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Video: Cam McCaul Sends Huge Gaps with his Portable Ramp

Nov 15, 2020
by Cam McCaul  

So... I have this ramp. It's been sitting in my garage for a while. Every time I look at it, I think, "you know... I should really go have some fun with this thing." Knowing that the ramp is sitting in the garage just begging for a little attention, I've had no choice but to daydream about possible setups all over town as I drive around. So the day finally came.. Dusty Wygle and I decided to load the ramp into the truck and drive around to a couple of the spots I've had in mind.

The first setup ended up being WAY sketchier than I had anticipated... Like way sketchier. But it still worked! So from there it was back into the truck with the ramp and on to the next spot. A trail bike and a portable ramp... that's about as street as I get. Both spots provided some real good times. Now that I know what this ramp is all about, the daydream continues and I'm sure I'll find some more spots soon.

Thanks for watching!

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CamMcCaul avatar

Member since Jun 14, 2009
39 articles

  • 90 0
 Adulting: Blazing through a couple lanes of traffic, maybe a light and intersection, hitting a fold up ramp at a medical center, and respectfully leaving when asked, and going home to family. Totally f-ing rad
  • 13 0
 Thought the same, pretty refreshing to see not to mention a good example of pushing boundaries, having fun but being respectful....good for kids to see you can kick a$$ and not be a dick.
  • 31 0
 That’s awesome!!! I actually built that overpass there recently!!!
  • 21 0
 Those patrol guys were so chill... seems like everything came together on this one
  • 7 9
 Sure, the patrol guys were chill. But isn't it odd that someone saw the guys doing this completely legal activity and felt they needed to call the police????
  • 10 0
 @notsofastoverfifty: technically it was probably private property, and i could be wrong, but I assumed patrol was probably more like hospital security rather than cops. Not really that surprising that they might not be that happy with it.
  • 4 2
 @notsofastoverfifty: Not sure pedaling across all those lanes in traffic is completely legal. Sorry let me rephrase that for clarity: pedaling across traffic lanes like that is 100% illegal.
  • 1 0
 @Mugen: I did not know that. In NZ you're allowed to cross the road without breaking the law. We don't have that daft jay-walking offence :-)
  • 16 1
 "I'm gonna go home to my kids now" perfect ending, Cam's attitude, love for biking and skill level is off the hook, infectious and inspiring. love his vlogs.
  • 13 0
 So much fun, Cam's video's always make me happy!!
  • 11 0
 we need a sam pilgrim cam mcaul MTB hopper ramp collab
  • 5 0
 you forgot wyn masters. but yeah, technically you're right.
  • 8 0
 these video logs are so fun to watch
  • 3 0
 Literally just watched this with my wife and 17-year old son...and...we all loved it! Cam and company can put a smile on anyone's face....even in the act of illegal activity! [ - ;
  • 4 0
 This ramp looks totally safe.
  • 3 0
 I bet the Bend Police are happy that Cam and Dusty are not into street ! LOL Great vid boys
  • 3 0
 So awesome! Just listen to your neck/arm pain. Mine started in my early 30’s and now in my early 50’s it sucks.
  • 4 0
 keep em coming!
  • 1 0
 Man, Cam is such an awesome upbeat dude I always enjoy watching his videos.

That being said, no one can sell me a 300$ ramp that I could build out of plywood a a 2x4 for 15$
  • 1 0
 i have a ramp almost exactly like that that i built and i still found myself scouring the internet for where to buy one lol. i didnt end up doing it tho.
  • 2 0
 Why am I thinking Kermit the Frog? =)

Great series!
  • 3 0
 Inspired by Raha.
  • 1 0
 Great stuff. Cam and Dusty are a hoot and seem to be a couple of good humans as well....keep it up!
  • 1 0
 I'll keep watching, waiting for what shenanigans come when you are forty-somethings... love it, keep it up!
  • 2 0
 I wish my parents hit sweet jumps
  • 2 0
 ya buddy!!!!!!
  • 1 0
 Can always captures the fun! Love it
  • 1 0
 Cool to watch ! Love Cam's hype !
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