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  • 1 0
 ha ha --- I have several guns.. most of them are fancy shot guns I got from my father in law after he passed away --- he had worked for Olin for about 30 years so -- he had guns everywhere... lots of them

I am particularly fond of this one shot gun cause when you cock that bad boyee... man, it that one kool "don't you even think about coming in my house" noise ...it's such a distinct noise....

best part about shot guns, not that we have ever had an intruder, you don't even have to be a good shot...
just point in the general direction, KA-BLAM!!!, you'll get em
  • 2 0
 Awesome! I know that sound...I like the click-clack of a pump 12 ga...that is really cool about your collection, but I am sorry for the loss of your Father In Law. My condolences, Bud-
  • 1 0
 oh yeah --- the CLICK - CLACK, nuttin like it..


Lung cancer ... he thought he just had the flu or maybe phenomena, went to the doc found out he was stage 3 or 4 lung cancer, 6 weeks later, he checked out.... 6 weeks!!! and he didn't have it him to check a few things off his bucket list, that's the sucky part.

people tell me.. you should sell those guns, those things are worth a fortune ... I'm like, ahh, no way!!!
  • 1 0
 OK -- quick story I gotta write --- after he died, we went out to prep the house for sale cause it was too much for Grandma to keep up.

First of all, it was funny how many guns he had.. he had at least 50... and ammo out the waazoo... we were in the basement, cleaning up and Mitch (my brother in law) noticed the ceiling was sunk in an area off in the corner -- he pushed up on the ceiling tile and it was heavy --- got a ladder, poked his head up above the ceiling tile to find another 20, 25 riffles and shot guns.

Then the really FUNNY thing --- Joe (he was an avid hunter) but never had a dog... hiding away in one of his cabinets we found a whole bunch of equipment for a hunting dog; whistles, collars, training products, etc... they had a dog but, it was a little poodle thing. to this day, nobody knows why he had this hunting dog stuff.
  • 1 0
 Hah, hunting poodle..

And sell them?! Holy hell, some people..

Sorry about your pa in law, that's rough.
  • 1 1
 I don't like guns but I love that pic

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