America FUCK YA!
only 100 made
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America f*ck YA! only 100 made
  • 6 1
 even know it is american it's pretty sweet and who gives a shit about quebec
  • 3 2
 true dat
  • 13 8
 fuck america,stick to canada
  • 8 13
flag bamfbmx (Jun 25, 2008 at 18:44) (Below Threshold)
 fuck you, america kicks ass.
  • 4 7
 here comes another world war ... fuck you canada is were it's at bitch!
  • 4 3
 Im on Canadas side
  • 4 5
 why? if you think about it, Canada is the US's bitch.
  • 2 1
 were bigger and on top, if this was prison: you would be our bitch!!
  • 1 3
 Canada is a Disappointment. if we had that much land, we would harness it's resources. All you guys use is, well nothing. logging is like the only thing.
  • 4 2
 we use our land for dirtbiking and snowmobiling Big Grin

you use yours to build houses for n*ggers and mexicans.

I leave my doors unlocked at night, and wide open in the summer, can you say the same?
I ride my dirtbike down main street when going to a friends house, cops dont hassle me, can you say the same?
I can smoke a joint in my yard and have all the neigbours see and not give a f*ck, can you say the same?
minimum wage here is 9$ an hour, can you say the same?
our sales tax is 5%, can you say the same?
Alberta had a surplus a few years ago, so they gave EVERY registered resident is alberta a 400$ cheque for free, can you say the same?

I didnt think so.
  • 3 1
 America has ruied everything it has. Canada is saving the resources
  • 2 1
 Wow. snow mobiling and dirtbiking. we do the same. thats why we have the best riders in dirtbiking but i dont think snowmobiling is as big here.

1. i live in California where minimum wage is $8.25. and if im not mistaken, our dollar is stronger than yours.
2. i can't really ride my dirtbike down main street w/out getting hassled, but that is why we have cars.
3. In california, we legalized medical marijuana for medicinal uses. my dad has a MJ card. so he can smoke in the front yard if he wanted.
4. sales tax i 8.25% , but we have 30% income tax. you guys are at 5% (just in Alberta, and every where else is 10% and up) and like 50% income tax.
5. where do you think the money comes from to give you a 400 dollar check? exactly, taxes.
6. And no, we haven't even tapped most of our resources. we go to poorer countries that are willing to give us their resources for hella cheaper. textbook Capitalism.
7. You guys only have like 65,000 military troops and get ALL of your weapons from us. Ask the Prime Minister how Afghanistan is doing with your troops there with us, dying for a stupid Texan who looks like a monkey and controls the most powerful nation in the world today.

  • 2 3
 you win.
  • 1 1
 cali is an overpopulated joke thats gonna be underwater in 10 years.

you have like 38 million people crammed into 163,000 sq km.
canada has 33 million spread over nearly 1,000,000 sq km. Everyone where I lives has at least 200 acres of land to play on, not just a 40 sq foot patch of grass in their back yard.

the whole south western part of alberta is dedicated to ski hills, hunting, and quad/bike/sled trails, it doesnt get any better.

our dollar is weaker but I dont see how/why that matters.

I dont see why the army matters, canada is friends with everyone, we dont have some monkey running the country and we dont need an army. if you wanna fly over to iraq to fight for bush, and end up getting shot in the head by some sand n*gger rag head... go right ahead "hero".

the only thing you have on me is the legal MJ card, but im 30 mins from BC so it evens out. yours is just easier to get thats all. I gotta drive an hour Frown .
  • 1 1
 -California is where it's at.
-it matters that the dollar is stronger because it's worth more. PLUS, you guys import everything from us, so your dollar is worth less.
-half of your country is frozen half the year that is sparsely populated.
-you guys are also over there getting shot by them sand n*ggers. i hate them. (arabs).
-California isn't over populated. just Los Angeles is over populated with Beaners.
-and btw, the beaners and blacks are building the houses. they live in the ghetto and apartments that are grody.
-i also don't know why canadians are so hostile towards americans
  • 1 1
 I dont know, you have a valid argument because youre in cali, probably one of the top 3 states. I think canada is still better, we have 10x the freedom and 10x the space. we have no beaners or nigs, no ghettos, or no crime where I live, the cities have a little bit, about as bad as your small towns.
  • 0 1
 do you guys have a constitution that guarantees your rights? i don't think so.
Do you have any laws saying:
Freedom of speech, press, assembly, religion or protest. no!
we are the Free-est country in the world, yet we have the most laws out of any other country. we have to kinda keep order.
and the reason we have ghetto's is because we have very diverse economic classes. you guys are either middle or upper-middle class.
i live in a city of 52,000 people and it is the biggest city in my county. we are actually in the county on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge where Mountain biking was MADE! Marin county, look it up.
  • 0 0
 hmm well you must be pretty dumb then like electing fuck tard bush u started a war with a foreign count kill like millions o yea and most americans are mean you come to canada you can chill wit me and my polar bear pet beyyattch
  • 0 0
 thats why we have alaska
  • 7 4
  • 4 2
 nice stem to bad it's GAY AND AMERICAN
  • 0 1
 your dad is probably gay and american.
  • 1 2
 I work at a shop and i can assure you their sold out, they were available last friday at 10:00am and were sold out at 11:00am 1 f*ckin hour to sell out of 1000 stems
  • 3 2
 made a mistake ''american thinks america belong to them''
  • 1 0
 i still haven't figured out why everyone dislikes the US
  • 0 0
 great another war

just shut the f*ck up all of you
and forget whos better
  • 1 0
 who won the 2010 olympics in hockey CANADA
  • 0 0
 you can get them in canada Razz bitches
  • 0 0
  • 0 0
 you are shit?
  • 3 5
 where can u get this?
  • 4 3
 i dont think theres any more, but i dont know for shure
  • 1 1
 what was the point in that?
  • 2 2
 I love you all, but not fucking Quebec
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