I'm not sure exactly what the Squamish locals call this section of Entrails, but I'm pretty sure Roland was calling it the 'Whale's Back.' The first rock roll is a totally bare and clean rock spine that rolls over pretty steep, and there is only a short section of dirt before you have to turn slightly right into the second rock roll. This section is steeper than it looks in this photo but is also something that most intermediate riders could work up to or even ride with no problems every time. The trails we rode in Squamish are such a good representation of what the industry nowadays is calling 'All Mountain.' To keep fancy terms like enduro and what not simple, Squamish offers awesome mountain bike trails for those riders who like to pedal up and explore a huge myriad of trails on the way back down. Some highlights for me back in August were Angry Midget, Half Nelson, the Legacy Climbing Trail, Guauranga, Cheshire Cat, Treasure Trail, and Entrails. We finished this ride on a trail called Roller Coaster which is super fast and smooth. Roland and Dre were charging hard and really smashing the pedals. Once again we mostly just took pictures and filmed a bit in a few spots and then enjoyed the ride, so it gave Kari and Connor lots of opportunity to shred just as freely as Dre, Roland, and I. Arriving at the truck, we were a loud bunch of happy rascals, and happier still when Roland invited us down to his place for some beers.
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I'm not sure exactly what the Squamish locals call this section of Entrails, but I'm pretty sure Roland was calling it the 'Whale's Back.' The first rock roll is a totally bare and clean rock spine that rolls over pretty steep, and there is only a short section of dirt before you have to turn slightly right into the second rock roll. This section is steeper than it looks in this photo but is also something that most intermediate riders could work up to or even ride with no problems every time. The trails we rode in Squamish are such a good representation of what the industry nowadays is calling 'All Mountain.' To keep fancy terms like enduro and what not simple, Squamish offers awesome mountain bike trails for those riders who like to pedal up and explore a huge myriad of trails on the way back down. Some highlights for me back in August were Angry Midget, Half Nelson, the Legacy Climbing Trail, Guauranga, Cheshire Cat, Treasure Trail, and Entrails. We finished this ride on a trail called Roller Coaster which is super fast and smooth. Roland and Dre were charging hard and really smashing the pedals. Once again we mostly just took pictures and filmed a bit in a few spots and then enjoyed the ride, so it gave Kari and Connor lots of opportunity to shred just as freely as Dre, Roland, and I. Arriving at the truck, we were a loud bunch of happy rascals, and happier still when Roland invited us down to his place for some beers.

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