The Photog's Pic - Aiden of the Clan Loorham gets the photog's pic for the best photo from the weekend. On a separate but similar note, the Clan Loorham of Rome, GA defines what the sport should really be about. Let's see, where do we start? Mom/Dad/two boys all ride as family with any given free moment, Mom/Dad support the boy's Gravity fix 110%, Mom helps organize the Beech Mountain Gravity Team (with the other parent as well we should add) and finally, Mom represents Defeet International. This is what really makes the sport what it is. No one would be where they are without the support of the family and the Loorham's set the bar....... Oh and BTW, need socks? Mandy of Clan Loorham is your Mom!
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The Photog's Pic - Aiden of the Clan Loorham gets the photog's pic for the best photo from the weekend. On a separate but similar note, the Clan Loorham of Rome, GA defines what the sport should really be about. Let's see, where do we start? Mom/Dad/two boys all ride as family with any given free moment, Mom/Dad support the boy's Gravity fix 110%, Mom helps organize the Beech Mountain Gravity Team (with the other parent as well we should add) and finally, Mom represents Defeet International. This is what really makes the sport what it is. No one would be where they are without the support of the family and the Loorham's set the bar....... Oh and BTW, need socks? Mandy of Clan Loorham is your Mom!

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