cause of the crash
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cause of the crash
  • 16 8
 nao sei se foi ou nao foi..mas pode nao parecer, mas aquela velocidade uma pedrinha dessas faz muitaa diferença, basta o pneu se agarrar a pedra e ja foste
  • 19 34
flag lucky-7 (Jul 2, 2008 at 13:39) (Below Threshold)
 I dont speak chinese, could you write in english please.
  • 24 6
 Whats with you guys and being dick heads, this site is for lots of different nationalities, theres other languages in the world you know.
  • 21 2
 Ei Jocool es um estupido, eu nao falo chinês, podes escrever em portugues ???

" ei Jocool you are a stupid, i dont speak chinese, could you write in Portuguese ???

  • 3 5
 HAHAHAHA this site...for other nationalities HAHAHA
  • 5 0
 ahhaa va a merda lucky-7 existem pessoas que entendem q as outras pessoas nao sao obrigadas a escrever em ingles so para um estupido como vc entender ...

ahhaha go have a shit lucky-7 have people understandig that other people not have to write in english only a stupid like you understand....
  • 0 2
 Actualy, I speak french. I tried speaking french and making a thread on pinkbike for french people to talk to each other. What did I get?? People from the Us, portugal, UK, Canada, poland, etc.. who didnt speak french, insulting us for not speaking in english. I dont get people who insult us, at them go speak some other language that even less people can understand. I am sorry if I offended anyone, but this site is in english. If ou are a user here, its probably because you speak english. So why dont we just all use english as a language that we can all understand.
  • 2 0
 good i like your answer and i am sorry if i insult you but i didn't like this "I dont speak chinese, could you write in english please" because i thought so "Racist" and i am sorry if wasn't your intention ...Smile
  • 3 0
 yea, ok, but it gets on ma nerves wen people say, "hill would have won, but he crashed", so he wouldent have won ,cause he couldnt stay on his bike, he went way bigger off the fly-off than any other rider, and he was having trouble on this bit all week, so if he had taken it stedyer in the last section, he wouldnt have crashed , but he wouldnt have won ether, at the end of the day a race winner is the person who rode the best on the day, in this case it wasnt Hill, it was Gee, and thats why hes wearing the rainbow jersy, and Hill isnt.
  • 2 1
 I agree that it's Hills fault he crashed but the splits were just incredible, so if he had taken it a little easier on the last section then he would still have beaten Gee...I'm not trying to take anything away from Gee's win but you have to respect Sam for the speed he hit all the rest of the track at.
  • 5 1
 serius that litle rock makes a lot of difference when you'r riding with a lot of speed, you'r front tire can drift and then you crash
  • 5 1
 i doubt it, look how many other rocks ther are and yet he was the only one to crash there, he was unlucky, just slid to much, u can try and blame it on what ever you want but the fact of the matter is, it was just bad luck
  • 0 0
 well... I do not think he fell because as you guys can se, he is at the end of the turn, he is putting all the pressure in the rer tire and he might be starting to pedal which will lift the front end and face it staight up.... e se for preciso tambem posso escrever em portugues caso alguem nao entenda bem o que tou a dizer... lol
  • 0 0
 That rock could have still easily done it, its happened to me before, your front end just shoots out cause the rock slides, idk why some of you people think this couldnt cause it...pretty much common sense
  • 2 1
 was that the bike he was riding,its funny you would think that he would be bale to hit a rock like that and be able to control his bike balance and speed etc. considering hes the worlds best downhiller,but if that was the cause tough tough luck.
  • 3 0
 i believe someone could still bail from that lil' rock but i mean in this pic he isnt even inline with it. to be honest did he even go over this rick AT ALL!?
  • 1 0
 theres a burm he didint even take, he was two wheel drifting WAY too fast and the front end washed out.. he went into that corner with WAY too much speed and he didint even ust the burm that was there, i doubt THAT rock made his fornt wheel slide out..
  • 1 2
 just cos theres a berm you don't have to use it...
  • 4 0
 he goes down!! that's possible???
  • 1 1
 I agree, it's racing and the winner is the one that stands on top of the podium in the end of the day. However I do not say that Hill was stupid to do go super fast till the end. He is just fighting till the very end, a real fighter... he is not my favourite rider but I really appreciate that he fights til the end, always...
  • 0 0
 yea that rock would have done it at race speed, but let's not forget that he got up after he crashed and still placed 3rd, only 3.15 seconds behind Gee... he can rip so fast that to be in the same league as everyone else he has to crash along the way, you have to respect that.
  • 1 0
 this isnt where he crashed he crashed a bit further down if u watch the video u will see that and u will see that the banners behind him are all blue and red...his back wheel slipped first aswell
  • 6 4
 nice to watch out for those
  • 12 3
 i could seethat being the reason, like, if your goin that fast and you hit a little rock like that at the angle he's at, it'll fuck you up
  • 28 4
 If i were Sam, i'de go back up, find that rocky, and destroy it
  • 10 4
 that would be so fucking annoying....... hard to believe that a little rock like that made such a brilliant mountain biker like Sam hill fall off........ then again its the small things that catch you out......
  • 7 18
flag rideayeti (Jul 5, 2008 at 21:28) (Below Threshold)
 bull shit his back tires slid out on the turn not his front
  • 4 1
 yes rideayeti and if you have ever been in that situation yourself that pushes you over aswell so shut up
  • 0 0
 hi don't touch this litlle rock, Sam ride over this rock
  • 0 0
 and hes racing without protection..? and we dont get pod without a helmet.. yeah right.. that makes all the sense in the world.. Robin
  • 1 0
 w dupe se ten kamyk wsadz, chyba niemyslisz ze to przez niego sie wywalil Smile
  • 1 1
 He's one of the greatest riders there is, and that was simply bad luck that he hit that stone.. Shit happens..
  • 2 1
 sam hill lives in Perc Grey Rock county in Australia!!
  • 1 0
 I'M SO PISSED, he was owning the course. damn
  • 0 0
 he crashed... like many other people do.. i think people should get over it, he'll just come back better and faster anywaySmile
  • 1 1
 hhes nt even gonig to hit the rock
  • 0 0
 oh nice CSI for bikes
  • 0 0
 nice spandex!
  • 0 2
 that isn't the cuase.. he was doing a front wheel drift....
  • 0 3
 sam hill is waaaaaay overrated. nathan rennie is so much cooler aswell as jared graves
  • 0 2
 anyone got link?
  • 0 2
 of the video Wink
  • 4 7
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