Best result yet for Kate Weatherly taking home third.
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Best result yet for Kate Weatherly taking home third.
  • 6 7
 I think you're a bit uneducated man. DO some research before you speak. Kate has hormone levels equal to an average woman, that's how it's fair for her to compete in the class. Her body and everything has a level playing field.
  • 5 4
 @parisgore: I'm sorry Paris, but you must realise how absurd that is? As far as I am aware Kate is the only transgender girl competing in downhill mountain bike competitions. The probability that one of the three best women in the world being that one transgender person are miniscule.

Obviously that doesn't make it impossible but it's so unlikely that it's probably not going to be repeated in another sport, right? After all transgender people make up what, 0.5% of the population?

What's that? First and second places in national high school running competitions where there is a much deeper pool of talent than women's DH.
Women's college hurdles....

New Zealand's strongest woman also happens to be an ex-man...

These examples are all in the last year. I have no doubt we are going to see more and more of this as the next few years go on. For such a tiny minority they sure do seem to excel at sports considering they are on a completely level playing field, eh Paris?
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