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  • 5 1
 Comparing soccer to gay is actually an insult to gay people. Not just because you are using the word 'gay' in a negative way, but also because most soccer players are even sissier than 3 years old girls.
  • 2 1
 you cant compare the two bud! human nature will reveal that
  • 2 0
 totally agree.
  • 3 0
 lets face it , if any rider could play for real Madrid for 300k a week plus bonuses , sponsors , free car etc etc , pretty sure they would choose the foosball
  • 1 0
 Yes for one year. And then change my name, buy a nice house in a nice place, life well financially for the rest of my life, and be ashamed for my past for the rest of my life aswell.
  • 1 0
 to be fair mate we will never know , but fitness wise you put any bike rider against a top prem footballer , yard for yard they will abominate them. different sport different kind of fitness , one pays peanuts one pays millions
  • 1 0
 That for sure. A soccer player will never win a cycling contest without training for it, and a cyclist will never be the star of a professional soccer game without training for it. Apples and oranges. Super rich money-driven apples vs. oranges who are oranges purely because of fun/lifestyle reasons.

Money ruins every sport tho. For example look at recreational soccer. Not even tho ones who are part of a soccer club and train for it every week, but just the average Joe meeting up with friends on a summer holiday, at a random field of grass with their bags being the goals. In that case I think soccer is nice. Just playing it for the fun and hanging out with your friends meanwhile.

But what happens when you give the soccer players dozens of millions a year and expect them to become the best? They will become sissies who spend 90% of the time crying in the fields hoping to get a free kick: Sport ruined.

What happens if you give road cyclists many millions if they become the best: all of them will start doing drugs and doping (Tour de France): Sport ruined.

Even though the sport might be fun to do, as soon as people stop doing it for the fun / their passion for the sport, and they start doing it for the money, it get's f*cked up.

This is one of the reasons why I'm such a big fan of extreme and other underground sports. The whole vibe is simply totally different because everyone does it because they love to do it, and no does it (purely) for the money.
  • 1 2
 not meaning the gay bit , looking at the comparison between bikes n football
  • 2 3
 Really gotta stop calling people gay when you think they're a bitch. Its in insult to the homosexual community.
  • 3 1
 Well, what about the insults to all the awesome pups out there?
  • 2 5
 Of all balled sports, soccer requires the most talent, ability and athleticism. Compare to football, baseball or basketball- U.S sports.
  • 4 0
 i don't know if i would throw basketball in that list, but you're right about baseball and football (fat guys can play those games). i think the thing people don't like about soccer is when 2 guys go running for the ball and whoever doesn't get it falls down and tries to get a penalty.the first time i seen that i thought :" this is a games of sissies". if they would stop doing that sh*t i'd have a little more respect for the game...until then...the game is gay!
  • 1 0
 Haha. Fair enough. I hate floppers.
  • 1 0
 I disagree with bl3ckc5ntt1t. In the end to be a top level athlete at a mainstream sport will be equally hard. Not only will you have to be extremely lucky and talented, but you will have to give up everything, including your youth and social life, just to be able to be at the top of the game. Hoping you won't injure yourself, causing your career to end before you see any decent money and having thrown away many years of your life for nothing. But back to the subject, even tho one sport migh be easier than the other, it will mean that the level of the other will be that much higher because some parts are easier. The only difference is that the bigger the sport is, the bigger the competition is to get to the top. That is the only reason why I think becoming a pro soccer player might be harder. But I wouldn't say the sport is harder to do at a very high level than for example basketball. It's both hard, but both in different ways.
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