from raw to polish
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from raw to polish
  • 1 0
 I'm about to do this to my commencal, what were the steps? As in, paint stripper used, sand paper grit used.
  • 1 0
 Steps are followed

1)Use super paint stripper and spread the stripper with a flat brush onto the whole frame,1 layer takes about -/+ 10min to wear in.After that add lot's more layers and then leave it 1 night so the stripper can do it's job.

2)After step 1 the paint stripper probaly did it's job,use a high pressure washer to blast all the paint of.

3)Clean the frame with a clean rag,so there is no more paint left behind.

4)This step is a 50/50 choice but it's not a big deal or dissaster,either you can use sandpaper with a super fine grit/polish stuff or a good rubbing compound.Personly i use the rubbing compound that contains a cleaner because it will save you lot's of time with out using sandpaper.

5) I use Commandant 4 witch is a rubbing compound/cleaner,use a clean rag and apply it onto the raw frame,it will take some time but the mirror finish comes afer about 10min.
  • 1 0
 after you polished the frame did you put a clear lacquer on top of the polished surface,

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