3 months off the bike recovering from my back, so far things are getting better, today I was finally able to hike!
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3 months off the bike recovering from my back, so far things are getting better, today I was finally able to hike!
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 Slowly does it bro, funny enough cycling gives me back pain relief, 3 months off the bike...how...what....hmmm....sheesh....I'd be doing crack by now....Eek what have you done to it dude?
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 I sort of ruptured my L5/S1 disc, severe bulge and a piece of the disc broke off lodging somewhere that is impinging a root nerve causing sciatic pains down the back of my right leg and when I sit my feet start burning and going numb. It happened on the Quebec bike trip I did 3 months ago with @fredro, but ironically it became aggravated because of the 10 hour drive not the biking. This is just cumulative disc degeneration probably caused from a broken L5 vertebrae that happened when I crashed DH'n many years ago. I also broke my neck at whistler back in 2006 adventure zip-lining but that's another issue and I wasn't even riding my bike! Facepalm My back is pretty messed up from wrestling, BMX, MX, rugby and mountain biking, in that order lol , its all just catching up with me now. Sad thing is as soon as I get on the bike and pedal hard or try to bunny hop my back goes into spasm's, the worst injury I've ever had to deal with and I didn't even crash to get it! Frown
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 @dirtyrig: oh man i really feel for you, i injured my back years ago, it has been slowly coming back with vengance, i had MRI scan, Xray...lots of people digging to find a way to stop my pain, i have begun to accept it as forever now, biking honestly helps it, i'm very glad about that (there is a God).
ah bmx, yes i know how those brutal bikes feel too....yep mx too....in fact you must be me but in the USA!
the spasms you mention are very very bad, thats the only pain that will stop me in my tracks, i've been having physio lately which made my back go into spasms, so needed emergency doc visit for strong muscle relaxants,
i really hope you can be fixed brother, your ninja wife could maybe give you a relieving back massage??
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 Right on buddy, glad you're doin' better!
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 Thanks man, I can't wait to be able to ride again! Hiking up hills did not feel well, but I'm thankful I was able to hike and be out in the woods again!

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