basic idea for some DJ's

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basic idea for some DJ's BEFORE // AFTER
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 yeah --- this / that pic is just for a visual --- (the photo-chopped DJ's)

standing at basecamp (sorta where my bike is in this pic) -- looking up the hill.

(IMO) new line is actually a better shot down the hill than the original spot (better transition, clearer run out) *** just gotta remove a couple stumps and that a janky tree (not shown in pic)

with that tree I cut down, there's a shit ton of wood to cut up --- that could be well used for some DJs.

my thought ----

use the old 38 Spec hillside for the DJ accelerant

(looking at the hill from basecamp) then 20, 30 feet next to it (to the left) that's the new run out for the 38special, 22...

my vision ---

instead of features sitting next to each other with different heights ---

line them up at different levels on the hillside --

the BIG one can be set back a bit (higher up the hill)...

medium a little bit below the biggest and maybe a third a little lower, closer to base camp.

for the visual

like this--->




instead of




was also thinking --- bring two lines that merge at a Y shaped ramp --- hitting one ramp is a 38special type, hitting the other is a 22..

different ON ramps but both exit from the same platform..

(IMO) 22 was sorta just thrown together ..

38 spec was well built it part of it was rotten (where it fed into the ground).

some of the support beams weren't even making contact with the ground and the main beam was really the only thing holding it in place.... out of the 6 or 7 beams dug into the ground for support, I think only two of them were actually doing something as far as 'support".....
  • 1 0
 TOP --- just a little photo-choppin', giving you an idea of where / how to plant some dirt jumps
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 more lip
  • 2 0
 I'll give ya some lip.....a fat one.

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