lena my bunny who died last year
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lena my bunny who died last year
  • 1 0
 so cute & trajic story & poor jordan rip lena & jordan
  • 1 0
 Aww so cute
  • 1 0
 Yup, she was =/
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 Nearly a year since Stacy was pts Frown
  • 1 0
 What's pts? =/
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 put to sleep
  • 1 0
 Oh! =/

Lena was ill for a long time, she had a dental abscess but when they went to operate it had already got into the bone. She was sent home with my neck half cut open and told she had about a month to live and to bring her into be put down if she appeared to be in a lot of pain. I had to squeeze the crap out of the open wound every day and I hated doing it coz I felt like I was torturing her =/ She was alive for another 3 months apparently coz I was so attentive to her and she actually seemed to be getting better. Then one day I was on my way to work and my mum called to say she had bad news. Of course I thought she was going to tell me Lena was dead but it was actually her lifetime partner Jordan who had died in the night and she had found Lena laying close to him, almost laying on him as if she was grieving =/. 36 hours later Lena appeared to be having trouble breathing and before we could get her to a vet she died =/ So in the end they got buried together. Kinda sad but I guess it was the way it was meant to me. Jordan was 8, Lena was 7.
  • 1 0
 Aw I just cried as I read that. She died of a broken heart Frown

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