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 Wow man, it looks like you had an awesome show! MERICA!
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 LOL...totally. We blew a LOT of shit up.

leading up to the big event surrounding neighborhoods would shoot off a couple launches or bottle rockets. You'd see hear this little zzzzzzzzz.....POP....from across the street. We'd reply with like 6 big f**king 500 gram cannons, wired with fast-burn det cord, in a row.

Technically they are illegal but we really had such a good show that no one ever gave us any grief. Shit, even the cops would sit across the field in the school parking lot and watch 'em. It kept getting bigger and bigger.

We only caught shit one year from people living in the surrounding neighborhoods. We'd probably done this for like 6 years running, then year 7 we didn't do a show. We found out word-of-mouth that people had been staying home and having parties knowing we'd be shooting off 'works. Word got back to us they were pissed off that we didn't have a display that year... lol
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 @adm750: OMG that’s funny! I’d be pissed too! We used to have block parties with big shows, but a couple of fuddy duddies on the block didn’t like fireworks and they would call PD and the fire dept, so we eventually stopped having the block parties. Now we just watch the show that the city puts on.

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