A joke Canadian map of the world.
Don't take it seriously.
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A joke Canadian map of the world. Don't take it seriously.
  • 43 4
 love it
  • 22 3
 african lion safari and nintendo land crack me up, how would you not love it!!
  • 25 2
 haha im going to use this in school for a map of the world
  • 38 16
 not EVERYONE in america are retards, just most people. nothing really bad about canada, seams pretty chill compared to other places. but it doesnt say biking there. and the beer thing is completely true. and the gun thing. we are free from the rest of the world, but ruled by the government.
  • 12 9
 look at what there calling asia "vancouver ancestors"
  • 83 6
 Well we are pretty proud of our country, whatever there is to be proud of. Last time I checked American comedians were commenting on how Americans thought the USA was so much better then the rest of the word.
In the end we're all from countries which have differing qualities that make up the world's qualites. Further we're all proud of our countries culture and have every right to think that our culture is *the best* in a joking manner.
We criticize because we have a very large and powerful neighbour to the south of us which we don't always agree with and who is going through some large growing pains right now. That doesn't mean we don't like the USA. If we didn't like the USA then we wouldn't even go to the movie theatre, because all that's there is American movies.
So calm down and don't take such large offense because it's not at all indicative of the Canadian people's perspective on things, in fact it is more a self-critique of Canada then a critique of the world itself from a Canadian stand-point.
  • 33 2
 Totally agree Marty660, well thought out post. I would be happy to see some of our northern neighbors come down and rip on our trails and I would be happy to rip on Canadian trails. Were all out there to have fun on bikes, not to criticize each other for the country that they live in or were born in.
  • 17 1
 I'm going after both americans and canadians here too.
  • 18 1
 LOL india says telemarketing... cant tell you how many calls i've gotten from them.
  • 15 4
 Ridetrails, just remember we are bigger and on top, if it was jail you would be our bitch.
  • 15 5
 American brothers, if you are smart then there is no reason to take offence. Think about it, if you get good grades in school, then obviously the stupid American stereotype doesn't pertain to you. The pictures good for a chuckle, so have yourself a little laugh.
  • 7 2
 thank you statler is just a joke, canada and the states are basically the same exept one has a huge army and the other one has igloos people take this way to seriously
  • 8 2
 canada and the states are note even close to being the same. for example some thing as simple as guns, in the states you are alowed to own hand guns and if a person comes onto your property without permission they can shout you. but in canada you are not even aloud to own a hand gun (unless you are apart of a gun club or the police or RCMP). also if you shoot a person in canada you are automaticly going to prison.
  • 4 2
 u have to tell the person to leave ur property first before u shoot
  • 3 1
 hahhahaha love it its jstu a joke no need to wright a fckign essay on it
  • 2 1
 lol. nintendoland in japan and telemarketer in India hahahahahahahaha. I laughed so much.
  • 5 7
 ridetrails ur an idiot i personally hate the vast majority of the states because they get fat and take war on innocent countries and they say HEY STOP yet they still want to vote for another president whos gonna do the exact same thing
  • 3 0
 That's pretty funny. But they should just delete the "retards" in the U.S.A. I got to say that in Canada, we also have some retards(not a lot but...). If it wasnt wrote that, everybody would be happy and nobody would be mad at each other and saying that his country is better then an other.
  • 2 1
 Aconquergood, Don't judge americans based on a majority. Bush got elected in 04 but in 05 his appruval rating went down below 50%. I wanted Kerry just to set the record. But the only "retarded gun lovers" in america are in the middle states. People who live on the coasts are basically just like canadians (or at least the canadian steryotype of being super chill). If I could I would hella move to canada. Sick trails, chill people, free health care. But cali basically just like that except warmer winters.
  • 1 0
 And I got to agree with the "watery piss beer". lol. You make some good beer...but some really taste like...piss. But, I gotta also say that the Canadian beer isn't so better.
  • 1 0
 haha Nintendo Land for Japan, nice:P
  • 0 3
 for the record we sold alaska to the states for 4million dollars or something like that, and greenland was never part of canada, if anything it used to belong to denmark or finland or some such bullshit like that
  • 0 2
 the funny thing is canada has more retard to normal people ratio than the states LOL
  • 3 0
 ok just did a double take here, i just remembered alaska was bought from the russians
  • 4 0
 yay theres no dig at the UK. thanks canada!
  • 3 1
 that's cuz its too small on the map too fit anything, but you guys are cool anyways
  • 2 0
 nnorrcoo, have u seen all the asians in vancouver? thats why
  • 1 0
 i lived there for 7 years
  • 1 0
 ahh ok i didnt know that
  • 1 0
 its kinda funny when im on the skytrain or somthing like that and i hear a converstaion in english lol it surprises me Razz
  • 11 0
  • 1 0
 To the convo way above. Where i live, all they have to do is pose a threat on your property and you can shoot them. Like, if you walk onto someones property wearing a mask and a baceball bat, you have permission to shoot them. Im not sure you can kill them though.
  • 1 0
 haha i like the vancouver ancserters and shitty hockey players
  • 1 0
 haha, i like their view on americnas:P
  • 1 2
 Well Canadians are part French... which means they are part cheese-eating-surrender-monkeys but Canada and America are both cool places.
  • 2 0
 That's only the French Canadians! We were actually a British colony
  • 2 0
 Yeah, hence british colombia. Dont generalise matt Razz
  • 24 3
 canada is the best country in the world
  • 2 15
flag lauwe-pokoe (Aug 21, 2008 at 9:07) (Below Threshold)
 if you like denim shirts
  • 5 19
flag zakgrnlz (Aug 21, 2008 at 17:49) (Below Threshold)
 your decendants of the french, enough said, a bunch of fags
  • 9 0
 I think the correct term is "Frogs".
And we're actually for the most part descenedants of you, the British, we just happen to have a provinc of 7 millionish french people.
It's called heterogenous history.
  • 3 12
flag zakgrnlz (Aug 22, 2008 at 15:16) (Below Threshold)
 actually my good man im from america, i used to live in the uk and im tryin to sell my bike over there. and if we were to have our own map of the world as close minded as yours the title over canada would be something along the lines of, draft dodgers, baby seal killers, or else like i said earlier fags
  • 9 0
 How are we known for draft dodgers, and we don't actually kill baby seals - do some research. I could understand idiots and hockey. If your trying to be insulting please don't, my map wasn't trying to insult. It more insults Canada, showing off our stereotypes. It's satire man.
  • 0 1
 True enough your smarter then most people here, but still a dumb fuck for making something that the intelligent people would notice makes u seem stereotypical. Although you pointed it out yourself so i guess your not that clever...
  • 0 0
 If you're making an attack on how intelligent I am, I assure you, and I hope I'm not seeming arrogant, that I'm quite above average. Humour says little about someone's intelligence.
  • 1 2
 Quite clearly humor can show a lot about someone's humor,you just proved that. I don't even need to start connoting.
  • 2 1
 And if your intelligent, you wouldn't need to ask wether I'm making an attack. Nuff said.
  • 1 1
 HAHA(at myself) sorry i appologise my keyboard is broken and some functions don't work that i use by habbit. My first comment was meant to say..."Quite clearly humor can show a lot about someone's intelligence,you just proved that.
  • 0 0
 Manner of speech, my friend. And I realized as I posted that you brits are well known for their satire... and that you were pulling my leg. I'm just used to taking crap from this map, and I enjoy dishing it out too.
  • 0 0
 I got the jist of it. Wink
  • 2 0
 zakgrnlz is a treehugger, and probly as fat as the seals we kill
  • 19 8
 amarica is a piece of s*** and are in like $$$$$$10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000321321321343242342343.2313213214213 oF Debt
  • 6 36
flag lighttekku (Aug 1, 2008 at 18:59) (Below Threshold)
 yeah thats because we have to save your *** in every freaking conflict you get into.
  • 29 0
 America has never saved Canada. Once.
  • 15 1
 America is 9 trillion dollars in debt (not an exaggeration, that's the actual number)
  • 12 0
 most western countries are in debt, though america takes the cake.
  • 8 2
 I didn't even know there was such a number.
  • 7 0
 umm dude vimy rigde, the battle that no one could win, except for the canadians. seriously the french, english and americans tried, and then when the canadians went over the top all of the other guys were like laughing cuz they thought we had no chance at all, and then as you all should know, we cleaned up. And generally it is us that comes around behind you guys (after you do whatever you want in whatever country you are in, because you think that it needs your help) and cleans up, we reestablish the peace, provide essential services, and tend to any medical needs ( you dont always get the bad guys with all the flying lead)
  • 2 1
 I was just about to say the same thing as ironhorserocks but america is in debt because Bush attaked every country that has oil. If Obama gets in it should be alot better.
  • 1 14
flag lighttekku (Jan 31, 2009 at 18:14) (Below Threshold)
 Norco, now that Obama is president things are going to get worse acctually, and if i put a gun to your throat you wouldn't just sit there and let me shoot you, thats what radical islam did, they declared war on the "western" cultures. and ironhorse, your an idiot, the muslim radical's goal, is to kill every person who is from judaic or christian culture, aka american's, canadians, the brittish, and anyone else who fits into that category, so by going into war, we are saving your butt, as they say, the best defense is a good offense. oh, and if your so great at helping countries, then why did you become our ally? unless of course you need our help, welcome to the real world. oh and cdavis, quit using wikipedia to find your information, because it is wrong, the USA is only (lol only...) 3 trillion dollars in debt.
  • 6 0
 That's the worst post I've ever seen, excepting maybe one of nasty nate's.
  • 4 0
 lighttekku your the person that makes people think americans are stupid.
  • 5 0
 What? I'm an idiot for being right? Are Americans so stuck up that they can't even acknowledge when someone else has saved their asses? Really that wasn't my opinion, those were historical facts. If anything you are the idiot, and if you don't think that Obama is going to make things better then you're twice as stupid as I thought. Honestly I hate to say it but you're fitting into the typical American stereotype of saying and then thinking, is there even any reason that I'm an idiot other than the fact that I'm right and you're wrong?
  • 0 11
flag lighttekku (Feb 2, 2009 at 13:02) (Below Threshold)
 norco, your the person i moved from canada to the usa, canadians always have to be right, even when they are wrong. and ironhorse, your the average sheltered canadian who thinks they know everything, but is always wrong, why don't you just go worship the queen while i go for a bike ride? P.S. Obama is going to make all hunting ammo illegal to aquire, and he's using our taxes to pay for abortions for third world countries, and hes only been in office for like a week, thats how great he is.
  • 0 0
 Lighttekku, you remind me too much of NastyNate, i can't take you seriously. lol
  • 8 0
 OH MY GOD!!!!! DID THE WORLD JUST STOP TURNING OR SOMETHING??????? He's going to make all hunting ammo illegal to acquire?? Really, please get a larger perspective of the world here buddy, YOUR COUNTRY IS ONE OF THE MAJOR CAUSES OF THE PRESENT GLOBAL ECONOMIC RECESSION. Now we get to the part where I will show you why you're wrong and I'm right,and there is no opinion in this, simply facts.

First of all who are you to say that I'm just the average sheltered Canadian that they know everything. Well I have news for you, I'm not sheltered and I DO NOT KNOW everything!!! NO ONE DOES!!! If you can say that I'm just an average sheltered Canadian that thinks that he knows it all, then you should be perfectly fine when I say that you are a redneck, beer loving, gun slinging slightly below average IQ American.

Secondly, I would like to point out that we are not just a colonization of England, we used to be (back in 1867) but no longer have any obligations to England other than a few minor obligations involving the Governor General.

Since you think you know it all, you should know that it is important to check your facts, and not include opinion in your arguments as it basically shows that you just want to win, but are unable to accept hard facts. If you have any more quarrels with Canadians, Canada, me or even world politics just let me know and I'll be happy to try answer all of your questions, but please keep in mind that I don't know it all.
  • 1 11
flag lighttekku (Feb 4, 2009 at 12:23) (Below Threshold)
 cause when your 12 marty you find everything funny. and if the world, canada specifically, didn't depend on the united states for your funds, then you would be thriving. as for the whole redneck beer loving gun-slinging below average iq american, your an idiot, i was born in canada and lived there for close to 10 years of my life, i'm underage and have never had beer before, and i only sling guns when shooting at a deer during the hunting season, oh and i own a Subaru impreza not a redneck truck, i don't roast marshmallows over a stave, unless i'm extremely bored, and i'm certianly in no way shape or form a redneck. and yet you still sing about her in your national anthem and putting her on your money.
  • 1 0
 I don't think I said you do any of that.
  • 0 6
flag lighttekku (Feb 4, 2009 at 16:48) (Below Threshold)
 you said you find me funny.
  • 2 0
 you'll say anything to to try and convince yourself that you've won this argument, won't you?
  • 2 5
 oh please, say something else that you found on wikipedia ironhorse, oh and your the reason that most americans hate canadians, because you (specifically you not all canadians) think they know everything about a country without even stepping foot in it. personally i like canadians, they know how to ride the mountain and have some pretty hot chicks. Beer
  • 5 1
 In case you can't read I will quote exactly what I said earlier and add a little on so that maybe this time you can comprehend. 5 posts ago this is what I said

"Since you think you know it all, you should know that it is important to check your facts, and not include opinion in your arguments as it basically shows that you just want to win, but are unable to accept hard facts. If you have any more quarrels with Canadians, Canada, me or even world politics just let me know and I'll be happy to try answer all of your questions, but please keep in mind that I don't know it all."

To reiterate it for you once again, so that maybe I don't have to repeat my self again, I am saying that I DO NOT KNOW IT ALL! NOR DO I THINK THAT I KNOW IT ALL!

And I didn't use Wikipedia, although the fact that you thought that I did most likely indicates that you did.

I'd like to leave you with a question though, how is it that you know that I (specifically) am the single handed reason that Americans hate Canadians? Did you take a poll? Was this poll before or after you tried to indoctrinate them with you prejudice ways? Where is your data? Again please eliminate your opinion from your arguments as it quite simply shows that you know nothing, but have a huge desire to "win" the argument.
  • 2 2
 Only the East Coast has hot girls, the rest of the country is greasy.

Do remember that most of us have been to the USA, some quite frequently. And that sometimes an outside perspective can be illuminating; the fact that so much of the world, including Canada, finds aspects of the USA as less desirable shouldn't come as a surprise.
I'm not saying that we're right. Being utterly convinced that you are right and all others are wrong is a hall mark of stupidity. But not recognizing the bullshit that's gone down the last 8 years is just silly. A) War B) Economic meltdown C) Lessened civil liberties (thinks like the Patriot Act, torture, etc..). That's not a good formula; I'm not blindly putting my support behind Obama but he's the best choice you guys had.
  • 1 6
flag lighttekku (Feb 6, 2009 at 12:00) (Below Threshold)
 well i am an American, and your the type that we hate. and wikipedia is ussually wrong about statistics, just like you have been, so if igured that would be where you got your information.
a) they declared war on us, i'll find a source for ya.
b) very true, but thats because certian banks, decided to give out loans without doing their homework, and has almost nothing to do with politicians at all.
c) i definately agree with you on that one.

obama has lke no experience, and he is walking into a mess, thats a huge red flag to me. also there is a high chance that he will be assassinated by the kkk, which is a very unforutnate reality, and if that does happen, i fear that america would be split in two and we would have another bloody civil war.
  • 4 1
 In reply to your A) point, I would like to point out that your country invaded their's because your military claimed to have evidence that they had weapons of mass destruction (nuke, ICBM....) but once your country had invaded them they found NO evidence of any sort of weapon other than guns. Then the UN weapons inspectors came in to also find NOTHING. If you think that a country that invades another country (think Germany between 1939 and 1945) is not the one responsible for starting the war then I'm sorry to say it (and I really hope this doesn't start another argument, like I actually do) but you are sadly mistaken.

If I have completely misinterpreted what you said previously then I'm sorry, I thought that you were talking about the war in Iraq.

Just as a side note though, I think it should be mentioned that before the war in Iraq your country was fighting right along side mine in an effort to rid Afghanistan of the Taliban. Once your country declared war on Iraq, the US immediately withdrew almost all of its support from Afghanistan, leaving us stranded and quite pissed off. The point is that the US was so intent on winning the war in Iraq, and I would say that they have won as they just had their first democratic election, that they had to abandon their ally and neighbor.
  • 5 1
 Wow! Lighttekku is so f*cking sad, its unbelievable.

Hes probably the dumbest f*ck that ever walked on Earth.

How the f*ck can you dissagree with facts GIVEN by a freaking gouvermental website? His excuse was "its taken every 10 years" Bullf*ckINGshit! The website clearly states that the info was taken in 2007. Not 10 freaking years ago dumbass. Plus, on the other side, it clearly says that 12.5% of americans are poor. Thats throughout the entire states, not only one state and the smallest one as you said.

Sorry but you have to go back to school and stop saying we're using Wikipidia. Unlike you, we know our crap and don't try to blame false info on Wiki. Now, its not our fault if you're to blind or to close minded to accept that you actualy don't know squat. Take your idiocity and bring shit elsewhere, as we don't want to deal with your useless junk of crappy arguments that, by the way, keep on making you look like a fool. If you don't agree with us, fine, but please stop saying you're right when you're clearly wrong! Don't try to pin your wrong info on Wiki, you just don't know shit. If you're to blind to see that you're wrong and can't agree that you're weren't right, then i suggest getting some god damn good glasses. I also suggest to take an IQ test if you're even smart enough to fit the human description.

There should be a "Are you smart enough for Pinkbike" test when registering. That way we wouldn't have to deal with dumbasses like you everyday.

Just to prove how your so wrong all the time, you currently arguing against about 6 people. Hows that as a FACT?

Look at the argument hes having with me and maybe one or two other guys.

Heres the link : www.pinkbike.com/photo/2100370/#cid3143441

To help you out, i've bolded some important words and italiced some others. Nice reading to you.
  • 2 0
 Guys stop the flame war.
  • 2 2
 No this guy is a freaking douche and i can't stand him anymore.... All he does is argu with others all the time. Wasting space and time. But i can't let and idiot like that walk thinking hes smart and knows something. Hes got to learn how much he doesn't know crap.
  • 3 0
 That might be true but I'm getting tired of "X is a f*cking a*shole" popping up on my dashboard all the time.
  • 2 1
 so am i lol... Lets get this moron banned so we don't have to deal with his crap anymore.
  • 3 0
 Graphxxx your not helping let ironhorserocks talk he is doing a good job with that guy.
  • 1 4
 first off, the reason we are at war has nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction, that's why we went into Afghanistan not iraq,


that video is pretty much why we are at war, 9/11 was a declaration of war against the west, ignore the facts if you must, but there they are right in front of you. and the Taliban is in both iraq and Afghanistan, as you should know. and honestly i don't know much of anything about the conflict in Afghanistan.
  • 0 3
 now as for you graphxxx, this is the link to your source, which you gave me:


now if you read the first line of the website, it clearly states that it is an ESTIMATE judged from a survey of 100,000 people, so basically what you are saying is 35% of all Americans are in poverty judged on a survey of .05% of the American population. wow you must be a genius.

and the actual census of the united states, is taken every 10 years, read the first line on this site:

  • 1 0
 Wow once again, your proving your stupidity. Seriously, believe what you, if you chose to live in the ignorance (which is the case) then thats your choice, not mine. I've talked to many americans and they all agreed that 30 millions of americans in poverty was perfectly right. Not my fault if you're to stuck up to actualy believe the truth. Wtv, i'm not the one making a fool of myself. Grow some balls and grow up while you're at it.
  • 1 2
 maybe you should learn to accept when your wrong. take a look at those sources, and actually read the sources that you put up, and then you may be able to put up an argument that goes past third grade level. and your number keeps hanging, first it was 35 million, then it went to 12.5% and now its down to 30 million, how interesting. oh and please stop swearing, it's doing nothing to get your point across, it just shows that you are mad, which you really shouldn't be.
  • 1 0
 Umm. They can also make polls of like 1000 people amazingly accurate as far as political results go. I'd say 100 000 is good enough to be a guide line.
  • 1 4
 umm, polls of 1,000 people are usually accurate for 10,000 or 100,000 if your really lucky, but your judging the whole country by .05% of their population, personally i don't think that's very wise.
  • 1 0
 Well no statistic should be ever used to judge a country. However it's a good indicator of whether or not there is a problem - even if it's off by 10%, an enormous error, a poverty level of 25% is still quite high. And you should also take into account other information. For example, the richest 1% of your country now holds 20% of the wealth, last I heard. Obviously, the bottom portion of the country is getting shorthanded - compare that with the aforementioned 35% and everything comes into perspective.

If you're denying that the USA is poor right now, well your out of luck because it is. It's probably not going to turn into the depression, and if the US government takes the proper steps (ie. doesn't get bought out by corporate dipshits), everything will be back to normal.

Statistics like we've been talking about serves to point out that there is a problem.
  • 3 1
 No i'm not mad. I'm just laughing because all this time you've been completely wrong. Your head is just so deep in your ass that you can't even see the truth in front of you. You're arguing for something that is compeltely stupid, but you insist on being right, which you we never. I mean, i can understand arguing for something when you know something different, but now you're arguing for something that is known by everyone. Look, think what you want, but there is easily over 30 millions of poors in the states. Wether you like it or not, thats what it is. So keep talking from your ass, i don't mind. I just love to see people look like completely dumbasses with crap coming out of their asses. You're the typical american douche that "knows" everything even though he doesn't know the simple fact of the amount of poor in his country. Maybe you should watch some reports on poors in the States.

Now don't come and tell me this videos are bullshit.




Now tell me your country is the best. If you need more proof, youtube has thousands of videos about poverty. I'm done arguing with you, i have a heart and you country knows how to hurt one. I can't believe that you don't see all the bad sides of american. its a great country, but you don't know the poverty of your own country. Take a real good look at it and then tell me that only 1 million poor lives in the states and that its the best country. Yeah, its the best country, but have so many freaking poors. I'm done.
  • 1 5
flag lighttekku (Feb 9, 2009 at 17:26) (Below Threshold)
 you're an idiot, the first two videos are from a country that is in the middle east, just click on their channel and read the description, they are the first english speaking news orginazation, in an ARAB country, says so right in their description, once again i ask you to use good sources.

and maybe you should acctually walk into a country before judging it, and yes we do have poverty like the rest of the world, especially in a post katrina USA. and no, we aren't the best country in the world, in my opinion england is, but we are the counrty that gets put down the most because people like talking crap about place's they have never been. for instance iraq, the iraqi people are GLAD that we are over there fighting for their freedoms, but you wont find that anywere unless you talk to acctual soilders who have acctually been over there.

oh and i have watched the reports from the poors, i have seen the other side, i went on a "missions trip" to the worst part of new orleans after katrina to help clean up, i've seen it, i used to drive through the bad side of jackson mississippi every day to get to school, i know how bad it can be, but your trying to tell me that america is a third world country and that is not a fact.
  • 3 1
 and marty, the whole world is slowly going into an economic crisis, and america is definately going downhill economically.
  • 0 0
 damn i wish i woulda been around when this arguement started!
  • 3 1
 so wouldn't that be a slightly negative aspect to the US lightteku? economic crises are generally a bad thing....you're starting to point out the flaws in your country, in other words your head IS COMING OUT OF YOUR ASS AND MIGHT BE ABLE TO SEE A DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW ONE DAY!

but that's most likely just my wishful thinking. either way it looks for now like we've actually made a bit of progress with the yank
  • 1 1
 every country has it's flaws, and America isn't an exception. but to say that america is a horrible place is simply something that people who have never visited the country have to say. maze, feel free to jump in at anytime, really, this is quite entertaining.
  • 0 1
 I have been to the US quite a few times, mostly to go shopping and visit a few relatives actually. You might want to stop assuming stuff, you're starting to look pretty stupid
  • 1 2
 really now? and were the shopping malls run down, are your relatives over 300lbs and super poor?
  • 1 0
 No, but did I say that they were? You need to stop assuming and start thinking.What the statistics (yes the statistics that YOUR government puts out) say is that obesity is a huge problem its not just us Canadians saying that Americans are fat. And actually there are some really nice parts of the States and again I never implied anything about the US being a run down sh*t hole that everyone looks down on.

Again I ask you Stop assuming and start thinking
  • 2 1
All I can say. WOW
BUT, i want to say more...
how can i best put out the term that describes this ignorant fools narrow minded clouded head... Not sure. Maybe just chill out and have a toke.
Supposing-and only supposing- that your country, the USofA is not the greatest of countries in the world. Hear me out. Take a small step back from your computer and consider how the outside veiws your country. It is a beautiful place. So is mine. It's people like you (i didn't want to blame) that cause wonderful events to occur. People wake up eventually and decide that (again, sorry) People like you are not who they want representing their country. Note, your newly elected president. I for one, spent 20 minutes carefully reading all of your past posts on this picture and having a good giggle or two. You unfortuantely through your own (can't think of a better word) STUPIDITY porved yourself wrong and everyone else right. You wonder why on the picture it says retards?

I am very excited to hear your glittering response.

Very clever photo Btw. I enjoyed this one as much as the Americans view of the world version.
  • 1 2
 i'm sorry ironhorse, i confused your posts with that of graphxxx's.

first off, as i mentioned before, at least once, if not more, i think England is the greatest country in the world. that being said, i doubt that people in your country would have people such as ironhorse and graphxxx representing it either, otherwise, our nations would not be allies.

In conclusion, IF the (insert what ever swear you want here) Canadians on pinkbike weren't such JERKS to the Americans on this website, then i would not feel the need to defend my country. This website shouldn't be about people from other countries slandering America, or Canada, for that matter, it should be about BIKING as the name implies. I shall not be replying to this anymore, for it is boring and tiresome trying to understand typo-graphical errors (proved is spelled that way, not "porved"), while i could be out biking.

Have a good day!
  • 2 0
 lol your just trying to fix your mistakes.
  • 1 2
 First get old enough for high school, then we can talk.
  • 2 0
 Oh so you couldn't think of anything to say so you make an excuse to get out of the whole thing?
  • 2 0
 What happened to not replying????? I really liked that whole idea! It was the first good one that you've had since our wonderful little argument started.
  • 1 2
 no norco, the rules for the fourm changed, and i decided that talking about biking would be a good thing considering it is a biking website, now grow a pair of balls and learn when to shut the fuck up. and iron horse, the same thing that's happening to your bike, it collected dust and got old. now, i'm done replying, turn 5 and gain some knowledge.
  • 2 0
 R O F L
you are the greatest man. I obviously really thought that proved was spelt porved. My bad, guess i was wrong. You had that toke yet?
  • 3 0
 Parkerrider, I did have my toke, let's switch roles for a sec lighttekku, if some one from your country put up something like this saying canadians-dumb eskimos or something, we would all have a good laugh, there wouldn't be near the hate, hate canadian's all you want, we don't care cause we have world renowned respect. your country is so high up on it's high horse that it can't seem to come down with out falling. that's why we don't get all huffy when someone takes a stab at our country casue regardless of what someone says WE KNOW WE KICK ASS! we don't feel the need to prove we kick ass, call it cocky,c all it arrogant, but everywhere you go most people like canadians, that's the reason you see americans with canadian flags on there travel bags, deceptive bastards.
  • 3 0
 well said!
  • 2 0

here is the samething by an american about america
  • 2 0
 Did you see the vid of the girl on smarter the a 5th grader. What an idiot.
  • 2 0
 this maybe late, but canada kicks ass look at the issue of mcleans magazine we have better politics, better beer, more lovers everything is better in canadaWink
  • 1 0
 i'm gunna step out here and just say OF COURSE THEY WOULD SAY THAT i'm pretty sure mcleans is a canadian publishment, they are not going to say "hey this country where we publish our magazine, live and rely on for our foundation on business is a crapppy place" we are pretty good, but we have dirt under our carpet canadians just don't really care that much about our politics as americans' you have your strong left wing and strong right wings, with a few little timers, most americans know the difference between them. If you asked an average canadian between the differences between liberal and NDP i would assume that at least 75% couldn't explain it.
  • 7 1
 hehe... that's so funny xD and it's so true (about the american part) that most of American people are stupid xD ^^.
  • 2 17
flag myotherrideisadj (Aug 7, 2008 at 16:09) (Below Threshold)
 that might be funny now but when a nuclear war brakes out and you all come running to us who aris going to be laughing
  • 22 0
 No one because we'll all be dead.
  • 5 1
 i think its halarious how deffensive americans get over eavrything they think they are the best and all they are is a buncha rednecks that loves Guns and watery beer!
  • 1 1
 pfft, rednecks my ass, more of em live in the city, I'm a real redneck
  • 2 1
 most of them are rednecks though. And it is pretty funny how all of the americans are freaking out.
  • 2 0
 Americans won't be laughing, because when a nuclear war brakes out, the first country that will get under attack is the USA, they have the most bombs Big Grin
  • 7 0
 It's funny how stupid and errogant all the americans comments are.
  • 5 14
flag bikenerdy (Aug 19, 2008 at 23:38) (Below Threshold)
 uh no, basicly because all you know about america are steriotypes. so you my friend are the stupid one.
  • 1 7
flag ridetrails (Sep 5, 2008 at 21:10) (Below Threshold)
 read all the canadian ones, u know the person made this to get conflict going
  • 4 0
 and it happend again. Its alright because I know all of the Canadians are laughing.
  • 1 1
 I dont see why people are fighting over this, it is so dumb, have some fun every once in a while, if any of you have seen the pic that says Canada, Americas hat then you should know this is a joke.
  • 4 1
 watery beer? wtf!

I drink Belgians or US micro brews which shit on just about everything else.
or I drink euro beers etc.

I'm not and expert, but I'm certainly not a novice. I have toured many micro breweries in the US

Bells, Goose Island, New Belgium,
I go to a bar with 60 US made beers on tap, not one is comparable to miller light or that shit Molson or any Canadian crap.

go top Amsterdam, they smoke weed out of metal pipes like savages.
I've had 2 people from Amsterdam tell me our weed was just as good as theirs, I think our beer is pretty comparable too.
  • 5 0
 i`ve been to amsterdam more than a couple of times but the best weed i`ve ever smoked was from whistler creekside!!!probably the hole atmosphere made it that good...
  • 3 0
  • 6 1
 Haha that's heaps chilla I might go visit Canada after school. It's a bit more accurate than the American one...
  • 2 0
 Some of this stuff is true.... and it is funny but there is no reason for people to get all pissed off about it....like when you think of a place whats the first thing that pops into your mind...like cuba i think drugs and smokes. USA i think guns and power. Canada i think hockey and beer
  • 7 2
 yeah really and its true hahahahah ^^
  • 19 20
 i know that this map is just a joke,
but more than half of the canadien users agree with it...& i am really shocked right now!!!
Is it because of too little general knowledge or what else?
i am not pissed because whole europe is just nazi-town, but i cant believe that this reflects the world views from the enjoyable people i met in bc..its just too full of prejudices!!

To the guy who made this map & to anybody who agreed with it...free your mind...
  • 4 1
 I dont think that their is enough place to write something for EVERY country in europe. I agree that something better could have been written but its just for shits and giggles.
  • 1 1
 Yeah I made some of it, my idea actually, posted it on Uncyclopedia and some people added mor to it.
My mind is free, I view everywhere in the world as beautiful. I used to laugh at those "America's map of the world" maps and laugh, and so I made a new one.
I've been to Europe and I know it's not nazi-town, don't worry we all know Germany is a bomb place, I'm moving their some day.
I didn't write that bit, by the way.
  • 8 1
 i dont care about neg. props for my comment, because i
just wanted to say that this map promotes & bruits prejudices..
& prejudices are the last thong we need on pb!!!
  • 4 1
 srry thing not thong...Smile
  • 1 1
  • 0 0
 mad mk66, remember that this is Pinkbike and that the comments don't reflect anything but some internet opinions, which are worthless and fake anyways.
I am sorry if I offended anyone, I didn't want anyone to take it seriously at all, it was kind of meant for Canadians with the same smug patriotism as I have, which is that we love are country because it has all kinds of oddities and faults (like going into crisis over hockey).
I really do try to be as open as I can without sacrificing who I am, like I've said it's really a self-critique of the country.
If I renamed the Nazi bit "bier" would you be happier?Wink
  • 7 2
 Shitty hockey players! Damn that's good. Oil and Evil is pretty funny, too
  • 7 1
  • 6 1

canerdians are not er as serial about things you know eh?
  • 5 0
 fucking shitty hockey players! love it.
  • 8 2
 lol this is funny
  • 8 2
 lmfao I agree..
  • 5 0
 lololol nintendo land. creative yes. truthfull no.
  • 1 0
 Lol but that part about hockey players isn't completely true! Look at Kovalev man! And people saying crap about french people, did we ever do something to you guys? No so stfu and quit disrespecting us. I'll admit many americans are idiots, but many our cool. There are idiots everywhere you go. But this map is funny, but far from serious and people who can't take a joke well... you won't go far in life my friend. How many times have i heard an american show say crap about Canada? So maybe its time we start talking crap about USA no?
  • 1 0
 Kovalev's plays like a Canuck anyways, hell he plays for the Canadiens he half counts as one of us.
But the rest of those russians... they're not hockey players their figure skaters. Wink
  • 3 0
 Lmao this shit is funny. truth on the beer!!! american domestic is pure anal drippage. retards on every corner, yepp. Guns, thats for population control....
  • 1 0
 afro99 and graphyxx, you guys dont know what you are talking about. Nuking Katrina? And Giantstp you need to work on your patriotism. I dont think people get it. Canada does rely on the US for protection, no doubt. Politicians here are douches, no doubt. But for all the rest of the comments, I think most people dont get that people who live in the U.S and Canada are some of the most fortunate in the world, in terms of the freedoms and rights we have. so wuit the bickering.

just for the record, I lol'd at the map until i saw the comments. Frown
  • 0 0
 i did cause quite the shitstorm, eh?
  • 2 0
 Whoa take it easy everybody, this isn't meant to be serious, it's funny, and stereotyping Canada as much as everywhere else.
"Diamonds and cilvil unrest" lol
  • 4 1
 That's the thing - portraying the rest of the world as a poop and then declaring Canada the land of "Hockey, Beer and Peace" if anything insults us, which half the point.
  • 0 0
 Yeah but not as many people drink microbreweries. Personally, I like German and Austrian beer the best, Dutch beer's not as good.
Our "regular" beer is more colourful then your "regular beer", ie. miller, budweiser, coors, etc...
I've had Americans tell me that.
  • 1 0
 Hey marty... just to let you know. I'm in the Netherlands right now and the Heineken that we have in North America and the one here is totally different. The one in Canada is also brewed in CA. In brief, I used to hate Heineken but the dutch version is quite better. Maybe not the best beer, but not bad.
  • 2 2
 ridetrails (September 5, 2008 at 21:07) (Below Threshold) show comment
god i hate u stupid Canadians, u criticize everything and think u are so much better than America and the rest of the world, but really you'd be f*cked without us and i think u all know it. Dont care about the negative props also, i know ill get a few hundred

f*cked with u guys who wanted our help in the f*cking war
  • 0 0
 so true buddy we won it for those ungrateful kids.
  • 2 0
 ROFL!!! LMAO!! lol this is hella funny lol "Guns & retards" lol i think ur talkin about those southern hick rednecks i live in washington i love all countrys
  • 0 0
 I planned to read the entire thread on this but it's way to big and i'm way to lazy for that. I read about half of it and keep seeing the same thing over and over again. Just wanted to say IT'S A JOKE. For everyone who is turning this into a negative thing, take a step back for a minute and just laugh. Everyone, absolutely EVERYONE on here has at one time or another bashed someone in a joke. Hell i make fun of my friends all the time. I think we call it sarcasm.....I'm pretty sure the guy who made this and everyone who eventually added to it didn't do it to piss someone off, they did it to make people laugh. So like i said just laugh. life is better when you're CHILL. PEACE!!!!
  • 0 0
 marty660, you have started a sick ass war. And i personally love it. Anyone who takes offense to this map should really think again. Canada is the stupid one in this case,taking the time to make a map this stupid,but totally awesome. It also makes us look like a bunch of stereotypers so were the bad ones here. Take some riddlen other country's and settle down. Its called a joke. Long live BORAT!
  • 4 0
 LMAO this is brilliant
  • 3 0
 everbody whos bitchy chill its just a joke...a really funny one
  • 3 0
 Under "watery piss beer," it should say (except for Oregon)... Cool
  • 1 0
 Yeah from what I know of it Oregon's cool.
Don't you guys have lots of cool micro-breweries?
  • 1 0
 More breweries than Germany as a whole, as well as any state in the U.S. Try a Black Butte Porter from Deschutes Brewery sometime...
  • 1 0
 If I ever actually get my hands on that, I most certainly will. I'm a fan of German bier but I think I'll make a trip to Oregon some day, seems like my purse and my taste buds will be happy. Maybe not my liver.
  • 6 3

  • 1 0
 in 1000 years when california splits off from the united states all of us californians will finally be recognized as real people. LOL. Funny map though.
  • 4 1
  • 4 1
 Killer, Killer.
  • 1 0
 wow everybody got way the f*ck too serious about this
peace love and rock and roll.....
  • 2 0
 i live so freakin close to Canada im pretty much Canadian!
  • 6 0
 Taylor, except it. We're American. But we want to be Canadian. Someday...
  • 1 0
 AAAAWWWWW BOYS C'MON!!! Its a fuckin joke........J, did u purposly post this to piss people off!!!LMFAO!
  • 2 0
 SO TRUE!!!!! i got to save this pic
  • 1 0
 i'm half canadian so i can say thaat a lot of americans are retards. thats one funny map
  • 3 1
 canada does kick everyone's ass!
  • 1 0
 funny but politcally uncorrect its gonna piss people off even tho ots for shits and giggles
  • 1 0
 everyone apperently missed the "dont take it to serously" part in the description lol
  • 2 0
 that map is very true americain beer tastes like piss!
  • 1 0
 they dont have anything for scotland Frown

Probley, kilts bagpipes, whiskey and lots of rain :L
  • 3 2
 they need binladen in captivity on there ahah
  • 0 0
 Hey, funny map. Cool to see one of these that isn't made by Americans calling us 'mouseheads' and the like Razz
  • 1 0
 russians are shit hockey players and cuba is cigars the map is liget
  • 1 0
 but yeah. i laughed hahaha
  • 0 0
 yeah I kinda wanted to see some funny comments... I didn't imagine it would be his popular though ahah.
  • 0 0
 yeah man. i was about to favorite it but it said "dont take it too seriously" so i had to comment again or become a hypocrite hahaha
  • 0 0
 ya me tooshit like this is always funny no matter what countys there making fun of ^^^^^^^^
  • 0 0
 ahhahahaa this is like the Entire world fighting in one Place This is a Joke, Come down
  • 0 0
 this is how wars should be solved!
  • 0 0
 Calm down you f*cking partriots, it says in the description its a joke lol
  • 1 0
 there a lot of info about this stuff , holy shiiiittttt
  • 1 0
 thats the best map ever shitty hockey players lol
  • 1 0
 yep true, thumbs up to who made it!
  • 1 0
 hahahahahaha thats great
  • 1 0
 haha classic Big Grin
  • 2 1
 Stereotypes FTW
  • 0 0
 lol you guys are so cool :rool:
  • 1 0
 edit:borat IS NICE lol'
  • 1 1
 i wont be supprised if this picture will start a world war
  • 0 0
 theres an american version of this as well
  • 0 0
 ROFL that just made my day
  • 0 0
 awsome, no lie about their watery piss beer.
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
  • 0 1
 This year i goin to canada again..i love that country!!... BTW... Nintendoland...crack me up...
  • 0 0
 I though in asia it would have said "Where your bike is made"
  • 0 0
 lol, so true
  • 0 0
 lol im glad theyres nothing fr britain, probably only be "tea drinkers"
  • 0 0
 haahahahahahahah lmfao go canada, lmao shitty hockey
  • 1 0
 I agree with this map Big Grin
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 hahaha very true
  • 1 0
 FUCK U im not Nazi !
  • 0 0
 lmao this is awesome
  • 0 0
 hockey beer and peat??
  • 0 0
 peace. Meant as a joke because of some of the wars we've been in.
  • 0 0
 hahaha. nintendoland Big Grin
  • 0 0
  • 0 0
  • 0 2
 dude this is so bais and racist. if you know that this is gonna start a pb war then just dont put this on.
  • 1 1
 Not funny at all !
  • 0 0
  • 0 0
 it is sad but true LOL
  • 0 0
 love it hahahaha
  • 0 1
 long live BRUNO
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