
Video: Working Man's Enduro Team

Jul 9, 2014
by Tyler Maine  

While competing at the top level of the sport, the guys all hold down full time jobs as well. Kenny Burt works at WTB, Anthony Medaglia at SRAM, Bobby Zidek at Clif Bar, and Jeff Kendall-Weed at Ibis Cycles. The team will attend select west coast enduro races, and proudly represents Ibis Cycles, Retro Cellars, WTB, SRAM, Smith Optics, and CamelBak.

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  • 22 0
 From the title, I was expecting a plumber, carpenter, engineer and bus driver.
  • 11 0
 Full time jobs at "do what I love". Must be hard balancing recreation and work.
  • 11 0
 sweet line off the rock
  • 3 0
 Awesome riding!

Don't know why but I am really in to Ibis lately.... can't be anything to do with dropping Lopes and putting out two awesome videos from underrated riders could it? Smile
  • 5 0
 NorCal shredders represent!
And with Kenny & Anthony on there they can get AARP discounts too Smile
I kid, I kid.....
  • 1 1
 Hey there. Congrats on making a super sweet video. Now do the rest of who live here and ride these trails an f'ing favor, and take that down ASA F'ing P. last i checked there were only a few of these treasures that we can ride with relative safety from hikers and horse people. Seriously, WTF were you thinking
  • 1 0
 i found the trails. ill be up there soon
  • 2 2
 I have no intention of "calming down." Attending these meetings does absolutely nothing and clearly you don't know what you're talking about. What DOES move the needle is removing the District Water Board members and we have one more to remove (particularly Jack Gibson). If you knew what you were talking about at all, you'd know that with new proMTB or at least pro-fairness District members, at least one of which is an avid mountain biker, on that Board, we have a fighting chance. We also have a new Supervisor who is pro-MTB, thanks to our friends and the tireless work of the MCBC and Vernon Huffman. I've been trying to recruit a replacement for Jack Gibson and have reached out to dozens and probably close to 100 people I know in his district for months. Rooting out curmudgeon old-world dinosaur bureaucrats is finally within our grasp because of social media and the new organization of 50,000 riders who are also voters, in Marin County. To say we should just give up when Vernon just scored a major victory politically and is close to others in November, is totally incorrect and self-defeating when we should be emboldened but cautious. Just have to vote and get out the vote to others. Many, many young people moving to Marin wanting to ride. They'll vote. Their kids want to ride. They'll all vote. Hikers are getting older and dying off. It's a losing demographic in the long run and emerging politicians in Marin know this very well. Tide is turning. You see fewer and fewer hikers all the time. But if we are stupid and give these people cannon fodder right now, we're shooting ourselves in the foot. So no, dude I won't calm down. Lastly, we need to keep demonstrating scientific proof that we aren't harming the watershed or environment any more than any other user group, be as respectful as we can, etc. Meantime, poach strategically...Or ride China Camp or Tahoe or Peninsula or whatever. But don't be making and encouraging videos in West Marin...
  • 2 1
 West Marin? Who said anything about the location of the trail? Oh wait, you just did.
  • 1 0
 Brainfart earlier: access4bikes gets the real credit for influencing election outcomes positively. MCBC is rad too but A4B in my view, has the right strategy. Love all you guys.
  • 5 0
  • 1 2
 For the love of god you freaking IDIOTS why would you do a video of trails we all know are to be kept secret at all costs!?! What, do you want a highway of clowns thrashing those trails and hitting people and causing mayhem? Let's all shut down completely and NOT reveal the location of these trails or I guarantee they will be gone inside of a year and we will be riding freaking Eldridge up and down hating life. I swear to god if I see anyone post where these trails are I will look for you and the conversation will not be pretty. I was born here and don't appreciate people promoting these trails at all and neither would any of the founding fathers of our sport, most of whom still live and ride in the area and who are far nastier than I am. Ibis, you sold out your local riders who made you who you are with this senseless video. I will make it my mission in life to trash your company and your products (I've broken two of your frames, so I have plenty of fodder) if you don't take down this post and if you ever do this again in Marin. If this was Santa Cruz or Tahoe or some place not populated by a-hole psycho MTB hating hikers I wouldn't say anything. I would root for you. But Marin has basically no legal single track other than china camp and for you to out the few precious trails we can ride without being pounced on by a sheriff (yet---now they will go out of their way to look for these trails thanks to you!), is to me a total betrayal of your customers. Not cool.
  • 1 0
 Calm down. You have no place talking about the issue of access to these trails if you think the Open Space district doesn't know about them. If you really want to help them you can go to Open Space board meetings because the county is well aware of these and the newly unveiled management plan will most likely lead to the decommissioning of these trails or closure to bikes.
  • 1 1
 i attended two of the hearings of the management plan. it's pretty clear there is no interest in having an intelligent discussion around the issue of access. and for the record, one of those trails promotetd in the video received a stay of execution and is not on the decommission plan. though with the increase in traffic and likley chance of higher hiker/biker incidences, who knows. Mr kkkkyyyylllleeee, if you are at all involved with the making of this video or have the ability to influence those who did, i ask you to please help and have this video removed from this public forum.
  • 1 0
 I watch videos on pinkbike everyday featuring quasi-legal trails, many sponsored by major bike companies. I just think "cool video," then I go about my day and never go ride any of these because seeing them in a video doesn't mean i know where they are. That is unless few idiots make a big deal out of it on a forum and say where they are. Don't worry, i'm not going to come ride your trails, and I don't really think you are idiots, just overreacting, and there is nothing wrong with this video. It doesn't need to be taken down, but I wish you good luck with the people at the Water District Board.
  • 2 0
 To bad those drops and jumps were torn down Frown
  • 1 0
 It SUCKS!!!!
  • 1 0
 I love this team. Special props to JKW for always being on the grind for Ibis.
  • 1 0
 has any one heard if ibis will be coming out with new colors on the HDR?
  • 1 2
 Seriously? Why would color matter?
  • 6 0
 sorry didn't mean to offend, i will be buying a HDR frame soon and wanted to know if there will be any other color choices available as i am not really a fan of the current ones..o and color does matter!
  • 4 0
 Red is fastest=fact
  • 2 0
 They will be replacing the HD-R in the fall with a new 650b-specific trail bike. Doubt new colors are on the way.
  • 1 0
 There have been teaser shots of the new HDR replacement up on ACC's FB page this week so probably Fall.
  • 1 0
 Super Sick video. Go Ibis
  • 1 0
 Hell yeah! Sick ass little edit!
  • 2 0
  • 1 1
 Pretty sure that's not Tamarancho - or at least any part of Tamarancho that I've ever seen! - I've ridden Tamo probably over 50 times and I've never seen anything that resembles anything like that - but I wish it was! If anybody knows where near Tamo that is, please message me and let's go ride!
  • 3 0
 Definitely not Tamo!!! But they are kinda closeSmile
  • 1 0
 Thank the guitar gods for good music in a pinkbike posted video!
  • 1 0
 Mmmm my home drops n jumps in a nice film!
  • 1 0
 Nice riding lads
  • 1 0
 That was awesome!
  • 1 0
 I 3 Ibis bikes

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