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 kazem da ce se Brig usreciti ak ga kupi Smile
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 I ja navijam da ga brig kupi. Smile
a onda cu moci da da ga uzem od njega kad mu dojadi Big Grin
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 takodjer navijam da ga Brig kupi,pa mozda ubrzo budemo imali iste Razz
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 Hehehehe Big Grin
Meni LaPera stize danas Big Grin
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 Mada mislim da cu da prikocim sa MTB-ovima. Hocu da restauriram starog drumasa Smile
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 odlicno,jel imas sve potrebno za sastaviti?mislim ne fali ti nista od dijelova?poznavajuci tebe moglo bi bit belaja ako negdje zapne hahaha Big Grin
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 Fali mi samo buzir. Razz Moram to danas sutra da uzmem i chainguide bi trebao da stigne u subotu.
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 ček stani Jale, jel otvaramo Nicolai klub uskoro? lol
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 pa ak ti nabavis,ne znam hocu li moci odoljeti da ga ja ne nabavim Razz
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 ha da, i bilo bi vrijeme da prodaš onog svog kineza, oprosti - tajvanca, hahahahahahahaaha lol
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 hahaa lol jel ti se javio onaj?
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 jeste, čekamo prodaju Pitcha ili iduću plaću i moj je Smile
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 uu znaci nemam puno vremena da pronadjem bezbojnog sa crvenim linkovima Razz
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 tako se čini, a doći će u martu i Flow EX felge Wink

sve se nešto mislim jel bi stali 650B Eek
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 ufff pa ti ces se onda ponoviti pravo Smile a ovo gore sam se zezao za promjenu frejma,nemam ti ja love za to Smile a vec vozim dream bike Smile ja malo drakchetu vadim mast Razz
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 a vreme je da malo promenim, ne javlja se drakče, pokisnuo, hahahaha Wink
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 Drakce je presao na saveznicku stranu. Celo vece radi na necemu Smile
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 da li ga zoveš "mon petit chouchou"? lol
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 Oi, c'est naturellement.
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 Eno vam, vi ljubitelji okupatorski bajseva.

Kako kaze jedan klip.

"I have hear that the French make the best enduro..."
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 you mean taiwanese Razz
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 Mislim da ima samo jedna fabrika koja proizvodi bas samo u francuskoj. Neka sa cudnim celicnim bajsevima.
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 zaboravio si Home Wink
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 Eto dve. Smile Uuu one Home su fantasticni Smile
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 Looks good. What's the size?
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 I think medium
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 Thank you for the answer. It is couple years now that I am still thinking of choosing between two radical bikes: a trail bike and a downhill bike, and one being a mix of it. I ride downhill and trail, but these all mix so I chose dh bike and use it along trails too. The biggest problem in using dh bike is pedalling efficiency especially in uphills. It is not even the gear ration but overall effort needed to move it, so now I looking at full suspension bikes that are close to dh and still lighter. Yours is a good example. Thinking more I am calculating what would be the weight difference and it seems that dh part are offered so light lately that the difference is closely neglidgible.
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 this is not mine, but enduro bikes are really an explosion, good for uphill but also very good for downhill..
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 Good for both, but still climbing on an enduro bike is a sort of a torture. It's very difficult comparing to a xc bike. Then is the compromise in descending too. Dh bike is always better in descending. So I am still searching for the answer if it's worth having one universal bike full of compromises, or several. If you go biking there is no way to have a dh bike with you in a backpack and no way to descent with a xc bike. Mtb consists in climbing and descending so there is the need to have a bike to do both, but why should we accept compromises. I would like to have a bike which climbs like an xc bike and descends like dh bike. This is the problem I've been thinking for couple years now and I managed to state that this is the matter of weight, gears, geometry basicly. If you look at new parts for downhill they weigh like parts for xc of 10 years ago. Rock shox SID was the xc ultimate fork and it weighed in coil version almost like present doble crown forks. 1x10 gear ration is even too much for both, and there is the geometry which I still wait for it be adjustable during riding e.g just before hitting the hill top.
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 Woooow no words ! what a bike !
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 Nice one! What weight do you get with this build?
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 Thats super pretty dude!
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 tnx but not my Frown
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 Novi baj a?
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 ma Jok Big Grin imam rubriku gdje postavljam slike bajkova koji su dream Smile
  • 1 0
 Good looking Bike !!

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