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Video: Tori Wood Rides Fast & Sends Big Jumps

May 19, 2021
by Vince Emond  
Views: 13,113    Faves: 56    Comments: 15

As a filmmaker, I am lucky enough to have the tools and skillset to document and share stories I believe are worth telling. Oftentimes, the most fulfilling projects are the ones where I get to shed light on subjects who aren’t seeking any recognition at all.

Enter Tori Wood from Squamish BC.


Despite only picking up mountain biking three and a half years ago, she has developed a passion for the sport that has allowed her to progress at an exponential rate. It doesn’t hurt that she lives in one of the best places in the world for mountain biking. She comes from a competitive gymnastics background and therefore has an impressive baseline of strength, balance and a strong mental game. She tackles everything she does with a strong sense of intensity, riding pretty much every day, rain or shine, and proceeds to push her limits every time she gets on her bike.


Tori’s goal over the last year has been to compete in some of the enduros in BC but unfortunately COVID put a hold on a lot of these races. Even the local Whistler Toonie and Squamish Cinco races didn’t run last summer which made it difficult for her to get her foot in the door and get a feel for the racing scene. So, like any other naturally competitive person, Tori downloaded Strava and started racing the local trails on her own time and seeing how she measured up against other riders. While she maintains that gathering QOMs and stacking up Strava statistics holds minimal significance in lieu of actual race results, myself and others have assured her that these achievements do actually mean something. A relatively new rider with over 30 QOMs surely signifies that she might be doing something right.


Currently, Tori is itching to get between the tapes and start racking up racing experience. Her goal is to compete in some of the Canadian Enduro Series events in the open category, the local Squamish Enduro and potentially some downhill races in Whistler. Hopefully this summer will provide her with the opportunity to prove herself she’s been waiting for.


Regardless of whether or not these races go ahead, I think we can all agree that her rate of progression is on a whole other level and that her story is quite unique. I personally can’t wait to see her perform at a competitive level and turn her potential into a reality.

I recently worked with Tori, creating an edit to showcase her skill, speed, style and personality. Do you think she’s got what it takes to race and maybe even land herself on the podium? Check out her first bike video and decide for yourself…


Tori Wood's Strava:

Tori Wood's Instagram:

Video, Photography and Words by Vince Emond (@VinceEmond)

Author Info:
vinceemond avatar

Member since Oct 30, 2003
8 articles

  • 22 0
 Now... did she apply to PB Academy?
  • 1 0
 i think she was also apart of a vid called girls gotta eat dirt.
  • 3 0
 @kanoakea-mtb: I wasn't. But it's a sweet video those girls shred!
  • 20 1
 Posting your Strava link on Pinkbike is such a flex... I love it.
  • 6 0
 That was some awesome riding with a fun personality! Would be sweet to see her in the next pinkbike academy!

Nice work Vince Wink
  • 6 0
 *Breaks shovel, casually flexes guns* "What just happened?" lol, lady don't know her own strength...
  • 2 0
 A superstar. Multi threat. That yoga and handstands - killer. the riding - amazing. And, a super charming person - a brand marketers dream. AND - a fantastic video and article - thanks.
  • 4 0
 My kind of riding, unfortunately, I can't do that good....nor yoga in the woods:-) anyway, keep it up!
  • 2 0
 Sick, playful riding!! You can totally see her gymnast strength in action - she stays soo centered and loose, its rad to watch.
  • 4 0
 I detect a rise in her insta followers immediately Wink
  • 2 0
 OMG! That was sooo sick and inspiring. I wanna go ride now. Dang she's fast. Good luck and lots of fun with your future endeavours Tori Smile
Oh, and keep posting them vids!!!
  • 2 0
 Did that brown stain on your Dharco pants come from the drift at 0:57. MAAATE you nearly died there!

Such a fun edit. I enjoyed it
  • 6 0
 It definitely had the potential to be a shart provoking moment but rest assured the stain is just dirt Smile
  • 1 0
 @toriwood: your braver than me! I would for sure have just shut my eyes and let the stain appear!

Great edit really liked the vibe. Thanks for making it.
  • 3 0
 Really fun and inspiring ride and rider. Bravo.
  • 3 0
 that was sickk makes me wanna ride so bad
  • 2 0
 Sick edit Vince! Great riding Tori!
  • 1 0
 Awesome! But forget the other races, the real test in Squamish is (was?) the Hot On Your Heals Enduro
  • 3 0
 Inspiring AF
  • 1 0
 anybody know what trail that gap jump she cased was on ??
  • 4 0
 Seared Sashimi?
  • 2 0
 Go WoriToooooooood!
  • 2 0
 Eezgood! Go get'em Tori!
  • 1 0
 Wait... is the Squamish Enduro on?!
  • 2 0
 Sick Tori!
  • 2 0
 that biceps is amazing!
  • 2 0
 WOOOO hooo

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