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thinkBIG actionheros fotoshooting
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thinkBIG actionheros fotoshooting
  • 55 5
 who needs a car, when you can do this on the side of the road
  • 22 4
 the tree and light pole make the picture look wierd, in a good way though
  • 14 15
 I actually don't find that they do.
  • 32 68
flag spongebomb (Mar 2, 2011 at 6:57) (Below Threshold)
 Well obviously a car is better for driving hundreds of kilometres (wouldn't wanna do that on a bicycle), and a car is cool tto put your bike in the back and it will bring you to places where you can ride your bike Smile hooray to bikes and to cars to bring us to sick spots where we can ride our bikes Smile
  • 6 4
 such a sick pic, love the contrast of the colors
  • 14 3
 um senior sponge bomb i belive he was joaking GASP!!!!!
  • 6 0
 haha wasn't that funny
  • 4 0
 ha the rider looks like senor sponge bob
  • 21 1
 if you look at his arms and the handlebars for a while it starts to become an optical illusion Razz great pic
  • 2 1
 Whats not to love?
  • 1 2
 im glad everyone is so distracted by the pole. great pic, scenery is a beauty and trick is legit as well!
  • 1 2
 Im loving this, Great POD! soooo sickk!!
  • 3 14
flag CrashProned (Mar 2, 2011 at 14:24) (Below Threshold)
 This made me jizz chocolate syrup. seriously... Eek
  • 2 1
 colours of the background make the pic just that much better Smile
  • 1 0
 reason for picking this picture, not necessary
  • 1 0
  • 1 9
flag spongebomb (Mar 3, 2011 at 0:38) (Below Threshold)
 Funny how so many people rather just ride the boring stuff in their own neighbourhood instead of going to all the sick places, meet people and have fun (according to the neg props on my earlier comment). If you neg prop me you are admitting that you're a boring non-social person who doesn't want to ride his bike unless it's in his own neighbourhood.
  • 2 1
 ehm dude.. deze post erna.. zet geen zoden aan de dijk.. alleen al dat er zoveel neg, props zijn gegeven .. moet je al weten dat t zinloos is tegen 16 jarige DJers in te gaan,. > Blank Stare
  • 1 0
 Haha I know, maar ik verveelde me en dit helpt tegen verveling Smile
  • 3 0
 english boys, english
  • 1 1
 well spongbomb had a good point but dont u use trains in europe?
  • 1 0
 hahaha good come back
  • 3 2
 We've got trains but they're gay. Especially in the weekends and during bad weather there's so much trouble with them (not riding, they're late, expensive, when it freezes half of them breaks down here in The Netherlands etc). So funny how The Netherlands is one of the strongest country in the world economywise, but we fail having a good trainsystem. And all the other European countries (also which have a way worse economy) manage to keep it going all fine. The only reason why I always travel by train is because it's free for me because I'm a student at the university. When I graduate I'm buying myself a car and never get into a train again Smile
  • 3 2
 And btw, don't take my comments to seriously, I was very bored at computer class when I posted it Razz
  • 1 0
 lol .... ik moest een Europa-toets te doen tijdens de schooluren een keer was je geheugen alle landen en hoofdsteden, en ik zoog wezen uit de VS en alle .... de enige reden dat ik me herinnerde Nederland werden door jou ... Ik was als "spongbomb! Martin! Ik herinner me woohoo ... wacht ehy deed ik gewoon zeggen dat ... raar" lol en als ik spreek wartaal im veronderstelling zijn, omdat de regels van Nederlanders zijn anders dat het Engels!
  • 3 1
 ^ your american , talk english Razz
  • 2 0
 what an ignorant american thing to say haha...considering canadians speak french and english as normal languages, america is not england you can speak whatever you please....HAHA
  • 6 2
 fuck americans
  • 3 3
 نہ امریکیوں پر سے نفرت ہو کتیا کے بیٹے کو پھر
  • 4 0
 Craighead, you are ignorant. New americans are made to speak english. where as in Canada we have a charter that specifically says that immigrants have the right to speak whatever language they came with.
  • 4 0
 Canadians know whats up.
  • 2 0
  • 2 2
  • 3 0
 get a life...
  • 2 1
 Haha awesome DHC Smile
  • 1 2
 haha your a fuckin faggot dude
  • 2 0
 whatever e-thug. we don't care about little kids who act tough on the internet
  • 2 1
 yo RavineRiders we dont need that stuff ok? this is a biking website were people go to see and watch what they love and moreover its a positive place where "haha your a f*ckin f*ggot dude" just doesnt fit in.
  • 2 0
 shouldnt you be talking in different languages? cuz you think ur funny
  • 3 1
 At least we're able to write in correct english
  • 1 2
 hell yeah OWNAGE Razz
  • 2 1
 hey Axeman30 try this website- translate.google.com

now you can join the club of speaking different languages... and it helps to speak and see the language if your trying to learn it...that would be why i used to translate in the comments up there because im trying to learn Dutch because i like the language and spanish class gets boring after 4 years when we should all ready be speaking it fluently but were not...were meaning my class.... and it sucks so im doing something different... i always wanted to know a European language anyway....
  • 3 1
 i am using correct english? theres only one english..... and cool story bro
  • 2 1
 @ DownHillCooper : be carefull.. you just typed..before >>, en ik zoog wezen uit de VS en alle .... >that is in good english > and i sucked orphans from the US and all ....
i dont think you ment that ? did you .. Wink
  • 3 1
 @Axemen30: try writing cuz and ur at an English test
  • 1 1
 @ cyberhawk that would be "i sucked and being from the US and all.." where did you get that from? or maybe google translate has some errors
  • 2 1
 oh my apologies madam. i did not know using cuz and ur was bad. it is the internet you know. not a test
  • 1 0
 Just saying that we DO write in correct English, and you DON'T, so your comment made no sence. Anyways, I don't care about this conversation so I'm dropping it
  • 2 0
 google translate is far from being perfect...
  • 1 1
 haha yea drop it bud. all i speak is english , so im PRETTY SURE im doing it right. bud
  • 9 0
 hey guys,

this photo is complete real, you will see the shoot in the actionheros movie! And i landed itBig Grin
there was no cutting or anything else!
thanks for all the probs.

  • 7 0
 If you're trying to eat grubs and other grass habitating creatures, then holding onto the bars while leaning over is actually the most efficient way of doing this, and doesn't result in grass stains on your knees.
  • 3 1
 HAHA! it really does look like somebody cut and pasted him onto the grass. A strange photo indeed.
  • 4 0
 What is the deal with everyone becoming internet warriors and having to smash on what other people have to say. I'm pretty sure everyone on here rides and some are better than others so if some pics don't look good or look fake then people should be allowed to say so
  • 7 1
 gunna be such a dope film !! Big Grin
  • 39 0
 Don't worry Tyler, no explanation needed for this one. Wink
  • 8 0
 Such a nice spring seems to be in this picture... may the snow melt soon!
  • 6 35
flag D1rtJumper (Mar 2, 2011 at 0:05) (Below Threshold)
 I've seen off axis 3s, backflips, but now tailwhips?!!? Holy shit!!
  • 27 1
 ^ u dont need to comment on everything
  • 13 1
  • 35 2
 matt-bike-baha, I've noticed all your comments have the same thing in common: they are extremely retarded. Maybe you should just stop trying?...
  • 12 0
 Looorney:- so right i was looking through his comments and there all piontless "Well Done you can ride a trail with a light on" not constructive at all
  • 17 1
 @matt-bike-baha In case you forgot POD is about the photograph, not the trick.
  • 6 42
flag matt-bike-baha (Mar 2, 2011 at 1:26) (Below Threshold)
 Pure Wizardry. Nothing but.
  • 6 41
flag matt-bike-baha (Mar 2, 2011 at 1:32) (Below Threshold)
 *Can you not see, i'm congratulating him for doing the jump....
  • 3 2
 yeay! nice shot x)
  • 29 6
 i farted.
  • 3 26
flag matt-bike-baha (Mar 2, 2011 at 8:30) (Below Threshold)
 ^^ not constructive what so ever! God some people these days...
  • 4 0
 nice work matt-bike, i like the way clutter things up and make yourself look like a dumbass all at the same time. fantastic photo, the colors really work well together and the centered composition is nice from the norm!
  • 3 23
flag matt-bike-baha (Mar 2, 2011 at 10:59) (Below Threshold)
 I like the way you make yourself look like a dyslectic fool^^
  • 6 2
 That makes sense. Good one, champ.
  • 2 9
flag matt-bike-baha (Mar 2, 2011 at 13:14) (Below Threshold)
 Would make sense to the normal person but blatantly aswell as not being able to write properly, you can't read properly...
  • 3 1
 please excuse matthew, he is very sick, needs medaical help. he gets a huge nose bleed if you look at him. so please, excuse this confused young man.
  • 1 11
flag matt-bike-baha (Mar 2, 2011 at 13:35) (Below Threshold)
 Thankyou! I have never seen my illness described better than this, pure filth!
  • 4 0
 matt, calling yourself pure filth will just bring on your seizures. so please, dont do yourself or anyone else any more harm.
  • 2 2
 well theyve got good point...it is pretty small
  • 4 1
 @DownHillCooper, best to keep your private matters to yourself really..
  • 5 0
 u mad bro?
  • 2 10
flag matt-bike-baha (Mar 2, 2011 at 15:07) (Below Threshold)
 Please excuse me, this is what the illness has done to me...
  • 6 0
 calm the fuck down dude.
  • 7 0
 Send these long comments in a personal message. We "pinkbike" dont want to even have to glance at these filthy senseless comments you are making on here. I am 110% sure that i cant speak for everyone when i ask...... Please keep these stupid immature rants you make too each other in a personal message. Thank you for your time. Even tho you obviously have to much of it.
  • 1 0
 Agreed ^^^

I've already reported "matt-bike-baha." Everyone else should do the same, the site will be better without him.
  • 2 4
 awww boohoo, did i upset you?
  • 2 3
 neging me only makes me happier
  • 2 0
 KillaKHS i think that stupid, irrelevant and out of context comments is what makes pinkbike work. matt-bike's arent brilliant and are verging on annoying but they are much better than the continuous "sweet photo man" "why the f*ck is this pod?" not quite as irrelevant as some peoples comments have been but they are still pretty good
  • 1 0
 Ok so you said.... stupid, irrelevant and out of context comments, not brilliant and are verging on annoying......... and you say " they are pretty good" I am very sorry but, i can not see how you can get positive out of all that? I would love you to explain to me how you have made sense of this haha:o)
  • 1 0
 sorry about that man, i realized that i didnt make it very clear. I'm saying that the irrelevent comments that are often posted are usually ok. and that so are some of Matt-Bike's but these past few have been take a bit too far and arent funny any more
  • 1 0
 DUDE! We totally agree. I was going to say the exact same thing. I love to lmao at some of the random shit i read in these things! But i guess i dont like the extreme ..... almost like they are freestlye rapping hate lyrics to try to make a point or to get attention. Its to bad that they say negative attention is better than no attention at all haha but yes i love random crazy comments.
  • 3 0
 moongose u need some weed
  • 1 1
 Amen to that!^
  • 3 0
 matt-bike-baha --- if people thought your comments were good then why are nearly all your props negative, this clearly means that there not wanted or just plain stupid remarks , yes i agree there needs to be some randomness in comments but seriously i didnt find your comments funny or in anyway plausible :S
  • 2 1
 That's because it is shit Austin.
  • 3 0
 "because it is shit" That makes about as much sense as the rest of your comments. Look at your neg props. they speak for themselves dude. All we are asking is that you tone it down a notch or two. Its no big deal..... Just try and grow up a little. I will fully support your comments and your presents if you can just chill a little.
  • 1 3
 Duuuude, its pinkbike, why so serious?
  • 1 0
 not serious ,just maturity Smile
  • 1 0
 live a little then....
  • 3 0
 Shut the f*ck up already! Jesus mattbike... you annoyed the f*ck out of everyone. Said tons of stupid shit. Get over the fact that everyone on here thought what you said was stupid as shit! God your a c*nt. Did you just get off your pb suspension or what? Leave boy... and never come home baha
  • 1 0
 "if you can just chill a little."

f*cking hypocrite.
  • 1 0
 ^you go a good point there
  • 1 0
 The props speak for themselves.
  • 1 0
 Besides.... the point was to chill so we would tolerate your presents. well.... I dont give a fuck anymore if you dont want to tollerate my presents... thats why im not chill anymore. I held back because I wanted to be chill and have my presents be accepted. Same as I was advising you too do. Fuckin damb asses. yea you too cooper
  • 2 0
 yer so im over all these comments its getting annoying and pointless why dont u just both grow up admire a sick photo crack one out if u have to and go ride?
  • 1 0
 Stop whine.
  • 1 0
 im so sorry i look like a dumbass to you because i agreed with a statement
  • 1 0
 plus whats with the long winded rants? I cant be assed to read half of them (killaKHS)
  • 1 0
 FFS guys just STFU and deal with it now it ! like -selks93- said just admire the god damn pic thats what these comment and props are for so lets do so BTW the pic is swwwweeeeeet !
  • 3 0
 cool story bro
  • 1 0
  • 2 0
 matt you arabic fish monger! killa whatever your name is, smoke some weed, do some pills, drink beer, chill out and enjoy the momenttt
  • 1 0
 shut it fatnus
  • 3 0
 oh havent you died yet!
  • 1 1
 Not before you do!
  • 5 2
 Every shot is Photoshopped... Whether or not i was done right is the question... IMO the saturation is out of whack... Contrast is strong too...
  • 3 0
 Actually I beg to differ. I have never photoshopped an action pic in my life. I have thousands. I know many people who dont use that. So i think its a little off to make a statement that "every" pic is photoshopped. But thats is just my 2cents. I could be wrong or behind in times too. It really makes that perfect shot worth it tho.
  • 1 0
 Well, Killa, Send me one of your action shots and i will send it back to you ''improved''. Afterwards, you will go out and purchase Photoshop I guaranty it. There is nothing wrong with photoshoping, it enhances the quality of photographs when its done right. I don't understand why Photoshop is worst than the devil in PB... Its what the pro's use and you can do miracles with it. It goes hand and hand with digital photography. Nobody is posting shots taken on 50mm or 35 mm film in PB.
  • 1 0
 I did a lot of thinking after i blabbered that last comment..... it was to late to edit the comment. You are totally correct. Have a good day man. (killa hops off with one foot in his mouth)
  • 1 0
 k matt-bike-haaha or what ever you just digging the fagola hole deeper and deeper.. like you are one angry person. do you actually have some kind of anger disease i couldnt tell if that was a joke or not. btw the picture looks photo shoped
  • 1 0
 looks tapered with??i hate how every one has something to say about sick shots.If u think its so easy take youre kodak disposable out there and try and take a better shot its near impossible to get every element on key and this is a classic example of what happens when you do its a sick photo and props to the photographer who cares if he used photoshop most people do thats not easy either the ability to take shots like this and use photoshop (or not)to enhance it is what makes a photographer see the tiny flaws in the pic and fix it.big deal!!people just have nothing else to do than pick apart other peoples perfection and success.GREAT PHOTO MATE
  • 5 0
 Thats a lot of grass
  • 2 0
 Its a cool pic...... but something looks fishy? Dont go all crazy on me now. im not pointing rubbish. It just looks fishy thats all. 2c
  • 1 0
 Impossible. There is clearly no water to be seen, only green grass, and a sick trick.
  • 2 0
 haha ^^^^^^
  • 3 0
 Nice pic , l've never seen so much trimmed green grass
  • 3 0
 good pic, but it looks like someones cut him out and stuck him there :/
  • 2 1
 I agree. Look at the white outline of his left leg.
  • 6 1
 That white outline is from a photography thing called a "flash," all the cool kids are using them now.
  • 1 1
  • 1 0
 just thought it looks a bit too perfect :/
  • 3 0
 Now that's what i call P...O...D! Smile
  • 6 4
 ThinkBig videos are the shit
  • 5 0
 Wow, that looks surreal!
  • 2 3
 any explanation from tyler? haha. personally not a fan of this photo, background's cool a bit different but the lamppost completely ruins it i think. good riding though
  • 3 0
 very nice manoeuvre
  • 3 0
 Every where he goes
Bikers always know
That this dude has got a whip that everybody knows

  • 4 0
 sweet pick but I havent seen a pod not picked by Ian Hylands in the past few weeks. Too bad now that this awesome pod doesn't have the reasoning behind it some people are most likely going to express their views that are most likely untrue. Pinkbike encourages you to express your opinion, yet when it is wrong you should get the facts right and know them before you express your views and get 50 negative props.
  • 5 0
 @fuelbiker I think you need to pay more attention, there were 3 or 4 in the last week that I didn't pick. I was in Jamaica and didn't have internet for a bit. Also your opinion is never wrong, but negative statements should be backed up with reasons for them...
  • 2 12
flag matt-bike-baha (Mar 2, 2011 at 8:56) (Below Threshold)
 "yeah sure are shit" oooopss, i ment to say they sure are the shit! ah
  • 2 1
 ^ stop f*cking swearing gosh darnit!
  • 3 0
 mattbikebaha should be discharged from the site.
  • 1 1
 Lol who's fucking swearing, shockabahala
  • 1 0
 @KillaKHS i concur with you there bro, get him gone
  • 3 0
 Green....I miss it....
  • 2 0
 This is a really cool POD.
  • 2 0
 I live how most the comments are about how dumb @matbikes comment are lol
  • 2 0
 Pics like this should be 3D!! Smile
  • 1 0
 honestly! this picture is so sickk! that background looks surreal! wow this gets me so stoked
  • 1 0
 just because he used a flash does not mean its photoshopped.... sick picture!
  • 1 0
 Awesome pic and killer colors in the shot! Feels/looks like that field goes on forever..
  • 1 0
 awesome pic... do they randomly have dirt landings dotted everywhere on the roadside over there?
  • 1 0
 awesome pic... do they randomly have dirt landings dotted everywhere on the roadside over there?
  • 2 0
 Ist das nicht in Treysa?
  • 2 1
 Kann nicht warten ! Ich will den Film sehen !
  • 2 1
 Yeah boy. Hell of a pod. props to the photographer.
  • 1 1
 Nice, I'm looking forward to biking in Schwalmstadt this summer, the spot is just great!
  • 1 1
 that field/meadow in the background kinda makes this shot remind me of life cycles Smile
  • 1 0
 yo thats a sweeeet pic nice tail whip bro
  • 1 0
 I didn't see a goat... Am i broken?
  • 2 2
 Can't wait, i love all ThinkBig videos.
  • 1 1
 Background contrasts the rider and looks sick! Banger t whip
  • 1 1
 Sweet! like how the rider stands out of the background
  • 1 1
 nice pod, is that bike a spank smoke?
  • 1 1
 Nah , looks more like Ns Majesty
  • 3 0
 this looks exactly like the bike in this pod
  • 1 1
 wo gibts das in einer hohen Auflösung? ich will das als Hintergrud!!!
  • 1 2
 sick picture but the colors look a little enhanced but other than that its a great POD
  • 1 1
 does anyone know when the film is going to be out? cheers
  • 1 1
  • 1 1
 the bike is a univega prototype!
  • 1 1
 sick nice pic light colours action.........road.........great
  • 1 1
 haha its funny tht nobody likes senior spongebob and this shldnt be pod...
  • 1 0
  • 1 1
 Another DJ pic, how creative!
  • 1 0
 amazing shot Beer
  • 1 0
 photo-shopped much?
  • 1 0
 Epic Landscape !!!
  • 1 0
 Sick step-up dude!
  • 1 0
  • 1 2
 nice, i got almost the same shot in öhringen Wink
  • 1 1
 lush shot
  • 1 1
 Very nice!
  • 1 1
 awesome pic Smile
  • 2 3
 sorry, no big whoop... looks tampered with too...
  • 1 2
 i think its one of the best pods in pinkbike history. just amazing...
  • 1 1
  • 1 2
 its look fake in my point off vieuw, he can't land this jump
  • 1 1
 thinkBIG !
  • 1 1
 loving the colours
  • 1 1
 it is treysa
  • 1 1
 nicer kontrast !
  • 1 2
 Photoshop layered - nuff said!
  • 1 2
  • 2 0
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