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Video: Matt Hunter & James Doerfling Freeride Farwell Canyon in 'Return Route'

Dec 20, 2018
by Race Face  

Over 15 years ago, two kids rode the epic lines of Farwell Canyon together before going on to become world-class mountain bike riders. Ever since, James Doerfling and Matt Hunter’s schedules kept them from being able to ride together. Until now.

Return Route Farwell Canyon

We brought them back together for a chance to capture the magic of Farwell. For two days, the guys camped, rode, relaxed, and rode some more! As the unofficial Prime Minister of the canyon, Doerfling was the tour guide, sharing many of the gnarly lines he has come to love over the years. Hunter, a freerider by nature, was down to drop in whatever line Doerfling put them on!

Return Route Farwell Canyon

Return Route Farwell Canyon

Return Route Farwell Canyon

“Riding out at Farwell Canyon never gets old, especially when you get to show someone around that has never rode some of the bigger lines out that way,” said Doerfling. ““Witnessing some of [Matt’s] reactions at the bottom of those lines was priceless - I think he was actually speechless after bombing one of the lines - and that’s why I love riding out there so much.”

Return Route Farwell Canyon

For Hunter, Farwell Canyon was like a Holy Grail “It's steep and wild and awesome, and fun as hell to ride. I have been wanting to get back to ride with James here for over 15 years. That seems ridiculous but we were just kids the first time we rode together here.”

Return Route Farwell Canyon

Return Route Farwell Canyon

“When we reviewed the shots I was surprised I had been yelling like an idiot but I guess I was just super stoked,” added Hunter. “It's hard not to be when you're blasting down a mountain of dirt.”

The only thing that could have derailed the all-time fall time riding fun was the appearance of a young bear looking for a meal. Luckily, he got distracted by closer and easier fare.

“The bear incident was crazy,” admitted Hunter. “I saw it approaching our camp from the top of a line across the valley. There was nothing we could do from across the river. We watched him come down the mountain and almost right into camp. There are some ancient fruit trees at the old homestead that distracted him. We hadn't seen any bear sign and our camp could definitely have been more bear proof, so we got pretty lucky he didn't eat our dinner.”

After two days of full-on riding, camp was packed, bikes loaded up and goodbyes exchanged - leaving the magic of Farwell behind for the next riders ready to blast its epic lines!

Return Route Farwell Canyon

Return Route

Return Route Farwell Canyon

Return Route

Presented by: Race Face
Featuring: Atlas 820 Handlebars

Riders: James Doerfling, Matt Hunter
Producer: Rob Bohncke
Video: Connor Macleod, Max Berkowitz
Photos: Nicholas Kupiak

MENTIONS: @raceface

Author Info:
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Member since Mar 20, 2007
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  • 40 0
 The limited slomos and focus on fast as funk, loose freeride shreddin was amazing - congrats to all involved on this. #makesmewanttoride
  • 3 0
 Video of the year!!!
  • 25 0
 That was sick! When it looks steep on camera you know it IS steep.
(Did they really add helicopter sound to the drone footage?)
  • 14 0
 Great job guys! Love it. Pinkbike roots... Also really cool seeing Matt Hunter back on a big bike
  • 10 0
 Probably one of the best edits I’ve seen in a long time! Super high stoke, and shredding the gnar!
  • 11 0
 Ha that was fun to watch. Nice work guys! PB, more of this please.
  • 9 0
 I'm just here for the drone with the helicopter sound comment
  • 1 0
 hahaha ;-)
  • 6 0
 just some good old boys, never meanin no harm......
  • 2 0
 staightin the roooads an flatnin the hills! well some day the mountainmightget em but, the law never will"
  • 4 0
 That was awesome! Legends. Reason I love living in BC. Went biking today in Kamloops, tomorrow fresh pow at Sun Peaks. Yehaa
  • 5 0
 Yeah boys! Those were some heavy lines.
  • 4 0
 Matt’s stoke level it’s just so awesome. It made my day. And laugh out loud during the teaser yesterday
  • 4 0
 Movies including Matt Hunter and James Doerfling have never ever failed. Thx for making me stoked to ride since 2008!
  • 4 0
 Best edit allll season!!!
  • 1 0
 Doerfling, definitely one of the best pro free riders for me, so calm and relaxed down the gnar, reminded me of Red Bull rampage he did years ago. Hunter, always on the hunt for sick trails and line! Nice video guys!
  • 6 4
 Yeeeah! Dude bro, that was like so gnarly, bro! Siiiiick bro man dude! Insane!
  • 3 0
 Matt's the best-awesome commentary
  • 3 0
 Making free ride badass again!!
  • 2 0
 ahhh so many line variations! I loved it when they dropped into two different entrances at the same time. That was so sick.
  • 3 0
 So many great awkward high fives and fist bumps, love it.
  • 3 0
 Freeride is back????????????
  • 1 0

OK, it;s the solstice (my reason for the season) I'm drunk on whiskey, doerfling is my GOD so, I'm ptretty much aboot to stokesplode aboot now
  • 3 0
 Glad you are enjoying yourself @nojzilla! Lots of Doerfling fans in the house!

Music is from Crown Lands, a Canadian indie band putting out some great music!

Crown Lands - Mountain
Crown Lands - Mantra

  • 1 0
 @raceface: cheers! I hope they got UK distro cos I'm about to buy every disc I can find!
  • 2 0
 You know it's gotta be epic riding when riders like these are hooting and hollering all the way down.
  • 2 0
 It’s like they feed off each other....

People always say that
  • 2 0
 Incredible footage!!! Burps out 1/4 PSI.... Yup...thats the sweet spot!
  • 2 0
  • 2 0
  • 2 0
 What a ride
  • 2 0
 nicely set up knolly

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