My second san andreas - the wheels finally snapped and the forks were giant water pistols - aah those were the days ;) - around '97
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My second san andreas - the wheels finally snapped and the forks were giant water pistols - aah those were the days ;) - around '97
  • 1 0
 I wanted on of those frames so bad, I still do!. If I ever got one I would have put a Girvin fork and cooka cranks with those same spin wheels and a set of magura hydo brakes. That was my dream bike.
  • 3 0
 HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. The only bike ever to sound like it had asthma.
  • 1 0
 YES! a Zyzzyx fork. I had one on a LTS DH for all of 10 minutes. I rode off a loading dock and it broke.
  • 2 0
 yep they were pretty awful - had to drill holes in the bottom to get them to work anything near well - and then they just sucked in water and pissed it out again. The wheels were killed jumping into some stairs - the days when stuff didnt really work very well
  • 2 0
 That is sick.
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 Want this the bike that Mint Sauce rode?
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 Maybe, I did ride with Jo Burt a few times when I owned this bike back then
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 @somemorestuff: that’s an awesome bit of history for all us who grew up on mbuk!
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 @somemorestuff: I remember him doing a comic strip with a bike just like yours but the closest I could find online was this for a Mountain Cycle:

and this for tri-blade wheels:
  • 1 0
 @landscapeben: yeah, second one is a slingshot

He did make one comic for us, we were the first trail builders in a place in Brighton called Wild Park, and within the comic he thanked the trail pixies of wild park. (this was before we met and rode with him)

His bike drawings were probably just based on the exotica of the time
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 @somemorestuff: Sweet, I'm not far from Brighton but don't know Wild Park!?
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 @landscapeben: A lot of people have been building in it since, we've had north shore, most of it has gone, though there are some nice jump lines and drops, but most of it is just bermed singletrack

A lot of the trails are marked on Trailforks, with the more XC type trails in Stanmer Park which is on the other side of the bypass
  • 1 0
 @somemorestuff: I’ll have to swing by and take a look then!
  • 1 0
 Sweet Bullet Bros. chain tensioner.

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