Flat Pedal Foot Placement For Best Results

Jul 25, 2014
by James Wilson  
Your feet are an important contact point with the bike. Without your feet being in the right place you will pedal with less power, be less stable through technical trail sections and set yourself up for an overuse injury.

The problem is that most riders have been given the wrong idea about where to place their foot on their pedals. You see, we forget that at one point someone took a guess about where to place the foot on the pedal and today we simply take it as gospel.

But what if the original “pedal stroke theorists” were wrong? What if they didn’t realize that they were looking at things the wrong way and applying the wrong logic sequence to the problem?

In other words, what if the current advice about where to place your foot on the pedal is based on faulty logic in the first place?
But before we can even start getting into the logic sequence of where you want to place your foot on the pedal we need to back up and answer an even more important question…

Does pedaling a bike require an engineering based or a movement based solution?
For a lot of people this is the first time they have ever heard this question. They’ve always assumed that there was just one logic sequence you could use to arrive at the perfect pedal stroke so let me explain the difference.

And once I do you will see how important this question really is.

The engineering based solution looks at pedaling the bike from the bikes point of view – if we were going to design a machine to power this bike, what would we want it to do?

However, the movement based solution looks at things from the human organism’s point of view – how do we take the way the body is hardwired to optimally move and apply it to the bike?
For a long time the engineering based solution has been the dominate train of thought in pedal stroke theory. When you do that you can come up with all sorts of nifty ideas on how to add power to the pedal stroke.

The two most common pieces of advice from the engineering based solution are to pull up on the backstroke to keep even tension on the pedals and to place the ball of your foot over the axle of the pedal so you can push and pull through the ankle.

Both of these things make sense… in theory. If I was designing a machine from scratch to pedal a bike I’d have it pulling and pushing at the same time while also extending and pulling with every joint to add to the potential power.

The problem is that the human organism isn’t a machine and comes pre-wired with ways it likes to move. For example, when you push down hard with your lead leg there is an automatic activation of the muscles that retract the other leg. Your body is pre-hardwired for you to focus on pushing hard and letting the Passive Mechanics of the body reset the other leg to push down hard.

Runners know that and this is why they don’t try to add forward power with the return of the trail leg. They instead focus on simply driving their lead leg into the ground.

You waste energy and start to lose power when you try to overcome the body’s pre-wired Passive Mechanics.
And this is exactly what you see in the Mornieux (et al. Int J Sports Med 2008; 29:817-822) and Korf (et al. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2007; 39:991-995) Cycling Efficiency Studies I have referenced in the Flat Pedal Revolution Manifesto.

This idea of a movement vs. engineering based solution extends to foot placement as well. From the engineering perspective you would want the ankle to extend so you could push through the ball of the foot. Heck, it even looks like how you run or walk so it has to have some basis in movement as well, right?

Again, not so fast.

When you look at the foot and lower leg from a movement based perspective you see that there are two very different ways for the lower leg to act.
The first is running, walking or jumping. In these activities you are wanting to move your center of gravity from over your base of support so you can change position in space. This does require a push off through the fore foot to “jump” in order to break contact with the ground so you can.

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Pushing through the ball of the foot to propel ourselves forward.

But this isn’t the only way that we move. We also need to move in a way where our center of gravity stays on top of our base of support. Squatting and dead lifting in the gym are good examples, as are bending over to pick up a box or standing up from a chair in the everyday world.

When we move this way we want our feet to stay solidly planted to the ground for maximum balance, muscle recruitment and power transfer.
We don’t want to come up on the ball of the foot because it will actually decrease strength and balance.

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Feet staying firmly planted on the ground.

The foot and lower leg act very differently in these two situations and so we should figure out which most closely resembles pedalling so we can apply it. And when we are pedalling our bikes we are not actually moving our center of gravity forward – we are pushing the pedals away from us and the bike is carrying our center of gravity with it.

Pedalling your bike is much more like squatting or dead lifting than running or jumping. And when you look at the lower leg and foot mechanics of this type of movement you see that you do not want to be balancing on and pushing through the ball of your foot.

This is why you naturally go to a mid-foot position on flat pedals.
If you don’t have someone telling you that it is wrong and strapping your feet to where they “should” go most people would naturally find this foot position themselves and stick with it.

Your body, which is infinitely smarter than all of the experts who are “lecturing birds on how to fly” in this matter, instantly recognizes what they don’t – that you are far more balanced and powerful in that mid-foot position than you are trying to balance on your toes.

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Don’t place the ball of your foot on top of the pedal axle, look to place it in front of it.

When you are squatting or deadlifting you want to keep your weight balanced on your feet. Your calf is helping to stabilize the ankle by isometrically contracting to help with the power transfer through the feet into the ground. If you try to have the calf stop stabilizing isometrically and ask it to move so you can push through the ball of your foot it will result in much less power and force being transferred into the ground.

So, this means that when we pedal our bikes we also want to have a mid-foot position.
This foot position will automatically allow for better recruitment of the hips, which are the strongest muscles in the lower body and the real secret to pedalling power. You’ll also be more balanced and stable when you stand up to pedal or get into the attack position for technical sections and downhills.

And since this mid-foot position doesn’t require us to strap our feet into what your body recognizes as an unnatural position, it is yet another reason that you don’t need clipless pedals. Anyone who tells you that you need them for finding the perfect foot position and forcing your feet to stay there is selling you an engineering based solution that doesn’t work with your body’s natural ways of moving.

Another problem with the engineering based solution for foot placement is that machines are inherently fragile and hate disorder.
You want to smooth out as many rough edges as possible and look for symmetrical, repeatable movement.

But, like I pointed out earlier, the human body is not a machine, it is an organism. And organisms that move are inherently Anti-Fragile. This means that, up to a certain point, they actually benefit from some disorder and “noise”.

Your body literally uses this disorder to improve and when you try and take it away by smoothing out all the rough edges you actually fragilize the system.

In other words, your feet were never meant to be put in the exact same position every time they touch your pedals.
They also aren’t supposed to be strapped down so they are in the exact same position for your entire ride. Yes, your feet working to maintain position uses more energy compared to strapping them into clipless shoes and pedals, but that movement is needed to keep the system healthy.

Quick side note – this is another reason that I advocate that riders who do use clipless pedals still ride flats at least part of the time. It will keep your pedal stroke and skills sharp while also allowing for the feet to move more naturally.

This need for “noise” and disorder is something that the engineering based solutions doesn’t account for. Organisms thrive off of some disorder, machines break because of it and so there is a much different mindset and logic sequence used for each.

So don’t fall for someone trying to sell you on the need to find the “optimal foot placement position” and then forcing your foot in that exact same position every time you ride.
This is actually much worse on the body than letting your foot have slight variations in how it is placed on the pedals despite the engineering based theories of how this “wastes energy”.

As you can see, how we answered the engineering based vs. movement based question led us to a very different view of where we should place our foot on the pedal. It is kind of like Alice’s rabbit hole – you can get sucked pretty far down it before you know it so make sure you choose the right one in the first place.

When you start to look at pedaling and maneuvering your bike as requiring a movement based solution you start to see things in a much different light.
Instead of trying to force the body to move in way it doesn’t want to in the name of some engineering based theory, learn how to work with your body’s natural ways of movement and apply them to the bike.

It will open up the door to much higher levels of performance and while placing much less wear and tear on the body in the process.

BTW, I’m not the only coach who advocates this mid-foot position on the pedals. I can point to Joel Friel and Greg Choat as two other high level coaches who don’t think pushing through the ball of the foot is the right thing to do. I'd also like to go ahead and say that I am not anti-engineering in some way. Engineering based solutions are great if I am building a machine or a building and using bio-mechanics (which is just engineering applied to the body) is great IF you take the organism and how it moves into account first. I'm just pointing out that that the current pedal stroke theories lean too heavily on the the first two without a true understanding of the latter.

Until next time…
Ride Strong,

-James Wilson

MTB Strength Training Systems is the world leader in integrated performance training programs for the unique demands of mountain biking. As the strength and conditioning coach for World Cup Teams and 3 National Championships, my programs have been proven at the highest levels. I’ve helped thousands of riders improve their speed, endurance and skills on the trail and I can help you too. Visit www.bikejames.com to sign up for the free 30 Day MTB Skills and Fitness Program and get started on the way to riding with more power, endurance and confidence today.

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mtbstrengthcoach avatar

Member since Feb 3, 2009
59 articles

  • 304 36
 Not reading all that................
  • 237 9
 I skimmed, saw the picture and realized that's already how I thought foot placement was supposed to be.
  • 29 3
 Read exactly until the two pics with foot positioning. Knew I was doing things right already. Still good to know that someone is trying to prove intuition with an academic scientific approach. I would add that the more gravity-oriented you are riding, the closer to the ankle you should be on the pedal and the more you are focusing on balanced pedaling, the better to have it a bit more towards the ball.
  • 25 6
 As a flat pedaller I use the middle of the foot position. But it is an interesting article because I always assumed it was 'wrong' compared to the ideal clipped in position. But it just feels right.

This article takes an interesting real-world-physiology vs engineering perspective to prove mid foot is better. But in that case, why do all the pros clip-in for XC or road riding? It has obviously proven otherwise in the real world.

That said, this article assumes pedalling efficiency is of utmost importance. I'd argue that for DH the ability to pump and absorb hits with the legs is just as - if not more - important. You'd think being on the ball of your foot would help with that too.
  • 49 15
 could'nt read that entire article, little bit too much pseudo-science.
  • 19 3
 I get that there might be technically a best way. But seriously, what ever feels good is good.
  • 9 31
flag kdstones (Jul 25, 2014 at 12:33) (Below Threshold)
 For something like this, if somebody tells me it's better, I'll believe them. Don't need some huge confusing article to convince me.
  • 119 5
 If you don't feel the need to read the article, why do you feel the need to comment?
  • 9 1
 Anybody who has experience riding flats knows this because its where your feet end up on their own. It's why when I switched to clipless on my trail bike I put the cleats all the way to the rear.
  • 2 0
 my step brother showed me where to put my foot when i first started riding and i felt faster until i got on pinkbike and saw this

  • 11 1
 Youz ignant
  • 2 2
  • 2 1
 Interesting.... When I ride with my clips I have the cleat slammed back as far as it can go giving me the "right position". When I am on flats however....I feel better with the ball of my feet on the axel of the pedal. I guess I have my work to do.
  • 58 1
 Scumbag pinkbiker:

"Not reading all that",
*proceeds to read the 200 comment long chain in the e-bike post and gets involved in a wheelsize argument*
  • 4 1
 just do what feels right... one foot is most likely in front and the other behind the ball/ axel ...just don't look down while riding or you will probably eat dirt...lol
  • 2 7
flag Quesadilla34 (Jul 25, 2014 at 22:34) (Below Threshold)
 Having the beryl over the Axel gives you a lack of stability at first in turn you hey more power though, that why downhill clinics generally teach nee riders to stand centered on their pedal, i ride both downhill and xc, but find being on the ball if my for to be Mott durable and powerful at the same time as it greeks more natural to me
  • 1 1
 I agree darkstar! Even when i raced bmx my clips. Were back as far as i could puttm the artical to me allso made it sound like being clipped in doesent make a diff. I have to dissagree with that
  • 4 0
 I read every word of it, because I am not naive enough to think my way is the fastest. I make my own opinions by trying things. I personally have dremmeled out my clipless trail shoes to have the cleat in a similar position to how he recommends it. This instantly felt right, and allowed all of my flat pedal downhilling to transition to all mountain biking forms clipped in. That is, besides the dirt jumper. Everything James Wilson writes, usually seems to be right on with what I have found to work. With a grain of salt.
  • 3 0
 Excellent article IMO. Well written, everything said there just makes so much sense and exactly matches what I feel on the bike.

@PLC07: nailed it!
  • 1 0
  • 78 3
 I'm generally just grateful my foot's on the pedal and it's not blasting me in the shin. Foot position's not a luxury I consider. It's on or off
  • 9 4
 right when I think my shin scars are healing I always get more Frown
  • 10 3
 Do you think about wearing a shin protection? It's really effective.
  • 30 5
 No, just rub your penis on it, that will help it heal faster.
  • 4 3
  • 2 1
 Wtf, lmao!
  • 54 15
 Ride with your heels on the pedals and your toes pointing out, it reduces wear on the front of your shoe, an area that commonly wears faster than the heel area. A side benefit is that it also reduces your chances of contracting thrush and acne...let me dig out my degree in sports related bullshit to prove this is FACT....yawn....
  • 6 4
 Ha no way. Thought it was just me
  • 8 3
 So THAT'S where my raging case of thrush came from! Son of a bitch! Wish I would have read this months ago...
  • 3 5
 Most of the powerlifting experts will tell you to drive your heels into the ground when you squat/deadlift so your "argument" actually makes more sense than this midfoot stuff if you're going to use weightlifting as a basis for proper movement...
  • 8 1
 Do you always drive your heels into the ground when you squat? I usually read a magazine or play temple run....
  • 1 1
 @PLC07 this is true! but even tho u push threw with your heals u still want to distribute your weight threw ur entire foot including toes. This means that your center of mass should line up with your mid foot. if your center of mass is over heals u become unstable thus affecting the mechanical efficiency of the movement.
  • 28 6
 It is funny how the "engineering based solution" was so poorly made in this article point of view. And engineered solution, when done correctly, will take in account the whole system and come with the best solution possible. But simply comparing the human body to a machine and stating how a machine would break under external interference is silly, and talking pseudo science about noise in the system just makes the article seem naive. Although I do prefer to ride DH with my feet on the so called "correct" position, and agree to the article to some degree, it just seems too poorly based. Feels like the point is correct, but the way the article leads to it is not.
Also, as many have commented, if clipless is so bad, why every pro XC or roadie uses it?
  • 6 9
 Here's $20k and a years supply of pedals and shoes Mr XC racer, now make sure your wear them evrytime you ride and get into as many mags as you can
  • 5 5
 Clipless pedals aren't bad, but the author clearly doesn't like them. They are always faster when pedaling is involved, don't let some dude making up stories tell you otherwise.
  • 6 3
 Yeah, and nearly almost faster in every dh race. Sometimes I use flats during the winter, but when it's time to get a job done, clips is the way to go...numbers don't lie
  • 1 1
 I know!! I do use clipless for XC riding, and I like it! I just can't feel comfortable using them on my DH rig, guess it is just trust issues....
  • 5 14
flag taskmgr (Jul 25, 2014 at 18:01) (Below Threshold)
 clipless pedals are pointless.
  • 6 4
 if can't use them then they are pointless. if you can, they are way better if your riding involves pedaling
  • 2 10
flag taskmgr (Jul 25, 2014 at 18:20) (Below Threshold)
 I ride DH and XC and use clipless pedals, but not for the stupid excuses you are using.
  • 7 4
 much anger over bicycle parts
  • 2 2
 fyi I have always placed my cleats all the way back. I'm assuming any rider with some time in are doing the same.
  • 3 1
 Interesting point of view! Its harder for me to trust flats...my feet come off here and there in technical and rough sections...and with my mallets, I just don't have to worry about it. Its just different...all personal opinion.
  • 3 3
 What an ignorant thing to write...for you they obviously are. For many of us, we ride faster with them. I prefer them for trail and DH riding.
  • 6 3
 i don't use them for efficiency at all. I use them so the I can be lighter on the pedals and bike can float around in the rough sections while still having control.
  • 3 2
 then you don't know how to use them. go practice or just stop writing.
  • 3 1
 This year I've been doing a lot more clipless riding on the XC bike compared to flat riding on the DH sled and I've been finding that I have a harder time keeping my foot planted on the flats this season when I ride them, which wasn't a problem the last few years. I'm starting to feel like clipless are probably making me a little lazy on proper technique.
  • 3 8
flag Warren569 (Jul 25, 2014 at 23:39) (Below Threshold)
 Clipless pedals allow you to apply force on 360 degrees of the pedal stroke, which can't be done on the back and up stroke on flats. It does make a differences to power output but isn't so good for your knees Smile
  • 1 0
 I dremmeled my shoes out, and saw it in an old world cup video. I don't see why it couldn't have been common practice in any of those pro's garages either. So, I'm saying maybe some of them ride it where they really want it, and others don't. I am equally eloquent a writer as the author of the article above, ha.
  • 3 0
 It's pretty obvious that clipped in is faster. The squat analogy might be true, but you're not using both legs at the same time on a bike unless you're clipped in. If you compare a single leg squat on a flat foot, to a single leg squat on the ball of your foot plus a hanging single leg raise with weight, it would clearly show the combined weight to be higher.

Time yourself on a 30 second blast up a hill with flats and then again clipped in. Actually don't bother, because you know what the outcome will be.

Having said that, I stopped using clipless pedals when I was 19 because of the knee pain. I can ride all day on flats with no worries so there you go. I'd have to agree with the "noise" part from personal experience, and disagree with the power output part based also on personal experience.
  • 33 16
 Blah blah blah.....studies...they're wrong...blah....research..I'm right...systems....theories....blah...blah... Just go ride your F'n bike.
  • 2 0
 until u get stress fractures and overuse injury's because of poor positioning on the bike :/
  • 23 9
 Oh my god, so much frustration. You just took an obnoxious trend/shitty riding habit that new riders are constantly forming these days when riding with flats, and fortified it with a bunch of BS. Thanks so much for spreading this disease even further.

Here's the actual facts: Spindle under ball of foot, maximum power and control. Spindle behind ball of foot, maximum endurance (useful for triathlons and other tired people).

Anyone with a respectable amount of saddle time can tell you this, no studies needed.

And yes being on the balls of your feet does put a lot of strain on your calves... if that's problematic for you it's because your calves aren't strong enough, but they will be if you keep riding.
  • 3 3
 Thank you!!!
  • 2 2
 "And yes being on the balls of your feet does put a lot of strain on your calves... if that's problematic for you it's because your calves aren't strong enough, but they will be if you keep riding."

Or you ride like a Sally....
  • 4 8
flag taskmgr (Jul 25, 2014 at 18:02) (Below Threshold)
 nothing to do with strength. it's leverage and comfort over time. Flats have their place. don't be stupid.
  • 6 2
 I think you're actually adding up to his reasoning... you need to put a respectable amount of saddle time or your calves won't be strong enough to sustain the strain of the *unnatural* spindle under the ball position.
  • 4 8
flag taskmgr (Jul 25, 2014 at 18:17) (Below Threshold)
 not really. If you are on a DH bike and in the park all day you are standing up, and wasting energy on sustaining an impracticle position "just for the sake of a theoretical efficency gain" which doesn't take into account posture for pumping as well as quick sprints. If you are sitting then the pressure and leg movement is isolated (parts of road riding and parts of XC riding). Then it may matter.
  • 4 1
 The other issue is the actual type of riding. This article, if I understand correctly, is referring mostly to "pedaling" and not necessarily to gravity-oriented riding. If you need explosive power (DJ, DH racing), ball of the foot on the spindle with the heel down will allow maximum power transfer with fast-twitch muscle. If you're pedaling for sustained endurance or want slow power, midfoot is ideal. Basically, think of the motion for a power clean (exploding off the ball of the foot) vs. a deadlift (pushing through the heel and midfoot). Both have value - it just depends on the situation.

For DH riding, though, I tend to just keep my foot on the pedals - I don't much give a damn where they end up as long as they aren't in my shins.
  • 2 1
 I agree, mtn bikers have feet of balls!
  • 13 6
 Horse riding's developed as a skill, (for lack of a better word, only recently has it predominantly become a sport), and in that time the consensus has very much become ball of foot on stirrup, heel down. Similar activity, trying to stay balanced in the same spot.

You're also forgetting that your hands are holding the bars, unlike in deadlift and sqaut where your purely using your legs to balance, which will make a huge difference.

Furthermore if you ride on your midsole you more or less eliminate any flex in your ankle contributing to shock absorbtion through your leg. I'd say you're trying a bit too much to apply gyming to biking but that's just my opinion.
  • 5 5
 Ever try squatting or dead lifting when your hands or body aren't positioned evenly and distributing the mass centrally? You aren't "purely using your legs to balance" when you do these two movements, or any movement. If you are "purely using your legs to balance" when you squat and dead lift, you will wind up on your face every time. These two movements use the largest muscle groups in your body, and incorporate more muscle groups to preform that movement under heavy load, than any of your other 'basic exercises' (squat, dead lift, bench press, curl, pull up, dip), and are a full body exercises.

Similarly, when riding a bike, and especially at high speeds and in instances in which the force of gravity on your body is anything other than 9.8m/s/s, if you do not have your hands or body positioned evenly and distribute the mass (and often momentum) about the center of mass (moment of inertia) you will wind up on your face (eating dirt, grass, pavement, etc.). When riding a bike, you gotta use your whole body and do all kinds of crazy stuff with your body and bike to balance everything out so you don't end up on your face. Riding your bike takes your whole body to balance, just as doing a squat or a dead lift takes your whole body to balance.

Am applying too much gyming to you biking for ya?
  • 4 3
 Why wouldn't you apply things from the gym to the bike? It makes perfect sense and the comparison to a squat is dead on. I see people who don't know what they are doing all the time in the gym trying to do squat on the balls of their feet and they are all over the place. Their center of gravity is all over the place. The weight usually end up to far forward and then they over correct then end up tipping back etc. All the while this balancing act is zapping the power that should be coming directly from their hips and thighs. It feels a little weird at first but the proper (and most efficient) way to squat is to have your feet flat and actually drive the power right down through your heels. Now you don't want to ride your bike with your heel on the pedal but moving the foot back so that the pedal axle is at the mid foot is the same concept. There is no reason to engage the smaller and weaker lower legs muscles more than they need to be.
  • 6 1
 See below. misread article, jumped on my high horse and charged headlong into writing a pissy comment.
  • 6 1
 Oh, and in response to your reply Sino428, I'll concede I was thinking predominantly in terms of balance, this may well be correct for power, and therefore pedalling, but in instances where balance is more important than power, it strikes me that the rider is set to loose more in flexibility around the ankles, than they stand to gain from a more midsole stance. Upon re reading the article I notice that he isn't advocating a 'one size fits all' foot position, which I first thought, and which most of my argument was based on, rendering it somewhat irrelevant, and serves me right for getting on my high horse and commenting without checking my facts.
  • 4 1
 @wo og-gee you arent wrong though... pedaling isnt squats or deadlifts because the cranks move and the floor doesn't, nor are your feet in the same position.
  • 1 1
 I agree with the stirrup likeness - to some extent anyway. It feels natural when riding uphill or flat to use the middle of the foot as the article suggests, however once things go downhill I need to drop my heel which means moving my foot placement slightly more toward the ball to get the leverage. If I leave my foot in the middle when descending it just doesn't feel right when dropping my heel. Unless I place my foot forward a bit it is likely that I will get pedal bite or the otb feeling as my body weight ( centre of gravity) shifts around.
  • 7 2
 I agree with using flats every once in a while, but just because it's useful for your technique (I've seen so many clipped in bikers that cannot bunny hop because they think it just means pulling up the whole bike at once). The position I personally use (I'm clipped in) is the clips all the way back.. This is not because of some theory, but because it gives me the best stability when riding downhill. Bit when I get on my road bike, I have the most usual position, which is the ball of the foot, because my body feels good when pedalling in that position. Also agree with the noise and disorder part, but today's flat shoes are damn sticky and as much as you can change your position between rides, it won't change in the single ride.. e.g. my Shimano pedals allow for some degree of movement before unclipping, which allows for some noise and disorder.
All in all, though, very good article, I liked it (I'm a professional in the same field here in Italy), but, just like always, there needs to be scientific evidence behind, otherwise it's just an opinion.
  • 1 2
 I agree with yours and the other comments arguing about the pseudoscientific approch in the article. I really believe from experience and from a personal scientific background that James is right. I wish he would be more systematic and scientifically accurate so I could point all the clipless nazis to his writings. It's incredible how many strongly opinionated people are there with this regards, they constantly try to educate you to the *correct* foot placement and the *need* to be clipped in to be able to pull.

For example there is something right in the noise and disorder reasoning, probably comes from the importance of feedback and proprioception to prevent overuse injuries, but put like that it just sounds somewhat newage-ish. But then again maybe he's just putting things that way for divulgative purposes... look at all the tldr comments and imagine how they would have taken an article containing real science.
  • 1 0
 Masaromo. You answered your own concern about scientific evidence without realizing. You mentioned several types of riding in your comment all with different needs based on common knowledge. It's a question of leverage vs control. In DH you need more control. Riding with your clips way back is similar to riding flats with the spindle under the center of your foot. That will give you more control over the bumps. The reason the riding on the ball of your foot feels so good is because your leverage is optimized. Riding on the centers of you're feet on a road bike (or any other bike) requires a lower seat because your reach is shortened. Ride like that on a road bike and you'll feel like you're sucking wind and underpowered. Some riding are more leverage based and some more control based. All things being equal, put the same XC rider on flats and then on clips, he will fly up a hill faster with the clips for two reasons, his leverage is optimized leading to a powerful downstroke and also a pull back up the backside of the stroke.

I always wear clips, but I don't usually ride DH. I could see flats being fun and comfortable for that with lots of control and easy on off access. Less pedal rolling too.
  • 1 0
 Guys, dremmel out your soles, to put the cleat where you want...Then try riding it. Then it is whatever you want it to be, but clipped...and awesome, drifting is super rad, because your legs initiate it, not the brake. Lots of traction control. I prefer DX pedals and DX shoes/BMX styled. Welcome to driftopia.
  • 8 1
 TL;DR: Put the ball of your foot slightly in front of the spindle because your body says so.
  • 1 0
 Good call
  • 2 1
 My feet talk to me....
  • 8 4
 Another coach spreading his pseudoscience philosophy. Do you run a crossfit gym too?

Despite a few things you said being correct, your understanding of body mechanics and physics is horrible and the reasoning you come up with for stuff is largely wrong. You've extrapolated reasons behind different occurrences without fully understanding the situation which causes them. You may not be "anti-engineer," but you do seem to really want to show you are at least their intellectual equal.
  • 4 0
 I say write an article, and educate us! You used the word extrapolate so I assume you clearly know more about the subject than James.
  • 3 0
 Agreed, it's a lot harder to take the heat, than point the gun. My issue, is James is usually on the right answer. But, his linguistics and arguments are clumsy, so he takes the heat...
  • 3 0
 ..easily the most long winded explanation towards the benefits of correct foot placement I have ever heard. Its bad enough working with engineers all day, watching them give over complicated assessments of simple principles to the less educated, but come on, really was all that necessary?? Ball of foot slightly in front of axle center line- is better than behind, would have sufficed.
  • 3 0
 Take a dremmel to your clip in shoes and route the cleat slots further back towards the middle of the foot. About 3/4" is all it takes. Put your cleats in all the way backed up in those slots and enjoy the feeling of riding mid foot like flats with the security of clipless. The power transfer is amazing.

You'll never be frustrated with this issue again...especially after your brain catches up with your body and you stop falling over on the trail.
  • 1 0
 12mm did the trick for me. I tried 15mm but that was a bit much and i felt like i lost to much "ankle travel". in the end i settled on the exact same position that my shoe sits when using flats.

I agree that the power transfer is fantastic. Another bonus is that it can make it much easier to swap from flats to clips because the foot position is the same.

I drill the new cleat holes instead of slotting because i feel it gives a stiffer feeling to the sole. I've got a couple of photos in my profile of the sole after the mod.
  • 1 0
 Really interesting advice, I have never ridden clipped in as I don't like the idea of having my foot so far forward - might get some secondhand shimano's and give it a go on my single speed roadie first off, then perhaps on the XC routes. Cheers ahoutsch
  • 7 4
 So why when clipped in can you accelerate much quicker if it is so wrong and slower and bad???

And hate to bring road into this... But surely they know something about performance, millions and millions of £ are spent on loosing hundreds if not thousands of a second. All road riders + track riders use clipped in pedals, don't they, with super stiff carbon soles to get rid of flex otherwise known as wasted energy. So surely more power is transferred through the pedals in this way compared to pushing and not pulling. Pushing and pulling together must transmit more than 1.5 times the power to just pushing surely??
  • 4 1
 Did you even bother to read the title?
  • 6 5
 Remember, James once said that even road racers would be faster riding flat pedals and that you can pedal more efficiently with flats. Not sure why this guy still gets air time.
  • 12 0
 james can chime in if he wants... but here you go:

positioning the ball of the foot ahead of the pedal axle doesn't really cost you anything in the majority of cases, and has the benefit of reducing stress on the ankle. James can site you these studies, but research has shown that placing the axle behind the ball of the foot a rider can ride at medium power outputs at a low percentage of VOmax. this is largely due to lower recruitment of the lower leg muscles rather than magic- its like shutting off a cylinder in a car engine to run more efficiently.

At higher power outputs you are less able to produce power if you dont have the ball of your foot positioned over the axle. you can fire up that dead cylinder by putting your lower leg into action through the ankle joint. You also can extend the power phase of the pedal stroke by being able to push forward sooner and pull back later. But you only see this benefit at high power outputs and high RPM's. cyclists who's sport depends on high output chose to clip-in with stiff soles and the ball of the foot over the spindle largely. BMX riders who push out 2200 watts on the gate, Track sprinters, and road riders as well....

for some riders being on the spindle feels best because of their background, chances are if they have a high level in another area of the sport they probably have a lot of flexibility and strength in the muscles and tendons relating to their ankles so the dont need to worry about injury and they can balance just as well. that motion in the ankle can be 6-8 inches of movement that can be used to balance or to soak up impacts, or to drive the bike at max wattage.

its hard to argue against clipped-in and on the spindle when it comes to maximum performance biomechanically, but there are a lot of other reasons that a rider should consider a rear-ward cleat placement, or flats with a more mid-foot placement.
  • 2 0
 that's dead on Erik. everyone else is just guessing
  • 1 0
 Yup. What he said! Pedals are levers. Your legs are the actuators. Ball of foot placement on the pedal maximizes the leverage allowing full extension, so you get the most out of your stoke. In other words, you can stroke it better and harder from the balls up! Hahaha
  • 3 0
 I ride non-technical commuter trails with my foot back just to work on ankle strength and calf definition but the foot slides ahead about a good inch when things get more technical. It comes naturally as I suspect it does for many flat pedal riders.
  • 2 0
 For once James I agree with one of your articles... for the most part until the flats vs clips argument. Now I am from a dirt jump / street riding background and have been riding flat pedals since day one, I have got more into trail/dh riding over the last 6-7 years and only the latter part of last year did I try clipped in. Since riding clipped in my riding speed/skills have hugely improved! I ride time atac dh4 pedals with mavic alpine xl shoes and I have never had an issue with unclipping even when I should be hitting the deck my foot has always been there to dab to my amazement (so far - knocks on wood!). The control and power it gives you pedalling standing and seated is far superior to flats, the ability to pull up on the inside foot in corners to get the rear wheel to drift into line and grip, having one less thing on your mind about foot positioning when approaching a tech section or jumps is invaluable. The cleats on my pedals allow a lot of float and you are never stuck to clipping in the same position as the is about a 5-8mm side to side range to clip in to so once your foot is in a little wiggle and you're in an anatomically comfy position for your foot/leg. I would only now ever go back to riding flats if I were to go dirt jumping or ride something like the conditions of the megavalanche this year where the cleats would become stuck full of gloopy mud... The only downside I found to clips is an increase in tightness in the heads of my gastrocnemius which is due to the change in foot position of the more forward contact point of the cleats (I run the cleats as close to the midfoot as possible). But if a shoe manufacturer looked more closely at how riders ride with flat pedals like you have talked about here and worried less about the minimal power increase (in a pedal stroke)from extension at the ankle I cant see any real disadvantage to clips over flats with a good pedal with decent platform.
  • 8 2
 I ride with my heels and sometimes my shins.
  • 1 1
 Have you seen those new knee actuated pedals! Totally enduro! I bet they take over the enduro scene next year.
  • 2 1
 dum dum dum da dumm dum dum dummm
  • 2 0
 The point about not wanting to go to triple extension is a good one. I've always sorta pedaled in squares with flats anyways...no worries there.

I'm wondering about your claim that "runners don't try to add power with the return of the trail leg". I'd say that this is totally untrue. In sprinting, for instance, tons of power is generated by the trail leg kickback and, stemming from that, the knee drive. Yes, all the *reactive* forces from your stride stem from the drive into the ground. However, it's quite impossible to achieve anything other than a weak, short, upright block start or a weak stride if you don't generate power and drive with the trail leg. Sure, it's a reflexive movement to swing your knee. No, it's not a reflexive movement to generate enough knee drive to achieve good angles or enough power with a proper start. It's an outright absurd thing to claim about how to make power, no matter what distance or style you run.
  • 3 1
 pinkbike get new news... this is some preliminary bs that if your still at that stage of ridding than it really probably doesn't even matter. this is as pathetic as how to hold your grip, or how to stroke your dink... if you dont know, than your probably don't need to...
  • 3 1
 Great article james, I love it! stirring it up

when i walk up stairs, down stairs, sides ways, backwards, round off camber corners, turn 180deg on the spot, jump, land.... i use the foot (and leg) in all manner of different ways to deal with the chaos of real world situations. and its wonderfully designed to handle it all. shouldnt it be the same for riding? I understand if your riding involves 200km of repetitive spinning. but thats not a good description of your typical mt bike ride.
  • 2 0
 Techy; yes...............but I personally appreciate the explanation, the solid representation of the theory and the industry awareness. I Have spent the last 18yrs on all forms of pedals to propel and control my bikes. The flexibility and efficiency of pedals is as key a point as it always has been....I feel that these conversations are fun and even somewhat constructive, but if we delve deep into the the geo. of our own bodies (ride more than type) than we will all come to the solution................your mind can create, embrace or destroy almost any solution..
I have ridden some great bikes (imho) for some time now and I have learned that, for me, GEO (personally on the bike and fitment /foot placement etc. is the most important)....,suspension design is very much an aspect, but all-in-all, geometry is king to find my hero ride.............and as far as I can tell........my existence LOVES FLAT PEDALS!!!!!!
  • 2 0
 After 10000 hours of riding and 150 milions of pedal strokes there is a high probability that a representative of the most sophisticated organism on the Planet has already learned how to do it. Afterall it is easy. Balls over axles gives more control. Moving them forward keeps feet more relaxed. There are milimeters of differences between them to write next elaborate. We all know that toes only, mean scratches below kees. Nor landing on heels is pleasent, but what we all should remember is that however the pins are sharp and whatever the stealth surface is, there has to be some sliding movement on pedals, to keep joints healthy. Clipping in equals all the bending, torsing and turning done by ankles, hips, knees and braking by teeth which is all risky.
  • 5 0
 There should be a batman light for the MythBusters, they'll set this straight.
  • 2 0
 pseudoscience as well as preachy...but mostly just narrow minded- neither this, nor ball-of the foot, nor most other pedal positions are "wrong"

this article makes a generalization which applies to some situations. in fact, for trail riders riding with slightly low saddle heights and flat pedals and moderately flex shoes, (many pink bike readers i assume) I think this makes perfect sense.

but i don't think the article makes it clear enough that depending on fit, flexibility, shoe choice and size etc. etc. results may vary and the "ideal" position for a given rider may be different.
  • 3 2
 ....is based on research and not opinion. But for those looking how to review such articles - read the intro, the discussion and then the conclusion if you're not fully interested in the method of how the info was gathered. The point of the methods section is so the study can be repeated by anyone to confirm the same hypothesis or theory.
  • 1 0
 The real deal with clips............. saddle position and cockpit set up on a bike really dictates how the hips, legs, and feet react during a pedal stroke... If you are a xc or road racer typically the saddle position is some what high and the cock pit is also typically stretched out a bit giving a almost fully extended leg feel, I believe that the real problem is that most racer types try to eliminate leg burn by placing the seat so high ,also this helps to keep the heart rate manageable because they aren't using oxygen to drive the muscles.. this is what makes it seem more powerful to clip in ,and be able to push and pull simultaneously...but it does also put more wear and tear on the joints instead of using the right amount of leg muscles to drive the cranks.. you gotta feel the burn under heavy pedaling if you don't something within the body's mechanics is getting over use...and if continued will lead to joint or ligament injury...just sayin
  • 1 0
 I use spds on my XC bike and flats on my dh. I've always felt I pedal better in spds. Perhaps I need a rethink.
All my cycling life I have spent on the balls of feet and I have notice, especially down hilling that it places a lot of strain on my calves, I've been experimenting with a more forward foot position on flats.
Should I now be thinking of implementing it on my XC bike, I do enjoy my feet shuffling about but I also like being "attached" to the bike, not so much for pedaling but it makes shifting the back end about much easier.
Some many questions now!!!!
  • 1 0
 Hey James, here's my question: as a trials rider who needs to physically jump with the bike up, forwards, backwards, and sideways what would the best pedal position be? Trials riders need power and balance to jump, suggesting midfoot. But like you said the natural position for the human organism when jumping is on the balls of the feet, suggesting the traditional pedal position. So what do you think is best?

Perhaps a switching every couple of rides could benefit a trials rider too?
  • 1 0
 Before you jump you load your lower body to initiate a stretch reflex. At the point when you have loaded you legs for the jump your weight should be on the midfoot. It should remain there until you begin to unload your legs, extend your hips, and as you leave the ground you come up on the ball of your foot. The main drive doesn't come from being on your toes. If you start on your toes and try to jump forward you lose power as your heel tries to drop down to the ground where you would be if you loaded your midfoot initially. That's for jumping. You can make the connection to trials however you would like.
  • 1 0
 Morley Wilkens once told me that if I want to increase my vertical by a couple decimeters, move my foot to the ball of the foot rather than mid-foot. This is very trials specific with a goal of bunny hop height/power in mind. If you've seen him ride, you know it works damn well, but it never felt comfortable to me... I still use mid-foot.
  • 1 0
 That could work based on the idea of the stretch reflex. When you load your legs your toes flex upwards stretching the muscles of the lower leg helping to recruit more muscle fibers for the vertical. Something you can't do when jumping on flat ground because your heels hit the ground.
  • 4 2
 I always love how some people need a study on how to do simple/ basic things that 99% of others already do naturally. That other 1% well they don't need to be riding a bike......much less anything else.
  • 2 2
 The problem is that the 99% in this case are following the groupthink idea that "you have to use clipless, because they're so much more efficient, you're so wrong, blah blah blah."

Clipless makes sense on a road bike(where it came from) though: weight penalty of flats would be a too much. Heck, if they work better for you, use them. just stop hassling those of us who ride flats, & stop hassling us if we ride in a midfoot position.
  • 4 3
 um, clipless are more efficient. that's why they are used.
  • 5 5
 clipless aren't more efficient.
  • 3 6
 more power, being connected, better pedaling range = more efficient in my books
  • 1 5
flag taskmgr (Jul 25, 2014 at 18:19) (Below Threshold)
 do you have proof? didn't think so. and what is a "pedalling range" do you mean range of motion? by applying pressure you are connected....
  • 4 4
 proof? yea just go try it hahaha! can you pull up on flats? pretty talented if you can
  • 2 2
 is that a joke? why would you care to on a mtb, your not pedalling for 200km and going to an endurance fatigue state...
I do it for fun on my xc bike when im bored on a climb, but it doesn't really help you much. or if you mean by "pulling up" to bunny hop, j hop or jump, then yes, yes I can. pretty brutal if you cant.
  • 3 5
 pull up on your pedal stroke. If I have to explain that you can get more power out of your pedal stroke using clipless, then you can leave the conversation and go learn about bikes. It seems like you can't really use clipless pedals as they were intended, so maybe some practice? or just put them away and use flats exclusively? Better rush over to the TDF right now and tell those guys it doesn't really matter, so here's some flat pedals for tomorrow's TT. jaysus!
  • 2 3
 aww muffin's all upset. i guess if your legs aren't strong enough you can "pull up" while your pushing down hahaha. maybe do some squats. Like I just implied. if you are on a road bike. isolating your pedalling, it makes sense. go out for a sprint then see how much you pull up. kids these days! think they know everything!
  • 4 0
 those darn bmx, 4x, downhill racers and road sprinters know nothing! why are they sprinting being clipped in when there is clearly an advantage by using flats. Those idiots! Wink
  • 3 1
 The real deal with clips............. saddle position and cockpit set up on a bike really dictates how the hips, legs, and feet react during a pedal stroke... If you are a xc or road racer typically the saddle position is some what high and the cock pit is also typically stretched out a bit giving a almost fully extended leg feel, I believe that the real problem is that most racer types try to eliminate leg burn by placing the seat so high ,also this helps to keep the heart rate manageable because they aren't using oxygen to drive the muscles.. this is what makes it seem more powerful to clip in ,and be able to push and pull simultaneously...but it does also put more wear and tear on the joints instead of using the right amount of leg muscles to drive the cranks.. you gotta feel the burn under heavy pedaling if you don't something within the body's mechanics is getting over use...and if continued will lead to joint or ligament injury...just sayin
  • 2 0
 In his flat pedal manifesto, he does say that being clipped in does offer some performance advantages in certain situations, but basically he feels that riding exclusively clipped in creates poor habits and can cause injury, learning proper techniques while riding flats will make you a stronger rider when you do clip in, during a race for example
  • 2 0
 I agree, but that really only applies to one type of rider, be it a beginner or someone who is not out to actively improve their technique. I'm just one guy who rides clipless pedals as if I were on flats, but I have the luxury of getting a little more power out of my pedal stroke. I rarely use flats but when I do I can ride them because of the way I use clipless pedals. I bunny hop the same and I descend the same. Some people think that all clipless pedal users develop poor technique, but that's just wrong.
  • 1 0
 Thanks for the article PB and James Wilson. It was an interesting read with many valid points about foot position. Having been a clipless rider for years I understand the ball of the foot argument. I recently, within the past three years, switched to flats. Much better control and balance on the bike, not to mention when I crash it's nice to be able to easily eject. What I have noticed, in my case, is that my foot has naturally taken on a mid sole position on the flat pedal versus the position I set my clipless pedals to. I have since moved my cleats back, although I don't use them that often any more.
  • 2 1
 Three sentences would have done it along with the TWO pictures.

Do it this way!
Don"t do it this way!!
Read the rest of this articel if you do not belive me!!!

Was like listening to a Yale professor talk about peace who has never been in combat.....
  • 2 1
 I spent 1 minute looking for info backing my option up.


When I ride a byke I am not dead lifting (lifting a bar close to my body in a straight line), when I sprint I am not deadlifting and when I enduro your mom... nope, still not dead lifting. well maybe.

When you dead lift you need a great center of balance. when you ride that center of balance is just as important but is much different in that the center of gravity is ever changing. I can not use the same footing stance to swing a golf club and swing a base ball bat.

Our body's change their center of gravity so much, we need a more aggressive/responsive stance, something that allows us to change positions and transfer power quickly and effectively. Stand flat on your feet like when dead lifting and have someone push you, then stand on the balls of your feet and see which one you are more stable in. Both with knees slightly bent.

When the human body sprints, it leans forward and runs on the balls of the feet. Where is your body when you sprint? where are your feet landing to produce the most power and control? Flat? Can you deadlift in that position? Is the body position for deadlifting/squatting the same as a simple sprint when running. NO. what is closer to riding a bike?

I do ride flat pedals and I can pull up on the back stroke. I tried to make this a short post so sorry I did not add a lot more details. Research your sport!
  • 1 0
 I switched to mid foot position on my flats after I way overshot a big gap jump and hurt my ankle on landing past the transition. With the ball of foot on the pedal there's a lot of leverage to flex the ankle joint. Since switching to mid foot, haven't had that problem despite casing and overshooting pretty bad... maybe i'm the only one with this problem on here.
  • 1 0
 i appreciate the sports science but it was a bit preachy.

it's just personal preference but believe clipless are great for XC and roadies for those long sustained drives, as they benefit with the upstroke *giggity*

just as long as you feel comfortable, natural and are having fun, go with it!

if you have 20 sponsors on your back.... then biomechanics, sports science, engineering based solution, DRAAAAGOOO all the way!!!
  • 1 0
 As a bike fitter myself doing Trek/Specialized systems your not far from their fitting techniques in the foot area but there are more influencing factors too!

Its not just a roadie thing to get fitted/setup right as you can optimize performance and ultimately power throughout MTB too...

Good little read!
  • 1 0
 James, you say that foot needs some freedom of movement while pedalling. And thats why i love clipless! In flats, my foot is literally welded to the pedal (hate that feeling), whereas in clips it swings easily from left to right (I've heard thats what can damage the knees, but its another topic). Isn't it a merit?
  • 1 0
 If the ball of the foot is infront of the pedal axel the angle of leverage Is much less for getting the heel down in the 'attack position' compared to if it was situated above... Application of pressure when standing, squatting or deadlift is through the heel/back of the foot as less pressure is placed on the ankle....
  • 1 0
 I'm clipped in on my commute to work bike, with the ball of my foot over the axle. I ride flats for DH, mid foot placing. Both work fine for me, although i may try moving my foot forward a bit on my commute bike. Only way to know for sure, now i need to watch some vids too much reading.
  • 1 0
 I'm not agree with this article. May be i'm so old school. Pedaling is not like squatting at all. Its totally different and the position of your feet depends on what are you doing on the bike. I use flat pedals on my dh bike so i can feel more free on the way a stand an ballance, and i have spd on my xc bike to get more power pedaling uphills. Depends on what are you doing.
  • 2 1
 The writers is a good jobofexpmainingall the mechanics from different perspectives. He even sited some reputable sources. This is important because it helps the reader understand that the information
  • 1 1
 I bet while riding down the hill on rough track you will be able to position your feet perfectly... so basicly this tip for all DH/FR riders who ride flats is useless.... and those who would actually might benefit from it (like XC, road, maybe enduro) use cliped pedals.
  • 1 1
 I don't get it, what is so hard about properly positioning your feet on the pedals? If you set your feet properly on your first few pedal strokes, and have a good shoe/pedal combo, your feet aren't going to move around much, even on rough terrain.
  • 1 0
 First, you don't pedal all that much while riding downhill.
Second, I am refering to all those pictures showing one position and then another with foot moved like one inch. Do you really think while riding downhill should you move your foot one inch this or that way ? There are many much more important things to focus on than PERFECT (and that is the key word here in my argument) foot placement.
  • 2 0
 Great article, I spent a lot of my first season dhilling in Whistler riding on the ball of my foot, the difference was massive when I was told differently.
  • 1 0
 I've only ever ridden on the balls of my feet, when I try to ride how it describes in the article its very uncomfortable for me and I feel like I don't have full control of the bike.
  • 1 0
 Stand up and pedal through some rough terrain. You'll find out where to be feet on the pedals and body positioned over the bike when you don't go flying off like mongoose85 and I have found out.
  • 1 0
 Thanks I have always just put it wherever felt good, I'm glad i don't have to do the uncomfortable ball of heel position without guilt anymore.
  • 3 0
 I guess i've had it right all along. You can't downhill on your toes
  • 4 1
 I ride my flats downhill on the balls of my feet, no issues so far. Will report back if anything changes in the -next- 10 years.
  • 1 0
 To far forward and my toes start hitting the ground... got tired of reading but ill take inefficiency over toe bangers any day.
  • 1 0
 Ride platforms. Then the only thing that matters is whether your foot comes off or slips. You'll know after a few shin scrapes where your foot needs to go.
  • 2 0
 The positions are only one shoe lace width apart. ..I'm constantly adjusting that much if not more, riding dh/flats.
  • 2 0
 hah! just in time when I parted with my spd...enter the saint flats! More of such articles please
  • 3 4
 I've only been riding 25 years but even I can see this is so bogus. If you want power ride clips. If you ride flats position your foot forward and show some heel and don't take your feet off the pedals unless it's time to call the fire brigade. Foot position is the place to start for an aggressive riding posture.
  • 5 2
 Put the brownies down man...it's a pedal stroke
  • 3 0
 A picture really is worth a thousand words
  • 2 2
 Wait, didn't this guy write exactly the same article on PInkbike in 2012? And back then all of the Pinkbike masses thought they knew better and rubbished him then as well?

You have to admire his commitment...
  • 1 2
 Yeah, he recycles his content a lot.
  • 1 0
 Think about this. When you drive a shovel into the ground, Do you use the ball of your foot or the arch to get the most power to sink the shovel?
  • 1 0
 Can we probably get an article "where to place your hands on the Grips"? Or of you should put your Jersey in your shorts or not for best results?
  • 6 4
 still trying to spot the difference between the two foot position pictures
  • 7 0
 Like a 1/2in....makes all the difference....
  • 63 1
 Wife said it did.
  • 2 0
 It's literally the difference between:

- sitting slightly forward the ball of your foot, so that your toes are having to help support your weight (not natural, toes are for balance). If you slam down from a jump and your foot slips, your foot will slip off the back of the pedal and destroy your shin, since the ball of your foot will force the pedal to rotate rearward and your toes can't provide enough force to oppose the rotation.


-sitting slightly behind the center of the ball of the foot, but still basically on the ball of the foot, so that you are pushing down on the pedal just in front of the center of the axle with the ball of your foot and your arch comfortable prevents the pedals rotation. If your foot were to slip, it would slide forward so you would still be supported by your arch- not comfortable, but much preferred to losing your footing completely and destroying your shin.
  • 2 0
 must remember to tell all the TDF riders to pedal properly
  • 1 0
 That's an interesting look at why I like my feet where they rest comfortably.
  • 2 0
 i figured i don't sit on my balls so why should my feet do the same.
  • 2 0
 it's harder to read all these comments than it is the article
  • 1 0
 Ball of foot position no good for "hucking to flat" or anything gnar like BMX! And looks gay.
  • 1 1
 i've glued my racing boots after those pics, somebody told me it will not work w/out enduro pedals
  • 1 1
 bunch of novices. if you care the slightest bit about pedal efficiency you should be riding clipless
  • 1 0
 Man i read most of that boring as crap and that's how i ride anyway
  • 3 1
 that´s usefull!! thanks
  • 1 0
 Too much reading. Article needs more pixs!
  • 2 0
 needs boobs IMHO
  • 1 0
 Someone better tell Contador and Froome they're doing it wrong! LOL!
  • 1 1
 Flats win the Tour De France?
  • 1 0
 double post
  • 1 3
 I felt this weird relief when I read I wasn't the only one who couldn't stand to read all this... Pictures did just fine
  • 5 6
 There's a very easy solution to all that rubbish. Clip in!!
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