice angle for the shot!
  • 6 0
 the original colors were probably not too amazing. the black and white makes it very moody and different. i love how he is a silhouette against the clouds.
  • 1 0
 This pic has a feel to it that once you're done with your session you get the hell out of there asap........I like it.

@Taane - moody is a great way to describe it.
  • 1 0
 Thanks guys
I went for this B&W technique in-camera because the storm in the background was too good to pass up, but it didn't look nearly as insane in color. But a few mins before this was shot we had some nice golden light so color was def. the way to go
  • 2 0
 steez upgraded to the max
  • 3 0
 nothing on this photo is fake i ride with clayton all the time this is his steeze he desereved pod! maybe they took 2 pictures at a different angle and decided to do one black and white its not photoshoped clayton doesnt have the time and he has the bike skills to throw a dope 1 footed euro!
  • 2 0
 It annoys me when the people on here who have little knowledge of photography scream 'photoshop' at anything that has had any after effects done do it. Awesome shot, and as others have said i'm not usually a fan of DJ POD's but I like this one, well done!
  • 3 0
 Great Pod. The white halo is probably just an after effect from the B&W conversion, maybe a little too much sharpening but not a photo manip at all. Amazing shot!
  • 1 0
Good call on the white halo, it's definitely from shooting it in B&W. The camera only processed down to a certain pixel level.
Once I get a version of Photoshop that supports raw I will try this technique on that file, luckily I shot in RAW+JPG, and this is the JPG. Hopefully doing it to the raw will give cleaner results
  • 1 0
 Sure yeah and you can also play around with the sliders to fix bad parts of the image.
  • 2 0
 Great photo with the B+W done really nice BUT the link to the original colour version isn't the same photo!!! You can see his face in the B+W one but not in the colour photo!
  • 2 0
 something about this....kinda feels 3D. like its not popping out but the depth of field seems...good? haha, idk shitttt.
  • 4 0
 Valmont bike park!!
  • 3 1
 First POD from Valmont I think?
So stoked!!!
  • 2 0
 I had to take a double take that it was Valmont. About time I say!
  • 2 1
 i will resist to the temptation of posting one of the first funny comments to get props.
  • 2 0
 Thiers a white outline on his leg.... it almost looks badly photo shopped.
  • 2 0
 So cool ;d And interesting neighberhood
  • 2 0
 I think Beautiful is the word. Love it man.
  • 2 0
 POD. I know this guy!!!! So proud of you Clay!
  • 2 0
 im pretty darn stoked right now! great shot Bryce!
  • 1 0
 Dude for sure!!! Can't wait to shoot again
  • 1 0
 What's the point of shoes ??????
  • 1 0
 He looks so awkward... But it is an awesome shot!
  • 3 2
 so sick, but its deffs photoshopped
  • 2 2
 look at where his leading foot is and you can make out a line under it , bit suspect to photoshop i think
  • 2 2
 Another way over sharpened photo on Pinkbike. Seriously, use some restraint.
  • 2 1
 This photo had literally zero sharpening applied. The halo around everything is from how the camera processed the B&W with a red filter on a 2200K WB.
  • 2 2
 ...don't think it had much to do with in camera b/w processing since someone posted the colour version. Regardless of the reason, (chromatic aberration, in-camera sharpening, etc.) it looks terrible.
  • 2 1
 Having actually taken and edited the two separate pictures, I know as a fact that the halos are from the in-camera processing. Default JPG sharpening applied in-camera, zero sharpening in post. No CA from the lens on the color shot, which was taken in brighter sunlight and therefore more prone to CA from hot highlights, and no CA from the lens in the RAW of this shot. But it's good to know it looks terrible in your eyes, all art is subjective. I love it, and that's why I posted it. I didn't choose it for POD
  • 2 2
 First "This photo had literally zero sharpening applied" and then "Default JPG sharpening applied in-camera".

Again, regardless of the reason, I'm pretty sure gigantic halos around your subjects are less than ideal. Glad you like your photo.
  • 1 0
 Whatever guy, you're obviously God and your opinion is law
  • 1 0
 lookes dce were was this taken
  • 1 0
 apocalypse is coming and yet he's still shredin! TROOPPEERR sick picture!
  • 1 0
 Wow your right man epic shot! looks sweet.
  • 1 0
 Totally Cool and Beautiful Pic!!! You are Awesome Clayton!!
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Yeh man, sick.
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
  • 2 1
  • 1 0
 yeah dude
  • 1 0
 this is a lame pod
  • 1 0
 I don't like, poor PS
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
  • 1 3
 Lol pretty sick in B&W, but I checked the orignal:P Also moved the biker to the right:P Still pretty sick tho
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