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Yoann Barelli Partners with Whistler Based Parts Manufacturer North Shore Billet

Jan 11, 2021
by North Shore Billet  

PRESS RELEASE: North Shore Billert

North Shore Billet is excited to announce our partnership with Yoann Barelli for 2021. We’re fans of Yoann’s positive energy on and off the bike, his incredible riding and his passion for the environment and helping other riders improve. After learning that Yoann’s 2021 program was moving in a direction to support his environmental views, we began discussions about working together.

At North Shore Billet, we manufacture our parts from locally sourced materials, the waste from creating them is recycled and our anodizing is done locally as well. Combined with sharing Yoann’s hometown of Whistler, B.C., this all brings about a super short supply chain from raw material to Yoann’s bike. He can drop by and watch his new parts being made!


Yoann’s Guerilla Gravity bikes will be finished with an assortment of NSBillet parts including chainrings, brake adapters, fork cable guides and stem top caps. To celebrate our new partnership, we have custom “Into The Gnar” Yoann Barelli x NSBillet top caps available in an assortment of colours. We’ll also be working with Yoann on the development of some exciting new products, so keep your eyes peeled for those. And of course, when not racing Yoann will be working on improving other rider’s skills and creating entertaining content.


2021 is shaping up to be an exciting year and we’re stoked to finally reveal our new partnership with Yoann. We also continue our support of grassroots racing and partnerships with long time supported riders, Forrest Riesco, Ben Wallace, Julia Long and Lucy Schick.

Since 2003, NSB has been making high-quality Canadian made bicycle components. First located in North Vancouver, we were drawn to Whistler for its diverse riding and small mountain town atmosphere. While being a small company in Whistler has allowed us to stay close to the roots of mountain biking, we strive to keep up with the latest manufacturing technologies and to remain competitive on a global scale.

Author Info:
nsbillet avatar

Member since Jan 28, 2002
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  • 164 1
 Whatever the situation you face in life, just ask yourself, "What would Barelli do?"
  • 30 1
 Probably the last thing you could think of, is what what the Frenchman would do.
  • 22 2
 After you asked yourself what would Barelli do and are pretty sure about it, make a simple ×10 times more awesome and you got your answer.

Here's a exemple:
What would Barelli do with this step up

1 Front Flip + Partner with a great cause × 10 = He would probably 10 Front Flip and Save us from climate changes
  • 2 0
 What a wise statement, made my day Wink
  • 19 1
 He'd probably do it naked
  • 2 0
 laugh out loud and pull the Ball Lever.
  • 3 0
 @Darragh-McD: WWYD?
  • 1 0
 @RayDolor: not send it on a cx bike down Whistler ????
  • 3 0
 Just send it then laugh your ass off because you survived!!
  • 96 34
 How is a replacement top cap helping the environment? We should be encouraged not to purchase things we don't need. If it was a part that is regularly damaged I'd understand.
  • 48 0
 Yeah, I've never damaged a top cap. Top caps have definitely damaged me tho!
  • 34 49
flag Maestroman87 (Jan 11, 2021 at 6:40) (Below Threshold)
 That dropper post you got there seems a bit superfluous, you should have probably gone with a standard post to save the extra environmental impact from manufacturing.
  • 61 31
 None of these parts "help" the environment. There is a lot of greenwashing being done by companies in this industry - it must work with the Millennials.
  • 65 17
 @jwdenver: idiotic and useless environmental virtue signalling knows not the boundaries of age.
  • 108 1
 @jwdenver: Savage burn on millennials. Nobody is under the illusion that they're making chainrings and stems out of beans, but recycling all the excess aluminum from the process is better than throwing it out. Shipping parts down the street in Whistler is less carbon than shipping them from Taiwan. These aren't groundbreaking environmental measures, but they aren't unhelpful. Until we do invent that bean based chainring, every little bit counts unless we want to stop riding bikes.
  • 9 4
 @Adamrideshisbike: well if it encourages all manufacturers of top caps to step up their top cap game then we could save Co2 emissions equivalent of a fart - as the argument goes. So all steps in the right direction are beneficial - particularly as the logic of the above argument immediately kicks in for those with a brain! The most carbon neutral top cap is the top cap that you didn't buy.
  • 20 1
 @Vaclav: I doubt anyone is just throwing out that much aluminum. Every machining company that wants to stay in business isn't sweeping thousands of dollars into the trash.

Is it more environmentally conscious to ship bauxite (probably from Australia) to the smelter in Kitimat then however it gets to North shore and then you, than being mined in Australia, smelted in China, machined in Taiwan and shipped to you? I have no idea, but when we are talking aluminum, there is no bauxite in North America to keep the supply chain "super short" like it says in the article.
  • 136 1
 You are totally right, and I would like to add that, nothing that, we, human do, has no impact on the environment. There will always be an impact and that's the way life goes. But this goes beyond the environment my friend, Bringing to light smaller local factories, helps the economy of a town or a country, and you also give the opportunity to these companies to grow and to offer jobs to people in the mountain bike world. On top of that you add, good salaries for the employees, good work conditions and a really good work environment. There has been nothing more fulfilling in my career so far than working with Companies like NSBillet, period.
  • 12 0
 @Andykmn I'm not super up on my knowledge of aluminum manufacturing, but fyi, Jamaica is a major source of bauxite.

Sure, the global realities of raw materials manufacturing are complicated, but that's not really the point here. These components are made from aluminum, the resources required to make the material is a given for any and every component manufacturer. They can't really control that process, but they can make conscious environmental decisions from the moment the raw material lands at their shop.
  • 4 0
 @yoannbarelli: Well said!! Now give Pete at NSB a big ole slap on the ass for Spearfish!!! I demand video proof also!!!! lol
  • 4 3
 @Vaclav: I totally agree. Just don't like when companies talk about supply chains that start at them rather than where it comes out of the ground. Even though that really isn't something they can change.

Really when it comes down to a top cap, if someone made one out of the recycled cuttings or even pop cans, that would be where they could set themselves apart.
  • 4 1
 @yoannbarelli: I understand, we all need to make a living. existence requires consuming.
  • 2 0
 @browner: mine came free with my bike
  • 4 0
 How do any of you wizards know this stuff isn't made isn't recycled aluminum that has already been mined?
  • 3 0
 @Vaclav: The introduction of the Absolute Black bean oval chainring is my prediction for 2021 @mikekazimer @mikelevy
  • 3 0
 @Andykmn: It's definitely possible that some of this is recycled aluminum right? Someone needs to start that pop can top cap company pronto.

Hey @nsbillet, do you send the shavings to Vancouver to be melted down into blocks or whatever and milled again?
  • 1 0
 @Vaclav: it definitely is. I'm not sure if you throw a bunch of 6061 and 7075 and the other numbers together if you get something that you want to mill or not. And whatever qualities that recycled stuff has. Top caps, who cares. Chainrings, probably important. Brake adapters, really important.

On my farm we buy discs for seeding from a company that has some proportion of recycled steel in them. Another manufacturer uses virgin steel and claims better wear characteristics and better quality control. So I have no idea, but certain applications probably need the consistency of virgin metal.

Unfortunately we've become a world of buzzwords and generalizations. Recycled is always seen as best no matter what, and I can imagine some companies and products can be demonized for not being made that way, even if they are actually better because of it.

Such is the world we now live in, and it sucks!
  • 2 0
 @yoannbarelli: way to make a potentially powerful difference. I am hopeful that you might encourage a few more peeps to consider the overall impact of the parts/bikes they represent.
  • 7 1
Canadian (Kitamaat) sourced Aluminum will have a way lower environmental impact. Aluminum smelting is super energy intense so your energy source really matters (the enviro footprint of shipping would be small in comparison). The smelter in Kitamaat uses hydro electric has a much lower carbon footprint and environmental impact than Alu produced using Coal based electricity (or even other sources).
  • 2 0
 @yoannbarelli: this is an important point: we look at a problem in isolation like "global warming" or "plastics in the ocean" and humans naturally laser-focus on solutions that are (a) directed at our sole understanding of the problem and, (b) offer an immediate resolution. The true challenge is that the problems are imensly complicated and multifaceted and will also take a really long time to address, so you're right; we can actually make progress with a branded top cap because it starts to address things like shifting consumption to responsible manufacturing that allows the people making it to afford to not always have retail price as their single criteria, etc... the circle continues.

Also don't throw your old top cap in the ocean.
  • 1 0
 @tomcat: That's very true. I think most of the aluminum in the developed world is hydro powered.

I can't believe that there is still coal powered aluminum smelting with how much energy it takes. But coal burned in elsewhere doesn't count, don't you know? And after Site C I highly doubt we will see another large scale onstream hydro project built in Western Canada ever again.
  • 2 0
 @Andykmn: in fact, most on the aluminum produced outside of Canada did not come from renewable energy. Aluminum from china or arabic country is produced with fossil energy.
  • 1 0
 @yoannbarelli: Are you riding a carbon fibre or alumiunium Guerrilla Gravity bike?

I appreciate you supporting local, and it's great GG's bikes are made in the US and that NSB is doing what they can to find eco-friendly ways to support a consumer centric sport, but still CF loses out vs aluminium for not being able to be recycled.
  • 3 0
 @2d-cutout: ... See his other posts.

"Revved" carbon is recyclable.
  • 18 1
 I used to clean up CNC mill waste like that as a summer job in college. @yoannbarelli Don't be surprised when you find one of those curls you were standing on and eating in your sheets and your truck and definitely in your socks.
  • 9 0
 I remember NSB from back in the day, they made some quality parts.


Their mech hangers were the best out there back when hangers were made of cheese.

Their stem is called the Overlord. Might be the best stem name out.
  • 16 1
 Are you implying that hangers are not made of cheese anymore?
  • 14 0
 While I can't defend a derailleur hanger made from cheese, it should be noted that hangers are designed to fail. They should shear off upon a large enough impact, otherwise the stick that took your derailleur is taking your chainstay with it.
  • 4 0
 What kind of cheese are we talking about here?
  • 11 0
 @chakaping: E[dam]*13?
  • 2 0
 It's a fine balance on the robustness and strength of a derailer hanger. It's suppose the first part to give so the frame doesn't damage. You sacrifice a $20 part vs rear triangle or frame.
  • 2 0
 @goldfly: Sure, they are there as a sacrificial part. But still, I've had hangers going through a healthy life only bending with a proper crash and then something like the one in my former Stumpjumper Evo which bent just by looking at it
  • 2 1
 I have broken many mechs.
Never broken a swingarm from a mech breaking.
I would guess (not that I am an engineer) that the mech then the chain should break before the frame. If you are buying a frame that snaps before a mech, that isnt a very reliable frame.

Please explain to me on my sterl hardtail, when that hanger breaks, it's part of the frame. How do I replace the hanger?
  • 1 0
 @betsie: That depends where the impact is. A steel hanger will bend a lot more than an alloy one, bend it back, find a welder or buy a new frame.
  • 1 0

>> You sacrifice a $20 part vs rear triangle or frame

I agree but when was the last time you bought a hanger? The NSB hanger I bought this past summer was the cheapest I could find @ $48 !!
  • 13 1
 Billert? Does anyone proofread anything before publishing here?!
  • 26 0
  • 5 0
 No, there are easily catchable typos on seemingly every article I read on here. PB, if you're listening I will remote-spellcheck your articles if you want.
  • 3 0
 @Tracefunction: It's not just PB as Billet gladly shares in the misery: "Yoann will be working on improving other rider’s skills".

Line up in groups of 1 everybody for your training session with Yoann!
  • 2 1
 not sure but it makes me feel good about myself that I might be able to spell better than PB staff. I definitely cant out ride them.
  • 9 0
 Cool stuff, I just wish NSB expanded their product line and made things like 35mm stems, pedals, chain guides, bar end plugs etc.
  • 46 0
 Oh, your wish is going to be granted this Spring.....
  • 33 0
 They do make some of that stuff, it just says Chromag on it....
  • 1 5
flag whattheheel (Jan 11, 2021 at 8:57) (Below Threshold)
 @nsbillet: Tell Pete Spearfish is really good at product testing!!! lol
  • 14 7
 my god there are a lot of losers on this site. from virtue signalling about superfluous stem caps to the safety theatre loser above talkin about wearing safety gloves, it's a miracle that any of you actually ride a bike. anyway, shout outs to NSB and barelli. i hope you both have a great experience working together.
  • 7 1
 Id like to see a 33 tooth custom narrow wide chainring from them/him... the limitations with how they all skip by 2 teeth is so bad.... Wink
  • 19 0
 perhaps a figure 8 or a mobius strip would solve your problems.

Side note: I have a 29T narrow-wide. I snapped one of the teeth off a 30T.
  • 3 0
 @vapidoscar: narrow - wide - wide - narrow chainring then. It's the future!
  • 1 0
 @jazzawil: bahaha, this name on it mean diarrhea
  • 1 0
 @Serpentras: Its genius ! I want one but need to make sure Im near a toilet first.
  • 1 0
 @jazzawil: pretty expensive product though at $420... Rolleyes
  • 5 0
 As someone who depends on NSB's continued existence for replacement derailleur hangers for an older Chromag frame, this can only be good news. Yayyy, Yoann!
  • 6 0
 If you eat that stuff it'll hurt on the way out Yoann!!
  • 3 0
 Best derailleur hangers, period. Super stiff, and if you do bend them they can be aligned without snapping. Great upgrade for your bike if your hanger is made of brittle putty.
  • 2 0
 In this era, content creators have much larger sway on the market than traditional competitors (although content creators with some racing background can put more weight behind their words).
Yoann is charismatic, fast and overall amazing person. Any brand working with him is making the right choice. I'm still sad he is no longer with commencal but I'm happy things are looking on the up for him!
Also, I'd love to take a lesson from him if that becomes possible!
  • 4 0
 Dear NSB, Please make a hanger for my NS Snabb. Respectfully, NS Snabb Owner
  • 1 0
 Seems almost impossible to get NS Bikes small parts in the US, lucky that North Shore Billet makes the hanger for my Clash because the US distributor seemed unwilling to help find one.
  • 1 0
 @slmuller: Just bought an NS hanger for a gen 2 Capra because YT has been out of stock and didn't know when they would get them. Wasn't cheap with shipping from BC but SUPER thankful they make them and shipped it out quickly. Bike should be back on trail in a week or so instead of next month.
  • 1 0
 @slmuller: You're right about finding parts in the US. Try Lama Cycles. They are in Canada, but I've ordered almost all of my NS bike related things through them. I've also had good luck with e-mails and phone calls.
  • 1 0
 @szed3: I've been super-impressed with NSB customer service, shipping and response times. Their price for my hanger was totally in-line with any other supplier, plus THEY ACTUALLY HAD IT!
  • 5 1
 North shore billet sounds like a cut of meat that would get mentioned a lot on Man Vs Food.
  • 2 2
 Bought a couple of their chainrings in the past and was happy with the quality and performance. Moved away due to the lack of oval offerings. Would love to see NSB add ovals and headsets to their catalog. Either way, always stoked to see partnerships like this.
  • 1 0
 They did make a square chainring so I'm sure they'd do it in future, that was wack.
  • 2 0
 @averagerug: hahaha. The Quadrant Ring has been our most popular product since the non-release April Fools prank. Big Grin
  • 5 0
 Made in Canada. Yes!
  • 1 0
 Amazing. He’s got a few North American brands this year which is awesome to see. I can see riding parts made in the same continent extremely helpful when getting a hold of replacement parts.
  • 3 0
 Watching Yoann ride is like watching the French Billet.
  • 5 3
 Sorry, I'm a safety professional...Yoann should be wearing gloves holding those aluminum turnings!
  • 7 0
 Ok mom...
  • 1 0
 my thought exactly
  • 3 0
 All machine shops send their chips to be recycled.......
  • 1 0
 One of my past bikes Cove Schoker had NSB made custom dropouts. I also had Morwood Izimu witch had NSB made derailleur hanger. Top notch quality on both products!
  • 2 0
 lever finger knows how it’s done
  • 3 1
 I still wish he was on the grim donut
  • 2 0
 Thanks for caring and sharing.
  • 1 0
 I really hope those flowing locks in the back of the photo are of Mr. St. Germain!
  • 1 0
 oh, it reminds me, i need to purchase one of those brake whose fixtures for my fork.
  • 2 0
 Shine on you crazy diamond!
  • 1 0
 @yoannbarelli You are doing mtb right, dude. I hope many more follow your lead.
  • 2 0
 I did it for the environment. Not the money! How dare you.
  • 2 0
 Put his ass on the grim Donut and let him loose
  • 1 0
 I wish my hometown was Whistler.
  • 5 0
 The town where city-finance millionaires lie about their jobs/careers at school reunions.
  • 2 0
 Yoann signature stem?
  • 1 0
 NSB You Guys ROCK!!! stoked on this partnership too.
  • 1 0
 ll is the clue
  • 2 3
 waw, a cap
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