Sam is still a little guarded about all of his lines. Even shutting her down when there are too many cameras about. Here's a rough transcript of a conversation trackside with Sven Martin.  SM- "We heard you had a pretty spectacular line through there."  SH- "Yeah, it's pretty good." SM- "You need a push up to hit it?" SH- "Nope, got it dialed mate."  SM- "We've all been waiting to see it." SH- "Too many team iPads about mate. It's too fast."
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Sam is still a little guarded about all of his lines. Even shutting her down when there are too many cameras about. Here's a rough transcript of a conversation trackside with Sven Martin. SM- "We heard you had a pretty spectacular line through there." SH- "Yeah, it's pretty good." SM- "You need a push up to hit it?" SH- "Nope, got it dialed mate." SM- "We've all been waiting to see it." SH- "Too many team iPads about mate. It's too fast."
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