There are some beasts lurking in the woods around dustins place
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There are some beasts lurking in the woods around dustins place
  • 7 0
 That is daeeeemm huge!

How do you judge what speed is good to clear it and not overshoot it? Is it experience with hundreds of similar jumps, building similar bigger and bigger jumps in the same site or you take a bit more speed than you feel is needed and you can control it in the air? It fascinates me how to make that first jump on such thing. On less "sharp", more natural jump you can at least bail mid air and land on something, but here it feels like game over.

Totaly stunned! RideON!
  • 3 0
 I'm interested too Big Grin
  • 8 2
 In my experience, it's super rare that jumps or berms get built right the first time. They're either too small or too big or the wrong angle or the landings too short or something. You take all the experience you have and build your best guess, and go from there. And that's true for mega trail spots like this or your first set of jumps down by the railroad tracks when you're 13.
  • 3 4
 Good builders build shit right the first time. The quality of Dustin's trails is top notch. Respect.
  • 4 1
 No need to underline that so bold recklessness, any ignorant would appreciate the quality that building work right away. So... what's with that first time jump?
  • 6 0
 Apparently I know literally zero good builders then, because every set of trails I've ever been to ever gets reworked constantly. They get taller, shorter, wider, the builders take out a berm here, add a berm there, make a section run faster, make it run slower, change the line, tie it into a different line. Apparently they just suck at digging it right the first time. Also, suggesting that it's really really hard to build something perfectly the first time does not constitute an attack on Dustin Gilding or his jumps.
  • 13 0
 Yeah for sure, most of the stuff at my place has been changed multiple times since it was built, and as a builder things are always evolving. Often you may build something one way then look at it or ride it and think it could be way better if it were just angled different, or pointed in a total different direction even, sometimes thats just the way you figure it out, and why trails always get so much more interesting over time. Building this line was basically taking the same aspects of building a set like my other trails, except three times as big essentially, which was probably a calculated guess at best haha. As for this line though i managed to nail it, once we hit the other jumps in the line this particular one also worked first try, which to be honest i wasn't really expecting, but it made it so much more satisfying to not only ride something you've stressed hard over, but also feel legitimately excited about how it rode as well. It was pretty awesome birthday jam for sure. Thanks for the props guys I really appreciate that.
  • 1 0
 Thanks for answer @dustingilding but do you have some sort of intuition whether you are going too fast or too slow, or you learned to throw the bike away in mid air so well that you feel comfortable with trying?

I mean I can somehow anticipate the right speed to a certain degree on flatter jumps, be it smaller dirt jumps or downhill style 6m+ doubles, but they tend to have much larger and rounder landing tops so eventual case is harder for the bike than for me.

How many jumps do you have in the section? I guess this one involves a fair second or more of flight, must be cool to hit a few ones like that, and then after two hours or so, realize you were like a minute in the air Smile

  • 2 0
 I'm not trying to answer for Dustin, but I have built and guinea pigged every jump, berm, and line at my trails and have my own process. I have a vision of what I want, a plan, and can already envision myself riding it long before I build it. As I build everything, I make sure to regularly take a step back and once again start envisioning my speed, takeoff, peak, and landing. I have already ridden the jump hundreds of times in my head before I drop in for the first time. Once it's built and properly packed, it's just a matter of sacking up, figuring out your speed, and having faith in your building and riding abilities. I absolutely love guinea pigging jumps that have transformed from an idea in my mind to rideable dirt sculptures. It is the reason I build jumps and one of the main reasons I ride a bike. Guinea pigging jumps is one of the few things in life that still truly scares me. Based on the pic I saw of Dustin eyeing up a berm to jump he is building, I would assume he is envisioning his trails the same way. He has already hit that jump hundreds of times in his head before he drops in and sends it for the first time. That said, his jumps are far larger than mine, so the consequences to him f*cking up his guinea pigs runs are much more severe. Kudos.

Dustin, sorry to keep bugging you, but can we please get some more video footage from your yard? I (we) will need some winter time motivation soon. Thanks. I will never stop asking for more footage until you have a web series BTW. Sorry to be annoying.
  • 2 0
 This is f*cking huuuge :O i still dont understand how nuts you have to be to try this one ....
  • 3 0
 video ???
  • 1 0
 ok, I'll be waiting!
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 yewwwwww can u say flyyyingg high thing is masive a+
  • 1 0
 Talk about reach for the sky
  • 1 0
 If you can't fit it into a picture it's probably too big haha
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Mint build
  • 1 0
 Hubba hubba!

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